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CDN Vapor - Company & Juice Review

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 19, 2009
Lindsay, ON
Hey everyone,

I have been meaning to write this review for quite some time, but decided to wait until I had tried a little more of CDN's hardware and juices before I posted. Overall my experience with CDN Vapor has been a positive one but I will remain honest in my reviews of course. Let's start with the juices;

CDN Vapor e-liquids

Apple - Tastes exactly like apple juice. Not as much TH as a tobacco (which is normal), but a good occasional vape for me.

Banana - Not my favourite banana juice, but not unpleasant. I enjoyed Vapors Kitchen's banana juices much more.

Canadian Tobacco - Very much a straight forward tobacco flavour reminiscent of USA Mix. A basic straight forward flavour that could easily be an ADV for me.

Caramel - This one really jumped out at me when I tried it. It's a very good caramel flavour and though it wouldn't be an ADV, it is definitely entering my rotation.

Chocolate Strawberry - This one is another one of my favourites but I consider this one an ADV. I can't get enough of it some days, but most I still fall back to my tobacco flavours. It's less artificial tasting and the chocolate really adds a nice finish to this juice. HIGHLY Recommended.

Coffee - Unbelievably, this is decent coffee flavour. I have not liked many coffee vapes but this one was surprisingly good. It is still a coffee bean flavour rather than a cup of coffee flavour, but it's not gross like most other coffee juices out there. Not an ADV and not in my collection simply because I don't like vaping coffee, I like drinking it while vaping.

Cream - Summed up in one word? Nasty. I have to be honest here, this juice did not appeal to me what-so-ever... It was a lot like inhaling butter... but I try not to remember it. Nuff said.

DuMaurier - Another solid ADV and is a great tobacco base with a hint of maple if my taste buds serve me right. I constantly hear "You smell like maple cookies" when I vape this juice and I tend to agree. Smells great, vapes even better.

Fruit Punch - For some reason this juice tastes like Skittles to me. I am not sure what it is about the juice that makes me think it is, but it is actually really good. It's good as an occasional treat but not much more or me

Grape - I'm not really sure what to think of this flavour. It tastes a lot like Purple Flintstones Vitamins, which I find a little strange to vape. So I mixed this juice with Apple and it makes a killer "GrApple" juice.

USA Mix - This is by far my favourite tobacco flavour available at CDN Vapor, and this doesn't really surprise me much. I was a pretty dedicated RY4, USA Mix guy when it came to Dekang and this juice is just close enough to remind me of it. ADV for days and days

Peanut Butter - A decent flavour, reminds me more of unsweetened peanut butter than anything else. I mixed a bottle of this with the Banana and it makes for an OK vape.

Players - Another solid tobacco flavour. CDN Vapor seems to do tobaccos right because even though this juice isn't "remarkable" in the sense of tasting like the real thing, it is a great flavour and makes it's way into my rotation whenever I feel like a bit of a change.

Waffle - At first, I didn't like this juice much but after getting to know it a little, I found it is a good flavour. I ended up vaping away all of the waffle I bought quickly enough and vaped it as an ADV easily. For Rath fans, this juice will disappoint unfortunately, but I really like it.

Company Review

Overall, I find Al's Customer Service to be top notch and he has a very good line of tobacco flavours, fruit flavours and cartos galore (I just placed my order for 10 of those 3.5 ml Dual Coil SmokTech Cartos to give them a shot). Anyone looking for Henseng e-liquid, CDN vapor is the place to be in Canada IMHO.

Whenever there has been a complication with my order, Al has always made it right and even thrown in extras for the hassle. Top notch and I recommend above all the Chocolate Strawberry and USA Mix.

Next review coming up will be CDN Vapor's kr808d1 bottom coil cartomizers vs. Bloog Maxx Fusion Cartomizers and Echo 510 Cone Style Bottom Coil Cartomizers
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 19, 2009
Lindsay, ON
Nice.....I ordered Caramel and DuMauier yesterday so looks like I made a couple of good choices.....I also ordered Licorice.....imagine being able to suck on Licorice all day without wrecking your teeth!!!! I'm desperate to try that one!!!!

Sounds like an interesting juice that's for sure! Let me know how it is and I might just pick some up sometime. :) I have Juicy Peach on the way to try out too so I will post a review on that one for sure as well, but I hear great things about it.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 2, 2011
Sask, Can
thx for review, considering a order now :)

Nice.....I ordered Caramel and DuMauier yesterday so looks like I made a couple of good choices.....I also ordered Licorice.....imagine being able to suck on Licorice all day without wrecking your teeth!!!! I'm desperate to try that one!!!!

If ur looking for a black licorice flavor, id HIGHLY suggest Jägerbomb from MFS. Even in the tank this flavour rockkks its my main ADV =) i orderd 250 ml of it on my last order =) lol
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