Future of E-Cig, anyone?

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Feb 2, 2013
The Jungle
Nicotine will be lumped together with all the other controlled substances, making it either illegal or taxed to the hilt.
Cuz neither BT nor BP like the idea of their consumers liberating themselves from their yoke...
Didn't learn squat from the days of the prohibition...

Sigh. Not that this isn't possible, but can we please keep the buzzkill dark future predictions out of this thread and focus on technological developments?


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Oct 11, 2013
positive- vaping has reached its peak, regulated vaporizers are simple, and easy to use... inevitably a coil that performs exponentially greater and lasts for months upon months has been discovered, batteries the size of triple A, have a 9999mah, 50a...

negative- the government has imposed heavy regulation and while their is unflavored nic available from cig a like filters, and cig a likes, there is an underground of dedicated vapers who supply to the masses, and work towards reversing heavy regulation...


Vaping Master
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Oct 2, 2010
Amen. Just because some people are too stupid to correctly use something doesn't mean that it's a bad product. I'm not saying that there's no room for improvement, but I am saying that what we've got now is so head and shoulders above what was available three years ago when I started that if development apocalyptic ally stopped right now we would still be pretty well off.

I know and used what was available three years ago, today's is better. But we know the temperature range needed to produce vapor, and we know that the juice needs to be replenished at a constant rate while vaping, we know the air flow necessary to produce a nice warm flavorful vape, so where's the perfect topper now? Possibly in the future, but today's leave much to be desired.

The biggest difference between today's toppers and yesteryear's is how they need to be modded to work...:laugh:


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Sep 11, 2013
Eastern Ohio, USA
How about an APV that you can press a button on, and change flavors on the fly? Sort of a rotating chamber/wick/coil setup.

Now that Apple is working on the iVape, the future is looking very bright.

Yeah, but unfortunately, upgrades will be $400 each, the equipment won't be compatible with anything else on the market, and all your juices will have to be properly licensed, or you won't be able to vape them.


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Feb 2, 2013
The Jungle
How about an APV that you can press a button on, and change flavors on the fly? Sort of a rotating chamber/wick/coil setup.



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Sep 11, 2013
Eastern Ohio, USA

That's pretty much what I was thinking, but instead of changing colors, you'd connect a different flavor/coil setup to the battery.

I think it can be done, just concerned about how big it would be. Could you imagine something the size of 134 with 4 rotating atomizers on top?


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Feb 2, 2013
The Jungle
That's pretty much what I was thinking, but instead of changing colors, you'd connect a different flavor/coil setup to the battery.

I think it can be done, just concerned about how big it would be. Could you imagine something the size of 134 with 4 rotating atomizers on top?

No reason why it couldn't be done, but why bother when you can just have four attys and swap them out in five seconds?


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Feb 9, 2013
Lincoln' NE
I had a though about something along that line. But more of a mix on the fly. Micro pumps would deliver various ratios of flavor. For example on one puff you might get a balance of filling and pie crust. The next the crust might be stronger, maybe followed by a strong hit of ice cream.

How about an APV that you can press a button on, and change flavors on the fly? Sort of a rotating chamber/wick/coil setup.


ECF Guru
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Oct 23, 2013
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
I'm a strong believer of e-Cig.
It'll oneday (in 5-10 years?) replace the conventional smoking all together.

There are some 50 million people smoke in the USA.
However, even though this cigar like vaporizer is strong in this early market,
I don't see everybody sticking a big awkward device to their mouth.
The thin cigarette like e-cig is too limited in battery life and cartridge.

So, what would the future common e-cig be like?

Happy vaping :2cool:

Well sure you don't see everybody sticking a big awkward device to their mouth, and the thin cigalikes are too limited (for the price) for a chronic smoker, but:

unlike a regular cig, you don't have to use it or lose it: you can take a pull on an ecig then just stick it in your pocket.
Therefore when you are out and about, a cigalike, if you have a flavor that you like, can be quite adequate for the day.

the cigalikes are just about perfect for the not so heavy smoker; 1 cigalike might last a week for them.


ECF Guru
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Oct 23, 2013
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
Ah, this thread again. One pops up every couple of months. Interesting to see how perspectives change over the years.

IMHO the future PV is going to look like a cigarette, have at least a 5000mAh battery life, use some kind of gel or solid nicotine substance, and be variable power.

you're talking about the mobile one



ECF Guru
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Oct 23, 2013
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
At least it's something to chat about... I was getting bored with all the more recent repeats. :blink:

  • Using new tech - smaller, more powerful for their size, batteries.
  • Coil materials that last for months - perhaps years.
  • Concentrated juices (or gel/solid as SS postulates) that produce excellent flavor and last 3-4 times longer per ml than current products.
  • A reduction in questionable product choices, as the vape consumer becomes more savvy... and stops buying all the useless crap that floods our shores. Chinese companies that get wise, and stop producing so much junk - change tactics and start making better, more technologically advanced products - to meet the above, smarter consumer demands.

yes: coils- or more correctly - the heating system - that lasts indefinitely.
Maybe the heater will look like a flat plate. It might resemble one of those electronic capacitors- a thin disk with two wires for the electric connection.

I have no idea what is an SS postulate.

But for the juices, I forsee distinct from flavor, somebody is going to make smelly vapors.


ECF Guru
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Oct 23, 2013
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
Instead of VV or VW it will be MIND CONTROLLED power regulation via the government mandated brain chip implant.

Mark this day. You heard it here first.

Tapatalking on iPhone.
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vv vw, how about VT - variable TEMPERATURE. You set the dial to the temperature that you will be shooting for when you activate the atomiser.


ECF Guru
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Oct 23, 2013
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
No thanks on the solid nic, it would mean including something besides PG VG and nic.

I'd settle for a nice small box mod with easy controls, a battery that would last a week without the danger of venting. And a topper that could control the feed of juice without dry hits, flooding and leaking.

Auto DRIPPER / Liquid Feed.
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