Best battery with a LCD or Power Remaining Readout?

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Oct 7, 2010
New York
I currently rotate between a Joye Ego-T 650mah battery and an innokin Lea battery.

The Lea battery is awesome, I love it, and I've never had any issues with the switch locking up. The Ego-T battery is slick, compact, and lasts as long as the Lea battery (which takes up much more pocket space).

I've been looking for a good battery that reads out the power remaining like the Lea. I've found a bunch of Ego-LCD batteries, but I keep reading about how they read out inaccurate numbers.

I've been looking for a good 900mah+ battery to replace these two, preferably something that will fit the Ego cone (I treat the metal surface of these myself).

Anyone know of such a battery with accurate readings, fits the cone, and won't think my 1.5ohm LR atties are a "short"?

Thanks guys!


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Jun 30, 2011
Concord, NC
I like the VV eGO Batteries that Nhaler carries. They're neat - 3.4, 3.7 and 4.2 volt vaping. Note that only the 900mAh ones have the battery level indicator (5 LEDs). I don't know how accurate it is over time (I never had any complaints), but it's a good option for replacing existing batts.. Have fun!


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Jul 2, 2010
San Diego, CA USA
LR atty at 4.2v should be ok, but it's pushing the limits and I wouldn't expect them to last too long. A 1.5ohm atty is going to push the wattage to 11.76. But hey, it's VV, just dial it down.

USB means the battery has a USB port on the end for charging/PT use. (90% certain on that, at least it's the case for the Joye usb batt. Hopefully someone can confirm as it's been ages since I've used an eGo style PV).


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Nov 3, 2011
Knoxville, TN
A little more expensive that I thought haha, but I guess it's worth the price.

School me: Is a LR atty safe at 4+ volts?

What's the difference between the regular one and the USB? A PT like the Lea I'm guessing?
I'm useing mine with a 2ohm carto at 4.2volts. Works great
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