Joining the Infinity Family !

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Vaping Master
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Sep 30, 2010
Thanks Freaky. I'm sure everything will work out fine in the long run. With the set of batts in (no atty or carto on)when I push to switch the blue led lights for a split second and then goes out. Hit it again quickly and no light. Wait 2 seonds hit it again and there is a light for a split second. After putting an atty or carto on and pushing the switch it doesn't light at all. Not thinking its the batts at this point BUT I want the second set of batts to charge and check them out just to be sure its not the one set of batts causing the problem before sending message to Notcigs and having to send another in a couple of hours.

the Jeopardy song continues...............................


Vaping Master
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Sep 30, 2010
Well, at the moment (fingers crossed) after hearing from Mike and doing a few highly scientific "tap the PV on the floor a few times" its working again YEAH! Actually, the funny thing is it didn't work immediately after I tried Mikes suggestion so I wrote back to let him know no success. Started to turn the computer off for the night and while doing so paying NO attention to what I was doing grabbed a PV and started vaping- IMMEDIATELY realized it was the Infinity I'd grabbed and it was working.

Fingers crossed its still working in the morning !!!!


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Feb 12, 2011
Well, at the moment (fingers crossed) after hearing from Mike and doing a few highly scientific "tap the PV on the floor a few times" its working again YEAH! Actually, the funny thing is it didn't work immediately after I tried Mikes suggestion so I wrote back to let him know no success. Started to turn the computer off for the night and while doing so paying NO attention to what I was doing grabbed a PV and started vaping- IMMEDIATELY realized it was the Infinity I'd grabbed and it was working.

Fingers crossed its still working in the morning !!!!

Lol, I am a firm believer in the "take a bigger hammer to it" approach to fixing delicate electronic equipment!

I am so glad to hear you got it working!


Vaping Master
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Sep 30, 2010
Tomorrow clean the contacts on the batteries it might be corrosion on them ???
cant hurt !

Check that possiblity off the list. Cleaned battery contacts last night before sending Notcigs a message.

Unforuntately Classy Cassie has decided not to work again this morning. Will confer with Mike again when he wakes up.


Vaping Master
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Sep 30, 2010
ya Bovinia, POO !!!

Classy Cassie is on her way to CA to visit Dr. Mike. We tried several different things since late last night to get her up and running but she's being stubborn about not wanting to wake up and stay awake. I spent years being a customer service manager and I'm a firm believer that Good Customer Service is when all goes well with any order or purchase in the first place. GREAT Customer Service can only be shown by what happens when something goes wrong and how the vendor chooses to handle the situation. So far Notcigs has only shown me GREAT customer service so I have full faith at this point that Classy Cassie will return to me soon awake and anxious to provide the great vaping experience she provided in her first three and a half days with me.
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