How we know PG is safer than analog cigarettes

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I like this... I shall use this while speaking at the hearing about the ban today.

Thanks, I'm really glad to hear it. Let me know how that goes, I really feel like this is an issue of critical importance...not just to me, but to millions of people with an addiction to nicotine.

I actually suspect that the monkey on the back of e-cigarettes is the "candy" flavors and the fact that these devices are safe enough for any age and could potentially act as a gateway to a nicotine addiction. The FDA is understandably and probably right to be concerned about the possibility of these being used to create new addicts.

However, even the possibility of new addicts is a worthy sacrifice for how many lives of people already addicted to nicotine e-cigarettes will save. I believe that continuing to restrict nicotine to people 18 years and up and proper labeling will be enough to prevent most new addictions from developing.

The FDA and the anti-smoking lobby are trying to legislate nicotine addiction out of existence. If passing a law could curb the addiction, I'd be all for it, but somehow I don't think it will work. Not only will this shortsighted view of addiction not help, they are acting to cement the burning of carcinogenic tobacco and restrict the use of these significantly healthier alternatives.

Along with our legal campaigning efforts, I think the next step might actually be to encourage people to use e-cigarettes without nicotine. I know all of the mall sales people I've seen usually vape without nicotine because they are demonstrating them constantly and would get sick from that much nicotine all day...but showing how an e-cigarette can be used simply for the pleasure of calorie-free flavor, the mystique of a cloud decorating your personal space, and the comfort of something to hold in your hand that won't shorten your life, stink up your home and clothes, diminish your senses, or make it difficult to breathe... Propylene Glycol has such low toxicity that it is classified GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) and was shown in 1942 to be a safe an effective germicide when vaporized and inhaled.


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Jun 25, 2009
  • Deleted by ZambucaLu


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Jun 3, 2009
Austin, Texas
This guy joined just to post this BS - - Look at his record - That's all he's posted anywhere!

Yea - I read the data sheet myself - While many of the above mentioned side effects can occur - The rate of occurrence and the severity of the reaction are all LOW to NEGLIGIBLE - - - - Read the sheet of which you speak - Compared to the dangers of TOBACCO SMOKING - Lesser of two evils by A LIGHT YEAR!

There are so very many things wrong with that list of panicky over-reactive hysteria peddling that I'm not even going to try - Just read the data sheet for yourself - If it irritates you don't use it - It only does that to some not 100% - GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT!

Low hazard for usual industrial handling. May cause respiratory
tract irritation

PG MIGHT give you a skin rash - TOBACCO WILL KILL YOU -

Material Safety Data Sheet

The poster should get involved in this movement as well - Facts About Dihydrogen Monoxide


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 13, 2009
Stuttgart, Germany
I have to now vpape with smokers

I was laying over in Atlanta...Anyone who has been in their smoking section knows that you could get your "fix" before you even light up. I was dreading having to go in there with my e-cig because I didn't want to breathe in all that smoke. I ended up going into a bathroom stall and puffed away undetected.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 13, 2009
Stuttgart, Germany
I wish they would do more studies so I can tell friends about how safe they are

ITA...since that one big "FDA day" (July 22) where the stupid FDA propoganda study was all over the news and in local papers, I've had several people ask me or question why I'm still using my e-cig. To be honest, the FDA study (coupled with the New Zealand study) made me feel BETTER. I read both, cover to cover and, they were both quite promising to me but I was more mad that the only information that was reported was that "2 known carcinogens (one used in anti-freeze) were found" (diethylene glycol (DEG) and nitrosamines). Especially when one of those "carcinogens" (DEG) was only found in trace amounts in 1 of the 18 cartridges tested. The other (nitrosamines) is also found in all NRTs. If I am only inhaling 1 (possibly 2) known carcinogens, IMO, I am better off than I was when I was smoking analogs.

I also found some great information about Propylene Glycol. The FDA approved it for use as a humectant in loose tobacco (so it has already been approved for "inhaling"). It's also being used as the carrier for inhaled Cyclosporine for lung transplant patients (Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. - Journal of Aerosol Medicine - 20(4):417)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 5, 2009
London, UK
While searching for something else came across this site --> Propylene Glycol : All about propylene glycol

It is a site created by Cefic - European Chemical Industry Council. It is an organisation representating many companies in Europe.

In the faq it says
Is propylene glycol safe for babies and small children?
From over 50 years of safe use, and from existing studies, there is no indication that propylene glycol has any negative effects on the health of humans, including that of babies and small children.

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