Joining the Infinity Family !

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ECF Guru
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Jan 1, 2010
Well remember that Gran is in NY state so the e-cig ban has been in the news there I'm sure. And we all know that watching the "news" means only hearing the slanted BS that makes the sheeple bow to the gov't. :(

Shortest job I ever had was as a waitress 5C. I was 16, worked 2 nights at a truck stop. I spilled a creamer in this guys lap so I brought him some kitchen towels. I was standing there all embarrassed until he cups his crotch and smarts off, "You made this mess, you clean it up!" I gave him a loud Eff U, threw the towels in his face and that was the end of that job LOL.

Thats funny. I only had that job for 30 min. My most embarrassing moment was at a bingo game. They called a ticket number and next time you came you got free cards. I never went before or after so I didn't care but they called the number. I looked at my friend and said hey you won. Well they kept calling for whoever had that number to stand up and I kept telling my friend to stand up. Well my friend say's you got the winner not me and the guy is still trying to get someone to stand up. Finally realizing I had the ticket I stood up. My wallet caught the metal chair I was sitting in knocking it clanging to the floor, I turned to get it and my coat caught my coffee spilling it all over my cards and the announcer says "Now that is a happy winner. There had to be 500 people or more in there. I never played that game since.


Divine Bovine
ECF Veteran
Jul 17, 2010
South Carolina
LOL Most fun I ever had at work...When I worked the nuke industry, before I trained as a rad worker to calibrate radiation detection equip. I calibrated torque wrenches. Everything from in/lbs to huge ft/lbs and torque multipliers. I am 5'7" and at that time I only weighed about 125. In the shop one day my super handed me a 700ft/lbs torque wrench and made a bet that I couldn't make it click without a multiplier. I set the wrench up ub the cal machine, grabbed the handle, put both feet against the machine and gave it everything I had...when it clicked it flung me halfway across the shop!! But I won that $100 and a WHOLE lot of respect from the calibration team LOL


Vaping Master
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Sep 30, 2010
Woohoo!! Did you blow vapor at the mean old bitty at work?! :p

Not yet, she doesn't come back to work full time until next week. Instead I printed out enough stuff on e-cigs to keep her busy for a while if she cares to read any of it and of coarse spent the day chain vaping at my desk to my hearts content just because I could ! I'm the acting Director in her absense.

Like I tried to convey yesterday, it was never my desire to vape at work at my desk ALL the time, just once in a while when she and I were the only ones in the office like I did for the three months she was at work and have done for four months since she's been gone. If she wants me to take lots of breaks to go outside I will enjoy the fresh air and she'll have to handle whatever needs doing while I'm outside. Her loss, not mine.

Its SO NICE to have Classy Cassie back working well again. I missed her. I think she's gonna have to have a notcigs sibbling after the Buzz Pro comes out !


ECF Guru
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Jan 1, 2010
YEAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Classy Cassie is home and working great !! Thanks Notcigs crew !
I caught another picyure of them working on your Infinity.



Vaping Master
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Sep 30, 2010
I wasnt planning to return to this thread but I couldn't help myself after tonights heart palpatations. LOL Sitting here vaping on Classie Cassy and she suddenly stopped working. Played with her for a minute and she worked for a short vape and gave out . NO NOT AGAIN!!!!!!!! Felt like too much similarity to less than two weeks ago. Didn't seem like it had been long enough to need to change batteries yet but always check out the batteries so off I go to change batteries. Put new set in and she's working great. YEAH !! Feeling much better ! Get out the multimeter and one batts down to 3.45 and the other one is 0.00. REALLY dead battery. Whew, I can handle that! Ok, not thrilled a batteries dead after 6 charges but I've still got a working set and I can order more. Off to place an order for more batteries.


ECF Guru
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Jan 1, 2010
I wasnt planning to return to this thread but I couldn't help myself after tonights heart palpatations. LOL Sitting here vaping on Classie Cassy and she suddenly stopped working. Played with her for a minute and she worked for a short vape and gave out . NO NOT AGAIN!!!!!!!! Felt like too much similarity to less than two weeks ago. Didn't seem like it had been long enough to need to change batteries yet but always check out the batteries so off I go to change batteries. Put new set in and she's working great. YEAH !! Feeling much better ! Get out the multimeter and one batts down to 3.45 and the other one is 0.00. REALLY dead battery. Whew, I can handle that! Ok, not thrilled a batteries dead after 6 charges but I've still got a working set and I can order more. Off to place an order for more batteries.
That can happen. I've had 2 or 3 batteries that I never used that were junk. I've been lucky with the Buzz and the Infinity because I've never had a bad battery with either. The best set I got are the first ones I got with my first Buzz. They are the oldest set I have and they outlast any of the other ones.
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