I'm New! My Story and looking for good tobacco eliquid

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Coastal Cowboy

This aggression will not stand, man!
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Jun 13, 2013
Alabama Gulf Coast
Johnson Creek's Red Oak line has some excellent tobacco flavors.

Domestic is very good. Tennessee Cured is a less sweet version of Domestic. Silverthorn is a powerful, dark and smoky flavor that's a lot like pipe tobacco. I like all three, and refuse to run out of either Domestic or Tennessee Cured.


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Jul 27, 2013
Congrats Nova on hitting your milestone! I'm 15 days off stinkies myself. I too crave the tobacco flavors to help me get over the cravings so I've turned to some RY4 that I make myself and also vermillion river makes a delicious Kentucky premium blend. I've got some alien vision juice on the way so could tell you more about that later this week. Over the last couple months of vaping I'm moving towards more sweet and dessert type flavors like cheesecake, key lime pie, strawberry lemonade. YUM


Moved On
Aug 15, 2013
We are new vapors as well. Congrats on making the switch.

Personally, I can't stand the tobacco flavors. They remind me too much of my 37 year bad habit. But, it doesn't mean I didn't find the flavors tasty. When we started we ordered a juice sampler from Vape Dojo. Their tobacco and cherry tobacco flavors were quite tasty but I found myself wanting a real smoke. A friend swears by Liqua's Bright tobacco and Hangsen's RY4.


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Feb 5, 2013
"Somehow I'm envision myself with rows and rows of tiny bottles on my counter really soon!"

Samples will be your best bet. It's very hit & miss with tobacco flavors.

I currently use Boba's Bounty from Alien Visions & it's as close to a regular analog I have found. Although ordering from them can be quite the challenge.
Another option for samples is Parkes Vaping. They have more tobacco flavors than anyone I have seen. The owner uses tobacco flavors so that must be why they carry so much. Many flavors they have give reviews too.

Good luck & yes you will have rows & rows of bottles. That's just a part of it all.
Have fun.
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Happy Vaper
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May 3, 2012
Coldspring, Texas, United States
Congrats Nova, you've made up your mind, joined ECF and discovered what device you like. Now is when the fun begins. When I started I realized quickly I didn't really like any of the tobacco flavors. Heard about EC Blend, tried a few sweeter flavors, then for some strange reason found myself back with less sweet flavors. Now after a little over a year and a half, bobas bounty and naturally extracted tobacco . com juices are my all day vape. Good luck and keep this forum open on your browser. Every question you could ever have will, can and does get answered here.


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May 11, 2013
Vaping is never going to REALLY taste like a cigarette, but the good news is that MANY people, after vaping for a week or two, try a cigarette and realize "HOLY CRAP, THAT TASTES DISGUSTING!!".

Still - it's common to look for and enjoy some tobacco flavors. I still do.

For something that's reminiscent of Camel, you can look for flavors that have things like "Turkish" in the name. Or "Desert Ship".

I like some mild Turkish tobacco flavors, including by happy coincidence, a really cheap Chinese brand...
You can also perhaps try a couple RY4 flavors - every company has an RY4, and they're all different, but the idea is tobacco with some vanilla and caramel. Tribeca is a SORT of an RY4 though - so if that's still too sweet for you, try a different direction. I never thought I'd want to vape anything BUT tobacco - but my tastes have changed, and now in addition to some "Turkish" I also keep on hand things like "Banana Bread" and "Strawberry Smoothie". LOL.

Thank you all for your wonderful responses! I think I can do this... well.. actually I'm beginning to know I can do this. I'm pretty sure I can handle the increased trips to the restroom due to higher water intake vs the smell that seemed to follow me after having a smoke. The happiness on my kid's faces is worth every smile and "good job mom!" I get. Besides after the kick in the wallet I just endured, I'm going to keep on truckin' forward. I do actually like a lot of the flavors. I wanted a tobacco taste that is closer to the Camels I smoked that I'm working to get rid of.

Thanks for all of the suggestions, it's more trial and error for me as I search for that tobacco taste that I can live with. Just after 30 years of this, it isn't so easy to just drop the taste, I think it's still part of that desire to still have the cigarette experience, well at least as close as I can get it. I think there has to be some other addictive element to cigarettes other than nicotine (chemical wise). I will definitely look into all of the different vendors and try different flavors.

I am going to try to put my mind at ease that the cinnamon flavor isn't going to destroy my tank right away. I sort of feel like a kid in the candy store with so many flavors to choose from!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 3, 2013
Blue Rapids, KS, US
Thank you all for your wonderful responses! I think I can do this... well.. actually I'm beginning to know I can do this. I'm pretty sure I can handle the increased trips to the restroom due to higher water intake vs the smell that seemed to follow me after having a smoke. The happiness on my kid's faces is worth every smile and "good job mom!" I get. Besides after the kick in the wallet I just endured, I'm going to keep on truckin' forward. I do actually like a lot of the flavors. I wanted a tobacco taste that is closer to the Camels I smoked that I'm working to get rid of.

Thanks for all of the suggestions, it's more trial and error for me as I search for that tobacco taste that I can live with. Just after 30 years of this, it isn't so easy to just drop the taste, I think it's still part of that desire to still have the cigarette experience, well at least as close as I can get it. I think there has to be some other addictive element to cigarettes other than nicotine (chemical wise). I will definitely look into all of the different vendors and try different flavors.

I am going to try to put my mind at ease that the cinnamon flavor isn't going to destroy my tank right away. I sort of feel like a kid in the candy store with so many flavors to choose from!

Well, first off, hello and welcome from another fellow Metro Phoenix vaper =). Second, congrats on finally getting away from the coffin nails. Third, and to answer NiNi as well, yes, the vaping scene, especially in the Metro Phoenix area is huge out here, both of you are welcome to join us in our social group located here VIP - Vaping in Phoenix on the forums. Top pinned thread is a listing of the majority of Arizona vendors in the Metro Phoenix area, as well as Metro Tucson, Prescott, and other areas. We also have a large group of us that get together at meets with 3 chapters, East, West, and Central meets, believe the East meet was today, West chapter is next week on Sunday, Central larger meet is Sunday after next, you are very welcome to join us at either. There are several local vendors close to you I can point you toward given your location, Zikwid (a little pricey, but a nice lounge some of the veterans hang out at, and a couple of good experienced employees to help there), and Xtreme Vapour (nice shop geared more toward new vapor gear, decent liquid line, and not shabby prices on them either). Looking for a little more intermediate to advanced knowledge, and they are very new vapor friendly, Hi-Tec Vapor would be the place to go, also has a vapor lounge again a lot of experienced vapors hang out at, and cheapest in the Metro Phoenix area on juice prices with a juice sampling bar, and when in the market for a couple of glass tanks for your cinnamons and tank crackers, they do offer protanks and Anyvape Davide tanks (protank clone). Juices, anyone will tell you are subjective, so will echo what most will say, get online and order sampler packs, also when local, get yourself a "510 Dripping Atomizer" and "Drip Tip" for it for juice sampling, for those sample packs, and when at a local vendor that doesn't offer a juice sampling bar, 3-4 drips into the little cup, cap on the drip tip, puff away to test, blow it out from the connector end into a paper towel, on to the next flavor, also makes for an emergency device if your normal vaping attachment gives out. Things to remember about "Tobaccoish" flavors, there is no silver bullet, no marlboro synthetic, or Camel synthetic that tastes like the original, you will not find it. I myself went down this avenue, its not there, yet, the thing to remember, though it doesn't register when smoking the real thing, subconsiously you could say, your brain registers the tone in the icky smoke, Big tobacco, in their process to make cigarettes more addicting, use several steps to promote more nic out of tobacco leaf. 1 is a sugar soak, wether that sugar be straight sugar, corn syrup, vanilla, caramel, or chocolate water, just like fermenting beer or wine, these sugars make the nic more potent. So a sweetish tobacco liquid flavor generally is the best bet, you are already vaping one of the more popular ones, Tribecca, which I believe also has hazelnut as well as vanilla in its flavoring, and if that isn't your cup of tea, a more traditional RY4 (tobaccoish with vanilla, caramel, and some type of nutty flavoring), butterscotch, straight vanilla, straight caramel, straight chocolates, see a pattern here? Tricking your mind, mainly your subconsious, has vanilla tone, or caramel tone, looks like smoke, feels like smoke, doesn't taste like smoke, but has that vanilla I know (example only), okay must be smoke, but this is why RY4's are so popular, and even these are as varied as the individual vapor's taste from smokey, nutty, earthy tobaccoish to further over to the sweeter scale with more vanilla and caramel in the tones, I being an ex-marlboro smoker and I like the sweeter side of RY4's. Another method of juice choice, already retraining your brain switching to vaping, try something completely opposite of what you are thinking you will need, a fruit flavor, desert flavor, drink flavor might be what will become your all day vape "ADV". Keeping other flavors on hand, you might be like a lot of us, start with a coffee flavor in the morning, a nice fruit flavor part of the day, to a sweet treat flavor for after dinner and eating, ending the day with a relaxing tea flavor. Another tidbit, don't have to be at 24mg nic all day, you got 2 systems, the Evod (use majority of the day better battery life) and that Halo G6. Wake up in the morning, high stress situations, after eating, etc, 24mg in that G6 cartridge, then the rest of the day an 18mg or 12mg in the Evod, and when you need that extra kick, the G6 is right there to take a couple puffs on. Eventually you'll find out what works for you and get into a good routine, water, yep, keep hydrated, PG and VG are dehumicants and will dehydrate you, their bonding to moisture in your mouth and such is what produces that vapor you exhaled. Advice, or troubles, you have this forum, many local shops here, and a large support community locally ready to help if we can.

Good luck and vape on.


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Sep 15, 2013
Glendale, AZ, USA
What an amazing amount of information to absorb! I can tell I've got a lot to learn. I admit, I'm a little stumped on the 510 Dripping atomizer. :oops: I'm sure I'll learn! Since it seems like something that helps taste the different eliquids quickly?

My kit that I got from a local store was Xtreme Vapor. Those guys are great. The turkish blend I got from them however is a bit sweet, so I got their regular tobacco flavor with seems to end with a coffee flavor that doesn't make it so sweet, which is good for me now. I think I just need to keep testing until I find one that hits my pallet just right.

I definitely am going to give the RY4's a try and other Turkish blends. An I will keep the suggestions of trying flavors that are on the opposite ends of what I was thinking away from the tobacco flavors and see how I like them. Already I do find myself vaping the cinnamon flavor a lot. So if I keep vaping that, I'm going to be looking for a glass tank sooner.

I have another question, how do you change flavors in a tank? Wouldn't the wick hold the flavor of what was in the tank before adding a new flavor? Any tricks or links that can help me on this?

Thanks again for your help! I'm learning a lot!
Congrats to you! I smoked for over 20 years and my very last cigarette was May 18th, today has been 17 weeks! I too started with the "analog" cigarette look alikes, only did it for a few days than started using my little ego batteries. I now use an Innoken itaste variable voltage 3.0, I LOVE these batteries. and the iclear 16 clearomizers are fantastic! They give a nice warm vape and those tanks last forever! I go to alot of different online vendors for my juices..I've finally found my all day vape from Crystal Canyon Vapes, they're from Arizona. and they have wonderful flavors :) The Tombstone is my all day, it's a very light tobacco flavor. I also order quite a bit from Alice in Vapeland, from New Mexico. Their site is only open on Tuesday evenings 8 p.m. eastern. The black and white cookie is so freakin awesome! I'm a chocolate freak, and I'm always searching for the perfect chocolate vape :) Hooligan Vapes also has some pretty great flavors. Muppet Blood and Moundz to name a few, are YUMMY! well, congrats to you,and keep on vaping!


ECF Guru
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May 11, 2013
Just sayin'
Well, first off, hello and welcome from another fellow Metro Phoenix vaper =). Second, congrats on finally getting away from the coffin nails. Third, and to answer NiNi as well, yes, the vaping scene, especially in the Metro Phoenix area is huge out here, both of you are welcome to join us in our social group located here VIP - Vaping in Phoenix on the forums. Top pinned thread is a listing of the majority of Arizona vendors in the Metro Phoenix area, as well as Metro Tucson, Prescott, and other areas. We also have a large group of us that get together at meets with 3 chapters, East, West, and Central meets, believe the East meet was today, West chapter is next week on Sunday, Central larger meet is Sunday after next, you are very welcome to join us at either. There are several local vendors close to you I can point you toward given your location, Zikwid (a little pricey, but a nice lounge some of the veterans hang out at, and a couple of good experienced employees to help there), and Xtreme Vapour (nice shop geared more toward new vapor gear, decent liquid line, and not shabby prices on them either). Looking for a little more intermediate to advanced knowledge, and they are very new vapor friendly, Hi-Tec Vapor would be the place to go, also has a vapor lounge again a lot of experienced vapors hang out at, and cheapest in the Metro Phoenix area on juice prices with a juice sampling bar, and when in the market for a couple of glass tanks for your cinnamons and tank crackers, they do offer protanks and Anyvape Davide tanks (protank clone). Juices, anyone will tell you are subjective, so will echo what most will say, get online and order sampler packs, also when local, get yourself a "510 Dripping Atomizer" and "Drip Tip" for it for juice sampling, for those sample packs, and when at a local vendor that doesn't offer a juice sampling bar, 3-4 drips into the little cup, cap on the drip tip, puff away to test, blow it out from the connector end into a paper towel, on to the next flavor, also makes for an emergency device if your normal vaping attachment gives out. Things to remember about "Tobaccoish" flavors, there is no silver bullet, no marlboro synthetic, or Camel synthetic that tastes like the original, you will not find it. I myself went down this avenue, its not there, yet, the thing to remember, though it doesn't register when smoking the real thing, subconsiously you could say, your brain registers the tone in the icky smoke, Big tobacco, in their process to make cigarettes more addicting, use several steps to promote more nic out of tobacco leaf. 1 is a sugar soak, wether that sugar be straight sugar, corn syrup, vanilla, caramel, or chocolate water, just like fermenting beer or wine, these sugars make the nic more potent. So a sweetish tobacco liquid flavor generally is the best bet, you are already vaping one of the more popular ones, Tribecca, which I believe also has hazelnut as well as vanilla in its flavoring, and if that isn't your cup of tea, a more traditional RY4 (tobaccoish with vanilla, caramel, and some type of nutty flavoring), butterscotch, straight vanilla, straight caramel, straight chocolates, see a pattern here? Tricking your mind, mainly your subconsious, has vanilla tone, or caramel tone, looks like smoke, feels like smoke, doesn't taste like smoke, but has that vanilla I know (example only), okay must be smoke, but this is why RY4's are so popular, and even these are as varied as the individual vapor's taste from smokey, nutty, earthy tobaccoish to further over to the sweeter scale with more vanilla and caramel in the tones, I being an ex-marlboro smoker and I like the sweeter side of RY4's. Another method of juice choice, already retraining your brain switching to vaping, try something completely opposite of what you are thinking you will need, a fruit flavor, desert flavor, drink flavor might be what will become your all day vape "ADV". Keeping other flavors on hand, you might be like a lot of us, start with a coffee flavor in the morning, a nice fruit flavor part of the day, to a sweet treat flavor for after dinner and eating, ending the day with a relaxing tea flavor. Another tidbit, don't have to be at 24mg nic all day, you got 2 systems, the Evod (use majority of the day better battery life) and that Halo G6. Wake up in the morning, high stress situations, after eating, etc, 24mg in that G6 cartridge, then the rest of the day an 18mg or 12mg in the Evod, and when you need that extra kick, the G6 is right there to take a couple puffs on. Eventually you'll find out what works for you and get into a good routine, water, yep, keep hydrated, PG and VG are dehumicants and will dehydrate you, their bonding to moisture in your mouth and such is what produces that vapor you exhaled. Advice, or troubles, you have this forum, many local shops here, and a large support community locally ready to help if we can.

Good luck and vape on.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 3, 2013
Blue Rapids, KS, US
What an amazing amount of information to absorb! I can tell I've got a lot to learn. I admit, I'm a little stumped on the 510 Dripping atomizer. :oops: I'm sure I'll learn! Since it seems like something that helps taste the different eliquids quickly?

My kit that I got from a local store was Xtreme Vapor. Those guys are great. The turkish blend I got from them however is a bit sweet, so I got their regular tobacco flavor with seems to end with a coffee flavor that doesn't make it so sweet, which is good for me now. I think I just need to keep testing until I find one that hits my pallet just right.

I definitely am going to give the RY4's a try and other Turkish blends. An I will keep the suggestions of trying flavors that are on the opposite ends of what I was thinking away from the tobacco flavors and see how I like them. Already I do find myself vaping the cinnamon flavor a lot. So if I keep vaping that, I'm going to be looking for a glass tank sooner.

I have another question, how do you change flavors in a tank? Wouldn't the wick hold the flavor of what was in the tank before adding a new flavor? Any tricks or links that can help me on this?

Thanks again for your help! I'm learning a lot!

Not so much, Kanger bottom coil tanks, which the Evod tank is, are really easy to clean, just a matter of running the head which screws into the base of the tank under warm water for a bit and let dry, another method is dry firing it outside of the tank until the wicks become white again. The heads are also replaceable so the tank and base can continue to be re-used, nor throw the heads away, they can be re-built and refurbished. Another bright side, those Evod heads also fit in the Kanger Protanks, and the Protank heads fit in the Evods. Xtreme Vapour is a nice shop for a new vaper getting into the game, so if that is the closest vape shop to you, Zikwid's Glendale location is probably next closest to you, 51st Ave and Bell, check them out as well, they will definitely have 510 drip atomizers and drip tips in stock, they carry several juice brands, Halo among them, though they are a bit pricey. Hi-Tec Vapor are at 23rd Ave (East of I-17) and Northern behind the Burger King, so there are 3 shops relatively close to you.

@Train2 - sorry for the wall of text, I had just got off a rough graveyard shift and was major tired when typing it -_-, my bad XD


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Sep 15, 2013
Glendale, AZ, USA
I'm excited. Thank you again for the help IMFIRE. I accidentally spilled liquid in one of my tanks where it didn't create any vapor and I rinsed it off. I was told to throw it away since I ruined the coil. I'm hoping that maybe I didn't? Zikwid's is pretty close to me. I'm going to visit them this week I think. Glad they carry halo eliquids. I'm willing to pay the higher prices when I'm impatient or in a pinch! Tribecca is growing on me :).

Ps. I didn't throw away the drowned wick thing. It's just sitting in my drawer now.
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