I am so embarrassed!

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Feb 3, 2011
Florida Suncoast

Too true... :(


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Oct 7, 2011
Spokane, WA
You know though, not ALL smokers smell the same degree of rank. I can tell if somebody is a smoker if they walk past or something, but most of the time to me, i can smell it but its not horrid or anything. However, there was one time when i was at Joanne Fabrics. This woman was standing next to me looking at stuff. I swear, I dont know what it was about her but she had the rankest, strongest, cigarette smell i have ever smelled. Like she smoked them and then took a bath in wet butts. I had to keep avoiding her throughout the store because it was soooo foul.


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Sep 17, 2010
Other Places
You know though, not ALL smokers smell the same degree of rank. I can tell if somebody is a smoker if they walk past or something, but most of the time to me, i can smell it but its not horrid or anything. However, there was one time when i was at Joanne Fabrics. This woman was standing next to me looking at stuff. I swear, I dont know what it was about her but she had the rankest, strongest, cigarette smell i have ever smelled. Like she smoked them and then took a bath in wet butts. I had to keep avoiding her throughout the store because it was soooo foul.

I think it's the brand they smoke and not just smoking in general. I work with a gal that you'd never know smoked. She's a closet smoker, husband hates it, and she only smokes one light cig at break...every break. I've never been able to smell it on her.


Vaping Master
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Apr 19, 2011
The Motor City
I think the smell has a lot to do with how you smoked. I only smoked outside for 20 years (started a family) and typically had a mint or gum going, and even my dentist was surprised I smoked. If you smoke in an enclosed space, especially now that it's winter, it permeates everything from your hair to your socks. It took me a couple months of vaping before my sense of smell got better and now I can tell at five feet if someone smokes indoors.


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Nov 8, 2011
Completely agree with 440BB, it is how one smokes that causes the smell. You can actually minimize the stench cloud by not exhaling or allowing the smoke to waft over and around your body. Like this is something to be proud of but I was once told I stink less than those other smokers at work. Yay me right ?

I was at the gas station store just a little while ago picking up batteries and I could really smell this other guy who was buying cigs. I wonder how I could have been so unaware of something like that.

Now I have another problem… My better half just told me to go get that other juice that smells like chocolate and mint. Apparently my favorite tobacco vape smells like cat pee to her.


Vaping Master
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Jul 20, 2011
Sunnyside, Wa
This reminds me of two things:

A coworker.. Even when I smoked, I and every other smoker there, thought this guy reeked. We all are still unsure of how he manages to smell like he rolls around in a wet ashtray all day, but you can smell him if he gets within 20 feet of your office door.

my car... I started vaping at the end of july and within a week seriously messed up my leg and could no longer drive a manual transmission, so I borrowed a car for 3 months. My car sat, totally closed up, I'm sure the summer heat didn't help any. So 3 months later, I finally got to a point where I could drive my own car again, I choked and gagged the moment I opened the door that 1st day. My car smelled disgusting, like the oldest dirtiest ashtray ever. It's been aired out quite a bit now and the 1 airfreshener I put in there after that has the car smelling like I dumped an entire container of fabric softener in there, but as soon as I can afford a professional cleaning/detailing I'm getting it done.


Full Member
Dec 26, 2011
Yeah, badly ventilated (especially moldy) "smoker" rooms stink horribly after some time. I've recently moved from a small dorm room where I lived and smoked for 1.5 years and I almost died when I came to clean it after a couple of days at the new place, even though I still smoked. Had to wash my clothes many times as well to get the stench out.


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Jan 25, 2011
Missoula Montana
Yuck, I had to run to wall greens 2 days ago too. It's cold here so I grabed my heavy wool peacoat for the first time this year. Big mistake, that thing stunk to high heaven and I didn't realize it till I was milling around the store. Every few steps I'd scrunch my nose, look for the nasty offender, smell my self and walk on. Oh, I was foul, it STUNK so bad I was embarrassed too :( apologized to Hubby and threw my coat into the wash. I just don't think dry-cleaning would have helped.


PV Master & Musician
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May 22, 2010
Central GA
Sensitivity rises when you don't smoke. Right after a cigarette, hot boxed in the smoking area, smoker's breath is the strongest. A huffing, puffing smoker scurry back from break in an elevator can be an experience!

I'll always remember my Dad coming home when I was a little kid. When you are young, your sense of smell is really sensitive. I'd be playing in the front yard and he'd pick me up and carry me to the porch and I could smell cigarette smoke, the chemicals he used in his air conditioning business, and even the scent of his aftershave from that morning. Sometimes, it's not advantageous to have a sensitive snoz.


Sage Tribal Queen
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Feb 23, 2011
Dartmouth, NS
Hahaha, my kids and I were just talking about this other day. We were out picking up some last-minute grocery items on Christmas. While standing in line, we caught a 'whiff' of a smoker who was whizzing past us and my daughter turned to me and said, "I am SOOOOOO glad that you don't smoke anymore!! That's what it was like for us (talking about my kids) every day...." Gulp!!!

So yeah, I hear ya and I share your embarrassment.


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Aug 12, 2011
I sooooo agree with the comments made here I am disgusted with myself for the 30 plus years of walking around smelling like that! I often turn to my wife and apologize for putting her through that since noticing how bad people that smoke smell. But I have noticed how much it varies from person to person it just seems to stick to some people worse than others


ECF Guru
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I have to agree with everyone here. I am ashamed of how bad my home and my body must have smelled to non-smoking family and friends. Both my husband and I smoked for well over 40 years. I have been smoke free for 6 weeks now and will never go back to those nasty smelling cigs. We have finally found the right set-up for my hubby and now he has been smoke free for 1 week. I thank God daily that this product was invented for those of us that just couldn't give up that nasty habit/addiction.
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