Got my Reo today...need some wick help!

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 30, 2013
I'm torn when it comes to Koh Gen Do cotton versus CVS sterile rolled cotton.

The Koh Gen Do (KGD) is denser and easier to work with, especially if you are making long thin wicks for applications like the kayfun or Prometey. You can cut the exact size and shape you want, and it all stays together when you install it. However, one reason KGD is the go-to cotton pad for makeup removal (other than the chemical free aspect) is that it does not absorb as readily as standard cotton. This property makes it last longer and function better for facial cleansing and lotion applications. But in vaping, that's not necessarily a good thing. I think I prefer the way standard cotton absorbs - I can get more drops of juice into my wick with CVS cotton - the KGD takes in less, and the rest pools on the deck, which can potentially drown the coil a bit depending on your atty/build.

Also, I do notice a different taste with KGD - I may be more sensitive to flavor nuances than others though, so this may not be an issue for you. It's not a pleasant taste in my opinion... I have not tried boiling it yet. I may do that and report back - perhaps the boiling process will also impact the absorption factor.

I'd have to agree with you on two points: absorption and flavor.
Absorption isn't really an issue in my reo, but the kgd pads definitely hold a little less liquid in my igo-w dripper.
Flavor: definitely imparts and odd taste in the first dozen or so pulls. Where my sterile rolled just tastes kinda muted and cottony, the kgd pads have a distinct "odd" flavor. Not really "chemically", just odd.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 30, 2013
I've got a pile of sliver also and had the same thing, an undertone that didn't go well with my fruity juices and noticeable darkening of the coil, wick, and juice after 3 to 5ml.
And the official hemp thread hemp graciously sent to me by 2 different members (already prepared to go) had the same result.
Maybe with NETs or other robust bass note juice it would be ok, but "no, no, no, no, I don't smoke it no more....."

I was running the sliver with bobas and couldn't get through more than ~1mL before swapping out for cotton. If it imparted a traditional "hemp" flavor I think that would be kinda tasty - this just kinda tastes the way Elmer's glue smells...


Ultra Member
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May 2, 2012
Have you ever tried the xc-116? I get a plastic flavor when vaping silica, but the xc had incredible durability and flavor is on par if not slightly sweeter than cotton. Might be worth a shot if you're looking to switch things up.

XC is excellent! Lasts forever, great flavor.
I can build a coil/wick and have it last a month! Just dryburn every couple of days and that's it! Converted over from cotton as I found my self having to rewick cotton at inconvenient times like when driving. use cotton for home REO and XC for road REO.
I use XC 132 as it is smaller and great for microcoils!
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