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Dekang juice review

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 22, 2011
Surrey, BC, Canada
I don't notice a change in steeping but lots today got to try my juices out and most everyone noticed the differences. if you are newer to vaping and a long time smoker, your taste buds just haven't woken up, because they definately all have a different flavour. maybe you ned to try in a different atty or wash the atty out before using


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
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Jul 14, 2011
midwestern us
Got 200ml of 18mg DK-TAB delivered from healthcabin the other day - $56 shipped EMS and it took exactly a week to get it. I had been getting the stuff from madvapes but they only carry 24mg strength and the spousal unit and I are trying to get to 0mg eventually. Also, I've heard mixed reviews of MV custom China juice so we decided to get the stuff from China instead.

I'm not sure yet whether I prefer DK-TAB or 3&5 but am pretty darned happy vaping either one - but in 24mg strength MV carries both for $10.99 for 50ml.


Forum Supplier
ECF Veteran
May 15, 2011
does dk juice benefit from steeping?

I found with the stuff that I got in NA that has the official sticker and lid, after steeping starts to take on a strong nutty tone by the last 15% of the bottle. All the Chinese stuff I have gotten has been from Heaven-Gifts and I found the flavouring on almost everything very light. Now keeping in mind I ordered almost a bottle of EVERYTHING when I first started and was still smoking 5-10 butts a day so as Pipeous pointed out and I wasn't thinking about it, my taste buds were probably still dead at that point :)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 22, 2011
Surrey, BC, Canada
I have been vaping Tobacco for the last 2 days on a mega xl carto. I had washed it out many many times after only using caramellbacco in it for a day. I got it white again. no smell... did the spin and dried on my network router with a fan on it. router gets warm.

ok this tobacco is very plain but has a fairly strong flavour. it is much like an american tobacco but it's not like any cigs I remember. not the real sulphury kinda usual taste, but a kind of sour aftertaste, if that makes sense. it's nice but not as good as 3 and 5. that so far is my fav dekang tobacco. virginia is second as it's stronger. kinda reminds me of a dumaurier.

hilton isn't tobacco to me, it's cigarillo. well they call it hillington. I love that stuff. that's what my e gar coming is for. be a 7 inch cigarillo. it's a treat vape for me and not an all the time thing but I'd like something always setup so just grab for a couple pulls and set it back down till next time. I'd probably vape more that way but that's ok. I've adv that stuff for a few days.

I am also liking having an atty on the reo more and more. it's just trickier on getting the perfect amount of juice in. but it's like the easiest dripping I've ever done. if you flood the atty twist it off, blow out a little and pop it back on and vape
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