Has anyone had a weight gain?

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 24, 2009
Kern County California
When I quit smoking last year I put on about 15 pounds. I loved it! I've been skinny my whole life and it felt good to have a few extra pounds. Started smoking again and lost it all.:( Started to eat more when I first started vaping but I can't seem to put back on the pounds. With all these wonderful flavors sometimes I feel like I'm vaping my snacks instead of eating them.:D


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
Los Angeles
Yes, but I'm not sure it has to do with quitting smoking. I've been battling weight problems for years. I have a broken pituitary gland from a head injury years ago. My body loves to gain but not lose weight. I can fluctuate up to 10 lbs per week.

I am hungrier with vaping and was used to not eating breakfast. On the coffee and cigs diet for 22 years I rarely ate before evening. Now I'm hungry when I wake up but I still don't eat much. A granola bar and an apple usually does it for me.

I'm up 5 lbs in addition to my usual fluctuation. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to exercise for over a week because of the bad air quality from the fires around here. The dog and I make it halfway up the hill and have to turn around because my lungs are burning from the bad air. I hope it's better this week so I can feel the benefits from not loading my lungs up with tar every day!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 19, 2009
West Chester, OH

i never did gain weight when I quit those few times. With PV I find the same holds true.

In fact, I lost a almost 3 lbs of water weight since I stared vaping. Not exactly sure why that is.


The PG will dehydrate you. That's why you have to make sure and drink plenty of water when vapping.
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