Is Big Tobacco really an issue?


Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 5, 2013
Thus, the problem this country faces. You live in an area full of brainwashed MAGA acolytes. That much has been made very clear.

I won't hold my thoughts back..........

Get the .... out of your Stupid Little Confines and Experience a greater reality versus the Brainwashed MAGA crap you've been fed and ravenously devouring, for Years. I've grown weary of "that imbecilic" nonsense, but have Grown Far Stronger in my Desire in seeing it Defeated, once and for all.

And.... before ....I draw the Ire of Others Here......... I hold both conservative and liberal values at heart. Values far too many have all but abandoned while growing Further Apart with all this lame divisive bull .....

I refuse to allow our Country to be torn apart by lame extreme far-right losers. Pathetic idiots whose main goal is to destroy our Democracy.

People of a "certain" age here can easily recall a time, not all that long ago, when People Reached Across the Aisle, despite differences, in order to see bipartisan legislation passed.

Enough is enough!!!

I, and many others, refuse to allow the disgusting extreme far-right to take hold of Power in Our Country. They don't deserve a single seat at the table. This Country always was, and still is, great...... despite the foolish talk of the one, and his followers, treacherous nature.

Yes, there are divisions....... but those, and I suspect most would agree, are not Rocket Science (as in, landing ppl on Mars or the Moon).

The extreme far-right is the internal enemy these United States of America face. Choose wisely.

Frankly, if my post angers some...... so be it ......I do not care!!!


You know better.

dog man

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2023
Western NC
I'm only here on this forum to learn and share what I've learned over the last few decades, (since 08). I was part of selling the Cig Like products out of a Mall Store 2 years after they were introduced to the public.
We are all (or mostly) coming away from a Cig industry that did us damage, and yet, they are now selling the very product we are consuming. Many are consuming their products that tobacco has bought into. tobacco has been a sinner and saint in a number of respects,

What I am not part of this site for is to bash others. It then goes off topic and gets childish.

Thus I will stop contributing to this subject...
Again, Thanks for stepping up.


Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 28, 2016
the Universe
At least I learned, a long long time ago that BT is no ally to vapers.

I also learned, a very long time ago, that some people on planet Earth are just very slooooooooow learners.

Unless a person can prove BT is an ally, using factual sources, such a persons opinion remains totally invalid. As in zip, zero, zilch, nadda.


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