I'm New! My Story and looking for good tobacco eliquid

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Sep 15, 2013
Glendale, AZ, USA
Hi everyone, I’m new and I’m finally one full day free of cigarettes! Woohoo! I know, probably nothing to really hoot about, it’s only ONE day, but I’ve got a feeling that this method is going to stick. Why? Well there are many reasons as to why, but the thing is, this was easily the most painless way to cut the burning tobacco from my life. Well not fully painless as there was a learning curve I had to go through, but it wasn’t long and drawn out as I thought it might be. So why come here? I was a lurker, scouring the internet for information about e-cigarettes which I later figured out they are also called vapor pens. I poured over post after post reading trying to learn the pros and cons of using these devices. So I figured, my turn! You all helped me so hopefully my story can now help someone else who is lurking while thinking about quitting themselves.

Like many long term smoking stories, I’ve been smoking for over 30 years. Holy crap! It’s been that long? Where did all those years go? Oh right… living. I’ve tried many ways to quit, one that I wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole and one that worked for a few years. Cold Turkey nearly drove me insane. The patch couldn’t stop the physical part of the addiction, the gum tasted horrible for the short time the flavor lasted. The pill, forget it, I like living and didn’t want to risk the idea that I could develop suicidal thoughts. I did the slow draw down, weaning myself off of cigarettes because I was having children. It worked for a few years, but I missed the benefits of smoking (oxymoronic I know!) and stress of my life at that time drove me back to smoking.

Fast forward about ten years, my kids have been suggesting for many years, more like… “MOM stop smoking! It smells horrible!” They have pleaded with me in several ways about quitting. We would talk about addiction and how addiction is not easy to break, using myself as an example. They would tell me why it’s bad for me and sometimes even come to me with drawings! But I always told them, I will work on it. In reality, that was probably a side step, dodge and evade tactic to avoid taking action and to avoid going into another long drawn out explanation of addiction and why my kids should never start with cigarettes! But nonetheless, I wasn’t ready to quit.

Little over a week ago I read an article that piqued my interest, how e-cigarettes could be as effective as a patch in helping smokers kick the habit. Well the article was actually pretty lackluster. Already the patch had a dismal success rate for people who have tried it, but obviously it worked for some people. The e-cigarettes, in the article, were given marginally better odds at helping people quit, nothing to write home about. What really got my attention were the responses in the comment section. Success story after success story of people were smoked longer than I have, smoked more packs of cigarettes a day and accidental quitters. Accidental quitters??? That was a new one on me, but there were multiple stories of people not wanting to quit but ended up doing so, all because of these devices. I had to know more and I immersed myself into learning all I could and found myself here, lurking, reading and absorbing all I could learn. Trust me, there are some things on this site that everyone talks about that are still way above me, but I’m sure I’ll figure it out eventually.

I had formulated a plan; I was going to give this a try. I kind of already knew that the startup costs were going to be high just by the research I have done. I could have avoided one costly mishap if I had paid attention to suggestions of what would be a good starter kit for beginners like me. I don’t know what a mod is (still don’t) or atomizers, voltages, ohms (I’m pretty sure this has nothing to do with meditating) is or what they mean! This is like learning a new foreign language. Still more intimidating are the images of the set ups some people have! I was looking at light saber hilt after light saber hilt that could be more impressive than the ones carried by the darkest of Sith lords or the wisest of Jedi. All I could think was ‘may the force be with me’ that this works! But all I really wanted was one that looked like a cigarette!

So I told my kids what I was thinking. I swear you would have thought Christmas had arrived early by the looks on their faces. The darndest thing was they knew what I was talking about! What, have I been living under a rock? They knew about these things apparently way longer than I have and dragged me to the mall towards one of the Kiosks that sold ecigarettes. They stood there grinning like a pair of Cheshire Cats as I spoke to the guy. It was a very odd and unsettling feeling as he had me try smoking one in the mall, awkward! I kept thinking I should be doing this outside! He set me up with kit and $55 later I was giving these a try. Sadly this was the kit that was my mistake and a very valuable learning tool. First thing I learned, just because it looks like a cigarette doesn’t mean it will smoke like one. Second thing, vapor is king! If you feel like you are only sucking on air with the faintest of vapor, it isn’t going to convince you to quit, at least not me anyways. I found myself using these things and right in the middle, just lighting a real one because I was craving a cigarette! Not good, back to the drawing board and back to lurking for a solution.

No wasn’t going to give up that easily. I told my kids and myself I was going to give this a good try, the success stories that keep piling up had to have something to them. I needed to try again and find something that worked. I found the Halo site and looked over it. I went to YouTube and watched videos on it and decided to give that a go. Another $50 some odd dollars later I had a kit being mailed to me. Meanwhile, I continued to use the mall versions with lackluster results and ended up smoking more cigarettes than I would normally! YIKES!

This was no good, so I decided I needed to find a local vapor shop. Maybe I should have just smoked real cigarettes while waiting for the Halo G6’s to show up, but when I’m on a mission, I’m on a mission! The guys there were really knowledgeable and helped me choose another starter kit, $95! Holy Hannah! I haven’t even really started vaping and my collection was already growing! But these were vapor pens with tanks, the Kanger EVOD starter kit. We discussed why my mall bought ecigarettes were not working for me, the nicotine levels were probably too low for me that it wasn’t curbing the nicotine addiction part as well as the vapor production did not mimic the feeling that I was smoking. I chose a tobacco flavor and another flavor, Cinnamon both at 18mg. He showed me how to fill the tanks and I took them home to try.

What a difference a good kit makes! Unfortunately he didn’t tell me that cinnamon may crack my tank so I’m a bit nervous about that. So much so that now I’m looking at a glass tank since it appears that half of all the flavors out there have been known to crack plastic tanks. And I want to be able to try any flavor without fear of breaking my tanks due to the liquid.

Another day passes and my Halo kit arrived! It came with five pre-filled thingy-ma-jigs with Tribeca 24mg. Not sure if I’m fond of the flavor but the vapor it produces and the smoking action is really close to having a real cigarette. It ended up being my savior one night when I was at a bar surrounded by smokers, temptation all around me that I puffed on that Halo like it was my pacifier, it did the trick and I didn’t light up once.

Now, for the first two days of having kits that actually worked, I did light up two cigarettes more out of habit. When I realized what I was doing I put them out and picked up my vapor pen. Now it has been over 24 hours since I had my last cigarette! Woot! The cravings are just not there! Double Yay! Sure I’m trading one action for another, but the benefits are already noticeable at least with me and my kids. They say I now smell like cinnamon and not smoke. I’m breathing in mostly water vapor and not everything else that’s in cigarette smoke. I already notice that I’m not coughing as much in the morning.

The downsides (or is it an upside?), I’m drinking a ton of water! I seem to be thirsty a lot more. I feel like the vapor pen or Halo G6 is glued to my lips, I’m always puffing on them! I hope this desire goes down soon as the newness of this wears off and I vape less frequently. Finding a tobacco flavor that closely resembles the taste of smoke. So far everything is so sweet! So I’m looking for suggestions for a tobacco flavor that doesn’t end like I’ve sucked on candy.

You still with me? OMG! You just read 1,650 words of my rambling! Yes I counted as I checked the word counter on my document. What I hope is that my story inspires someone else who is thinking about giving this a try. Yes also another reason for me writing this is to encourage myself to continue this process. So far painless with the exception of the learning curve on the type of devices and how much nicotine a smoker should start with. Would I recommend giving this method a try! Heck yes! If for nothing else, there seems to be a taste for everyone.

Okay so back to lurking, or else I will probably hit you all with a bunch of questions! Thanks for letting me ramble! More than likely, any future posts will not be this long!


Full Member
Sep 15, 2013
Phoenix, AZ
Good for you, keep at it, and don't kick yourself too much when you have a smoke. I'm off the cigarettes completely since Monday, so closing in on a week with none at all. The biggest key for me was finding flavors that i really like, not ones that are just tolerable, but ones that are preferable to the smokes. Look around online, get some of the small sample packs so you can try some different ones. i dont want to shill for any in particular, there seems to be a bunch of good companies out there making some delicious juice, so have fun with it. welcome to a new journey.


ECF Guru
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May 11, 2013
Don't belittle that first day :)

So, yes - the Halo kit is better.
And Halo juices are popular - including some of their tobacco flavors. I'd suggest for now you try a couple others, and see if you can't find one to keep you going. On the other hand
a) I too started on tobacco flavors, and STILL always have some mild tobacco in a tank (I like Tribecca!), but you'll PROBABLY also find something else you like. Maybe a dessert, maybe a fruit, who knows?!
b) Halo is a little pricey - so you likely will, like most of us, make a bit of a hobby of shopping around for new flavors to try. Get small or sample bottles, read a lot of peoples descriptions (here, rather than on vendor sites), and seek out a few favorites.

The whole thing (vaping) is like a hobby - you'll want a bigger battery, you'll want to try different juices, and you'll wonder how you kept sucking in that stinky smoke all those years.

Finally - it is NORMAL to vape A LOT when you first switch. That may taper off, but don't sweat it - if you "overdo it" you'll know - a whole lot of nicotine and you'll get that "dizzy, I smoked too fast, I don't feel good" feeling, and give it a break. If that happens every day then you can get lower nic juice or puff a bit less, it's up to you. Either way, you're not smoking!

Susan W.

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Apr 30, 2013
Torrance, CA
Yes, definitely keep drinking water. You will still go through some withdrawals getting rid of the toxins in cigarettes but your withdrawals won't be as bad as stopping cold turkey. Might want to try some of the other Halo tobacco flavors. There are so many flavors out and they are all different so finding one that is similar to what you smoked might be futile. I started trying to find a tobacco flavor that I liked and wasn't very successful and while I was at it, I found that I really like coffee/mocha/creamy flavors better. Halo's gourmet line is good if you like mint or menthol.


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Jul 27, 2013
phoenix, az, usa
Nice rambling :) No, really. I know my wallet feels the pain of your learning curve & thankfully, I had friends try out the cigalikes, so I could just start out with egos (& move on to vamos & protanks & oh, the fun of the learning curve :vapor: ) My entire family has been nothing but smiles for almost 3 months now, since no one expected me to quit after 30 years of diehard smoking. And, I was one of those accidental quitters - I can't thank my friends enough for trying out ecigs!

Oh yeah, you're question...you might try Cuban Supreme Tobacco at vaperite.com. They also have 18 other tobacco flavors, which leads me to a better suggestion: you may want to contact them (as well as other e-liquid retailers) to see if you can get sample packs of tobacco flavours only. Who knows what you may find!! & even better, who knows what you may get for free (hey, it can't hurt to ask).

Also, & though I'm a big fan of the protank 2, I wouldn't be too worried about breaking tanks, though having a backup tank is a good idea. You should have plenty of time to figure out what you like (e-liquidwise) & whether or not that means you'll have to look at a new tank.

Welcome to vaping :vapor:


Vaping Master
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Mar 30, 2013
Portland, OR
Dang, I just love your story (all 1600 words of it!)!

I can really sense that this is going to be "it" for you. Congrats on your first day--you'll be even more surprised when you realize how relatively easy it is to just keep on going without smoking.

This forum is a phenomenal resource for learning about vaping, and it's the BEST for support! Every one of us here started where you are (well, 99.9% of us were once smokers) and we have all experienced what you're experiencing. It's an exciting time for you and this is only the beginning!

Vape on!


Full Member
Aug 9, 2013
Nova, my experience was similar to yours. I smoked for over 16 years a pack and a half a day. I have been vaping for about a year and tobacco free for about six months. Finding a good e-liquid that has good flavor to you and is satisfying that you can vape all day is trial and error. Sample packs are great for trying to find the right liquid for you. I had the same problem with finding a tobacco flavor. The problem is when smoking the tobacco is burning and e liquid does not. So finding a tobacco flavor that taste like the real thing has been impossible for me. I have tried flavors that say Marlboro tobacco that tasted nothing close to it, and I know what it is suppose to taste like. I tasted it everyday for over 16 years. There are good tobacco liquids out there, just know they will probably not taste exactly like the real thing. I vape a RY4 tobbaco liquid all day everyday. If there is one out there that tastes like the real thing I would like to know what it is. I have found the reviews on youtube from Smokie 901 to be helpful. He is a big tobacco fan and trys a lot of tobacco liquid. Congrats on vaping and getting off the analogs.
I am right there with you just quit and have several more flavors on the way....hoping to find one I love since the two I have are just ok. I also find myself vaping non stop and drinking a ton of water but my kids are so happy i'm trying so it's worth it. I have an eGo C twist and want to upgrade to a tank system once I am sure this is the path for me. I like the smoke effect, I like not needing a lighter and ashtrays, I like that I don't stink so finding a few flavors is all I need to be sold I think. Good luck to you it's not an easy journey. I smoked one today since my battery is charging- it better hurry up and charge lol.


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Feb 4, 2013
Paulden, Arizona
Is it just me? Or are Arizona peeps going "vapor" all of a sudden? LOL!
I found tobacco flavors not enticing, I don't know why. Could be like quitting alcoholic beverages, what's the point of getting a Moussey or a Shirley Temple? Maybe just getting away from anything that might tug me back in that direction.
I'm majorly addicted to Peanut Butter cup, a version of Chunky Monkey that'll tank any future purchases of Ben and Jerry's, and Cinnabons. And they don't have any calories, Muwahahaha!!!

Go the "Sample" direction, cheaper, quick and you don't end up with bottles of juice you don't like. There's a thread (somewhere) on the forum with lists of vendors who sell samples. Many let you choose which juices you would like to sample. I ordered from 9 different places 10 days ago, and have enough juice to last for a month! OMG! But I've have found some real good juices, and found which vendors have great ship times too! I haven't gotten to my Halo samples yet......these Moon Mountain juices are the BOMB! Right out of the bottle, no steeping time, just POW! Have some from Alice in Vapeland and have to finish off this other tank to dive into some more of them*evil grin*


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Sep 15, 2013
Glendale, AZ, USA
Thank you all for your wonderful responses! I think I can do this... well.. actually I'm beginning to know I can do this. I'm pretty sure I can handle the increased trips to the restroom due to higher water intake vs the smell that seemed to follow me after having a smoke. The happiness on my kid's faces is worth every smile and "good job mom!" I get. Besides after the kick in the wallet I just endured, I'm going to keep on truckin' forward. I do actually like a lot of the flavors. I wanted a tobacco taste that is closer to the Camels I smoked that I'm working to get rid of.

Thanks for all of the suggestions, it's more trial and error for me as I search for that tobacco taste that I can live with. Just after 30 years of this, it isn't so easy to just drop the taste, I think it's still part of that desire to still have the cigarette experience, well at least as close as I can get it. I think there has to be some other addictive element to cigarettes other than nicotine (chemical wise). I will definitely look into all of the different vendors and try different flavors.

I am going to try to put my mind at ease that the cinnamon flavor isn't going to destroy my tank right away. I sort of feel like a kid in the candy store with so many flavors to choose from!


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Oct 28, 2010
Congratulations Nova! You are well on your way now! Keep reading at ECF and watching Youtube - there is so much information here that will help you.

The best advice I can give you for flavors is to try everything. I know you are looking for tobacco flavors but it may surprise you to find that there are other flavors as well as tobacco that you will absolutely love. Samples are your best friend.

Good luck on your journey and I look forward to seeing your Vape-aversary post at 1 year!


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Sep 15, 2013
Glendale, AZ, USA
:) I'm just a tad slow jumping on bandwagons! But I will tell you when I went to our little vapor shop here in AZ, across the parking lot is a huge smoke shop and the vapor shop is just a tiny storefront. But I will tell you, its hard to find a parking spot in front of the vape shop and waiting in line to get to taste all the yummy flavors! I think we are catching on now :D.

I just need a new paycheck now! LOL so I can start ordering a lot of flavors and find the ones I like! I definitely know I don't want tobacco all the time, just right now to smooth over the transition. I do like my cinnamon. I also got vanilla and tastes great in the morning with my coffee!

I do like the idea of tasting deserts without the calories!

Is it just me? Or are Arizona peeps going "vapor" all of a sudden? LOL!
I found tobacco flavors not enticing, I don't know why. Could be like quitting alcoholic beverages, what's the point of getting a Moussey or a Shirley Temple? Maybe just getting away from anything that might tug me back in that direction.
I'm majorly addicted to Peanut Butter cup, a version of Chunky Monkey that'll tank any future purchases of Ben and Jerry's, and Cinnabons. And they don't have any calories, Muwahahaha!!!
Go the "Sample" direction, cheaper, quick and you don't end up with bottles of juice you don't like. There's a thread (somewhere) on the forum with lists of vendors who sell samples. Many let you choose which juices you would like to sample. I ordered from 9 different places 10 days ago, and have enough juice to last for a month! OMG! But I've have found some real good juices, and found which vendors have great ship times too! I haven't gotten to my Halo samples yet......these Moon Mountain juices are the BOMB! Right out of the bottle, no steeping time, just POW! Have some from Alice in Vapeland and have to finish off this other tank to dive into some more of them*evil grin*


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Aug 10, 2013
Tampa Bay
OK...was prompted to dump what was left in my tank.....in with AiV's Lemon Loves Cake.....is that "Bliss" or what? LOL!

Nova, looked at it like this, you have just stepped into a huge group of enablers, we will gladly help you in your new found addiction, er, endevour!

I bet your vapers tongue box is going to get alot of your bottles now that you star ted on you AiV treats :)
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