Another Newbie / Green Leaf E-Cig

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Full Member
Jan 25, 2014
Houston, TX
Hello Folks,

I began using my e-cig two days ago and I love it. I haven't smoked a cigarette since early yesterday. My e-cig satisfies my addiction to nicotine and my smoking habit with ease. The best thing? I can use it indoors and it actually makes the house smell better, unlike smoking which stinks and stains everything.

I purchased a Green Leaf rechargeable e-cig at a local head shop/smoke shop. Only problem is that the button sticks sometimes. This is okay except when it gets stuck while it's turned on. I went back to the shop to exchange it the day after purchasing it and the shop's sales are final. They don't even guarantee the products that they sell will work. It really sucks. Anyone else having this problem? Anyone in Houston know of a good shop that sells a variety of e-cigs? Anyone have trouble with their Green Leaf?

Also, can anyone post a link to a good thread regarding the dangers of smoking e-cigs?



Super Member
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Jan 24, 2014
Missoula, MT
Hi Lisa,

Congrats on your choice to quit! I hope you stick with it! I definitely recommend getting in with a good kit, backup equipment and plenty of redundancy with your system. At least for me, failure means going back to I find it important to have a fairly good setup to try and stay on track.

I probably wouldn't support that shop anymore either. I don't have suggestions for the Houston area, but many online providers stand by their products. There are a lot of recommendations on this forum and even a "positive experience" forum here.

As for health and safety information, check out the medical research forums here. There's also a ton of information in this forum, where specific e-cig safety and health is discussed at length. Unfortunately, from what I can gather, there hasn't been extensive studies into the safety aspect, but that is changing. The consensus is that it's safer than ciggies, but not many of us really KNOW this to speak with authority. I really like this community because we're doing things like crowd sourcing our own research to try and answer some of these questions and concerns.

Keep it up and welcome to ECF!


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Dec 27, 2013
Tempe, AZ
Hey Lisa congratulations!!! I also started with different hardware than what i use now. I am in the Houston area, i can make some recommendations.

I am in cypress so i have not checked out stores down south.

For hardware i would recommend e-cig and vapor lounge in Humble, they carry Halo triton brand, this is what i use today and i am completely satisfied. Its not the fanciest but it works and is super reliable. Halo juices are also excellent. They got me to 30 days smoke free!

I have also visited Spring Vapors, good store, a ton of juice to try and they sell good hardware there Also! Not halo.

There is a store in tomball called k&d vapors. Their homemade juice is great. Try caramel cowboy.

A note on halo hardware, i am sure there are better things out there but for a beginner it is just fantastic. I dont have to fiddle with anything. It works.

Keep it up!!!


Full Member
Jan 25, 2014
Houston, TX
Thanks to all! Good responses. I almost purchased a Halo on-line today. But purchased a Volcano Inferno instead. Hopefully it will be a reliable and easy to use alternative.

I've smoked cigarettes for over 25 years. I actually quit 7 months ago using Chantix. Lately I've been under a lot of stress and when that happens I pick them up again. So I bought the ecig and haven't picked up a cigarette yet. Woo Hoo! Thank you for the support fellow vapors!
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