BIG UPDATE Please Read!! IKV

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Jan 1, 2010
Thanks buddy! :lol: you mean Malibu bay breeze as for me, 'm a Longisland guy :laugh:I love flavored (girlie) drinks with an extra kick of course

Ah Grey's you're sister!! What a small world! Man, she's awesome. Definitely can't wait to meet her in person. Real genuine she is. Here's some eye-candy for your buddy!

DAYUMMM SAWEEEEET!!! You and the Mrs. have a wonderful time My friend and make sure to take plenty of pics. so we can enjoy the good times with you. If ever anyone deserved a little R&R it's you and Mrs. Ikenvape. I'm having fun just thinking about it. Love ya My Friend.


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Oct 19, 2010
thanks friend drooled over the picture lol..he said he is half tempted to drive 3 hours to vapestock to buy one..its hard for him because he is handicapped but he wants it bad lol...yea greymattergirl is my sis, shes an interesting one lol...I went down there and had her try your fusions and she fell in love with them. She had gotten into cartos and I was like try IKV, I heard they were good and she was sooo happy. She said she is still on the fence about going to vapestock so you should call her or email her and talk her into it lol...any idea of when the .50cal will be coming out?


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Mar 13, 2010
O.K. I understand your busy...REALLY I DO. a package today and it only contained 1 510 HV atty,:( I PayPal'ed ya the 15.98 for two additional attys, but they weren't in the pkg. I have e-mailed ya, but haven't gotten a response... And I e-mailed ya last Fri. after PP the money..but never got a Im tryin this......:(


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 18, 2010
Dartmouth, NS Canada
O.K. I understand your busy...REALLY I DO. a package today and it only contained 1 510 HV atty,:( I PayPal'ed ya the 15.98 for two additional attys, but they weren't in the pkg. I have e-mailed ya, but haven't gotten a response... And I e-mailed ya last Fri. after PP the money..but never got a Im tryin this......:(

Let's quit some of the BS here. Isaac will always make good OTOH you folks have to realize he isn't Mother Theresa! If you originally ordered one and then decided to order two more then don't expect friggin miracles. The fault is yours and now you have to wait form it. It will get rectified, for that I assure you. Next time when you place an order, please make sure you have your ducks in a row.

I know you were not expecting this response, but your thoughtlessness as caused unusual delays for others. :)


Ultra Member
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Mar 13, 2010
Let's quit some of the BS here. Isaac will always make good OTOH you folks have to realize he isn't Mother Theresa! If you originally ordered one and then decided to order two more then don't expect friggin miracles. The fault is yours and now you have to wait form it. It will get rectified, for that I assure you. Next time when you place an order, please make sure you have your ducks in a row.

I know you were not expecting this response, but your thoughtlessness as caused unusual delays for others. :)

First and foremost...I have communicated with Isaac and as usual..They are on there way tomorrow.

And who are you...I scratch by pal...didn't have the 15.98 and ordered one around 4:30 am...before work(got my check a bit early ..around 10:00 am) contacted CS SAME DAY !! Isaac said "no problem, PP money here........and Ill throw it in your order" Got pkg. with only one.

Now....I didn't wait till it was processed and shipped...I didn't demand Isaac e-mail me and tell me to PP him the money...

And my post was in no way yours surely was.

One more thing.....Its nice to see your true colors "switched" . For that I assure you.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 18, 2010
Dartmouth, NS Canada
First and foremost...I have communicated with Isaac and as usual..They are on there way tomorrow.

And who are you...I scratch by pal...didn't have the 15.98 and ordered one around 4:30 am...before work(got my check a bit early ..around 10:00 am) contacted CS SAME DAY !! Isaac said "no problem, PP money here........and Ill throw it in your order" Got pkg. with only one.

Now....I didn't wait till it was processed and shipped...I didn't demand Isaac e-mail me and tell me to PP him the money...

And my post was in no way yours surely was.

One more thing.....Its nice to see your true colors "switched" . For that I assure you.

... and I apologize for that.

What folks need to understand is that all these changes, 2-3 emails a day from the same individual not to mention numerous PMs from the same individual (has my order shipped yet) day in and day causes unnecessary delays for all who shop at IkenVape. Why? Because of who Isaac is. Some folks take for granted his business ethics. I know I have learned a great deal from him. He is but one man, and he is no Superman, although at times I wonder :lol: No, he sifts through the emails and responds to them in a timely manner amidst the circumstances. Sifting through multiple e-mails from the same individual to ensure that his needs are met, is indeed time consuming. Wouldn't you agree?

While he is responding a sifting through he mails and pms, he is not shipping orders. I am privy to one case in particular that the individual changed his mind 5 times in the span of 2 days. That is time consuming and extremely selfish on the part of the individual. Unfortunately we have become a society of me, me, me, and instant gratification. From an old timer these traits are simply hard to swallow at times and hence my post out of shear frustration.


ECF Guru
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Jan 1, 2010
First and foremost...I have communicated with Isaac and as usual..They are on there way tomorrow.

And who are you...I scratch by pal...didn't have the 15.98 and ordered one around 4:30 am...before work(got my check a bit early ..around 10:00 am) contacted CS SAME DAY !! Isaac said "no problem, PP money here........and Ill throw it in your order" Got pkg. with only one.

Now....I didn't wait till it was processed and shipped...I didn't demand Isaac e-mail me and tell me to PP him the money...

And my post was in no way yours surely was.

One more thing.....Its nice to see your true colors "switched" . For that I assure you.

Well I have to agree with switched. The mistake was yours and to come on the forum dissing Isaac wasn't cool at all. He fills hundreds of orders a day. I had a similar order and told Isaac "when you get time" it was my fault so I didn't mind waiting because I knew he wasn't dealing with just my order. Oh and I eventually got my order. When special circumstances arise you need to allow for extra time.
BTW I like switcheds true color and would trust him with my life.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jan 23, 2009
Ok, I hate writing out replies in this fashion because it feels like it takes the specialness away from a good old fashion one on one email, but lets give it a shot! :laugh:
:rickroll:See you on Saturday Isaac:rickroll: Cannot WAIT to further my collection and meet all you cats! It's going to be one for the record books!

If you haven't been to Clearwater before, you're in for a real treat. It is stunning!
Rock on Steel! I can't wait to meet ya! Most definitely! Switcher said there is only one shipment of these here and one going out to Canada then the next series of the Caliber the 7mm will begin, then the 50 cal, then the Zinger (which is his most prized piece) Val and I had our Honeymoon down there! This trip is very important to us as much as VapeStock :)
Well, true, but I still want to see or hear about how it turned out! We've decided to hit up Rhode Island next month and Cape Cod in September since we couldn't get the time for this week.
Lol consider it done Loftie, we just packed up the camcorder and camera and have 3 other devices that have the ability! God, I Love 2011! :laugh: That's awesome that you finally got a good vacation coming up! You Have to visit Quahog :lol: (family guy reference) ahem carrot top! Seriously, I hope you lovebirds have a Super time over there!
Have a great time! You guys deserve this.
My man Baldie! Thank you so much. That would have been AWESOME if you Tabby were coming but being where you guys, it's pretty far from all the events lol
VERY exciting news... I hate to see you go, but I hope you enjoy your vacation!

Cherry Limeade sounds FANTASTIC! I've tried a few, hopefully you guys nailed it... we shall see!
Right on Chorn! I'm pretty sure it came out as matching as can be. It will definitely be worth checking out.
Good lord! I blow all my cash on a Provari, and then you come up with this orgasm on vapes...Well...perhaps in a couple months I will need a "backup PV"...
LOL No worries Dalton, for a strictly handmade with no OEM parts piece of art like this it will definitely not break the wallet :)
So the ones going to vapestock will be sold there..the calibers ?? How will I ever get one ? I mean Im still gonna try..will be like tryin to hit the lottery.

Have some fun Isaac...seriously..take a break, you and Val deserve it !!
Haha no worries War, i'm only bringing a quarter of them. There's 3/4 to go around afterall. Look at it like E3 expo, when people come, they get to try out all the new things and toy around before the general public. I want to give this Vapestock a really good time, although, we are lacking the necessary equipment of 18350 batteries, chargers and 801 minis. :( In a sense other than the donations, it's another thank you to Pete54 and a hope to attract even more people that are attending to give them a good show and just an all around good experience.
Hope you have a great time question though. I was really looking forward to purchasing my first cartomizers from you as i have heard great things about your company. You seem to be out of stock on a lot of things and was wondering if you will be restocked when you return so I can purchase from you then
Thanks Red, No worries on that we planned ahead this time and when we arrive back there should be a nice array of boxes from numerous manufactures to ensure our shelves are fully stocked with new and legendary products :)

Have a great time down in Florida Isaac! you should stop into PJ's Oyster bar on St. Pete Beach and have a cold beer and a fried Grouper sandwich!! Man those things are good... can't wait till I'm down there in August to have one ;)
Thanks for the tip Mike! LOVE Seafood and a Grouper sandwhich sounds GREAT. PJ's, I won't forget it! Thanks buddy!

Have a great time Isaac, look forward to the Pear juice and the rest of them
Ooh good choice D, now that one is a real good one, it's nice and subtle but never misses a beat. I always look up on my desk hoping theres more of it :cry:
DAYUMMM SAWEEEEET!!! You and the Mrs. have a wonderful time My friend and make sure to take plenty of pics. so we can enjoy the good times with you. If ever anyone deserved a little R&R it's you and Mrs. Ikenvape. I'm having fun just thinking about it. Love ya My Friend.
Right on right on right on Jonny5! I'm so sorry about the lack of reply of your email, but please know any friend of yours is indeed of mine to my dear friend. Someday we'll meet. I'm Sure of it and when that time comes, we are so going to have a BLAST! Thank you and I love ya too with all my heart.

Congrats On the New Caliber. This is super sweet looking Issac.
Hope you have a great time in Florida too!! :)
Wish I could go. Love to meet all of you!
Dooooooooooots! and why are you Not going little lady!? Your av reminds me of Janine :( and also an almost identical twin to a kitty we used to have, rest her soul.

thanks friend drooled over the picture lol..he said he is half tempted to drive 3 hours to vapestock to buy one..its hard for him because he is handicapped but he wants it bad lol...yea greymattergirl is my sis, shes an interesting one lol...I went down there and had her try your fusions and she fell in love with them. She had gotten into cartos and I was like try IKV, I heard they were good and she was sooo happy. She said she is still on the fence about going to vapestock so you should call her or email her and talk her into it lol...any idea of when the .50cal will be coming out?
I wanted to badly, I tried to offer her a place to stay with us, but Val was kinda nervous because lil man Jake is coming. I was hoping that when/if she does come they can meet and hit off and Val can gain some security. She's a real shy person and had a pretty rough experience with life. As for myself, I relied on strangers when camping in the Keys years back so I'm more open minded lol You should definitely stop on by! People are coming from all over the country. Thanks for the recommendation Daniel, you really created a good friendship between us including Grey of course :D

hey Isaac
The weather down here has been great. I am suppose to work the weekend of vapestock but might have to take a sick day. Went to Clearwater last weekend and the water was about 85. My wife calls it tubby water. Hope i can make it to meet you. Thanks for all you do.
What's that Namle? Did I just hear you cough??? Oh my, I think you're burning up here. :D
The water was 85!? Now THAT is swimming weather! I seen that t's supposed to be raining on Sat. but Sunday on is said to be 90 degrees with nothing but sunshine. God, I envy you for living so close to paradise.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jan 23, 2009
It is nice to hear from you Isaac, I hope you enjoy your holidays very much and relax as much as you can, you deserve it. I haven't placed any orders for weeks to keep a few euros aside for my next order at your shop, nothing compares to your quality of your products and your kindness.

Have fun!

Hiya Blue!
Thank you so much! I been contemplating on 1st class shipping internationally. It will be significantly more affordable, but I believe it doesn't come with tracking information and lack of security can hurt the both of us. I promise to look more deeply into it when we come back :) Besides, you do Not have to place an order to join in on the fun of hanging out with us. Heck, look at Switcher! I got 7 orders from him :lol: Well he doesn't ever burn out his stuff though lol. No seriously though, friendship is always held more valuable than money. There can Never be a price on that. and please remember just because we don't talk as much as we like to with people that friendship and the same level of happiness as once was will always remain just as strong and never an inch weaker. :)


Ultra Member
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Jan 31, 2011
Lol consider it done Loftie, we just packed up the camcorder and camera and have 3 other devices that have the ability! God, I Love 2011! :laugh: That's awesome that you finally got a good vacation coming up! You Have to visit Quahog :lol: (family guy reference) ahem carrot top! Seriously, I hope you lovebirds have a Super time over there!

We will. I'm bringing an arsenal of gear with me too. Grand, both mini's, my egos, and smoketip. Figure I can advertise while I'm out there on the ferry for when we go to block island... ;) I love 2011 as well. Many good things are happening. Sadly... I don't watch Family Guy so I don't know the reference. Hell, I don't even watch tv. Thanks man, you as well!


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Mar 13, 2010
In NO WAY was I trying to "dis" Isaac nor IkenVape ! As busy as Isaac is I was simply trying to get him the information.

As an "individual" I had to re-read my post to find the dis-respect that was viewed by some. I now see it and for that I apologize. Sincerely I might add. And thank you Isaac for pointing it out..;-)..


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 17, 2011
Hiya Blue!
Thank you so much! I been contemplating on 1st class shipping internationally. It will be significantly more affordable, but I believe it doesn't come with tracking information and lack of security can hurt the both of us. I promise to look more deeply into it when we come back :) Besides, you do Not have to place an order to join in on the fun of hanging out with us. Heck, look at Switcher! I got 7 orders from him :lol: Well he doesn't ever burn out his stuff though lol. No seriously though, friendship is always held more valuable than money. There can Never be a price on that. and please remember just because we don't talk as much as we like to with people that friendship and the same level of happiness as once was will always remain just as strong and never an inch weaker. :)

Do not worry about the international shipping..

By the way, I've just realised I am on an american thread, there is no kissing smilies :?: :laugh:

(only kidding!!)

So big kisses to you & your wife!
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