Advice for a li'l ole lady?

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Dave L

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Mar 8, 2013
Modesto, CA, USA
Well, the lady came by this morning, but she didn't bring her vapes! Instead, she went back to the vape store early today. At least she didn't buy more stuff. I got out some of my own spare tanks - a CE7 old design, CE7 new design, and a T2 - and showed her how to take each one apart and clean it. I showed her how the T2 I'm currently vaping has a scorched wick after 4 months of use, and how it does not have a bad taste yet, and how I have a spare head in my parts box, once it starts to taste funky. I don't think she paid close enough attention to learn anything, but that's how she is. I also showed her my dual-coil cartomizer and recommended she pick one up. It's pretty much fool proof.

I'll keep trying to help her as I can, and I sure appreciate the help I've gotten here! I know there are older folks out there who run into similar difficulties. Heck, there are probably young folks who have problems with clearos. I have a hard time myself, figuring out why this or that model works so well for so many people, but not for me. I couldn't get a Vivi Nova to work to save my life. The old-design CE7s gave me fits. Haven't tried the Evod yet, but will probably pick one up next week. Michelle's didn't work any better than any of her others, but I'm pretty sure it isn't the tank that's faulty.

Dave L

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Mar 8, 2013
Modesto, CA, USA
UPDATE: She continues to buy new equipment and insist that nothing works. She's driving our local shops crazy. I've offered many, many times to inspect her clearos etc., and show her how to maintain them. At this point I've pretty much washed my hands of it. She insists it's too far to drive to visit here, and yet she drives all over town to the vape stores to whine and complain. I'm afraid this is a lady who will just go back to smoking, and it's her free choice. Too bad, eh?


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May 23, 2013
Middle East
You tried and are still trying - that's great! It's wonderful that you are so generous of your time, skills and equipment.

I wonder if your friend is also in need of contact with people? I had a neighbour who was, in many respects, worried that if everything worked perfectly, she would no longer have a reason to come over for some conversation and contact. It was sad, really, because she was a lovely person who had had a terribly hard life and was very much deserving of simple, unconditional friendship.


Dancing in the Chaos
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Mar 20, 2011
San Antonio, TX
Thank you for the update. It's nice to have a sense of closure, at least. Sorry it didn't go better.

But, who knows? Maybe one day you'll run into her and find that she finally got tired of all the silliness and finally just did what you told her to do in the first place. Anything's possible.

Either way, bravo for trying.


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Feb 17, 2012
South Florida
It's a shame but I have also come across a couple people, one in particular, that I tried everything and gave juices and devices and etc, etc. there finally came a point that I had to just tell her that I have done everything I could to try to help her and I couldn't do anymore. She's got a great setup and has problems with the juices making her cough and getting used to the feeling of vaping. The only solution is for her to really want to make it work and try different flavors until she finds what she likes. But she doesn't have the patience and fortitude to do it, and I can't continue to try to do it for her. There comes a time when we realize we have to back off and they have to either sink or swim.


Moved On
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Oct 21, 2009
Wichita, KS USA
Posting this without reading the other replies, but I'm just throwing this out there this "lil ole lady" single and spends most of her time alone? It could be that she doesn't WANT to learn how to do anything for herself because getting help equals, to her, a social life. Sounds crazy, I know, but I've literally seen it happen.

In my experience, and it is extensive in helpdesk/training/etc, I've learned one great truth, "every single person on the planet is capable of learning" - if someone wants to learn, they will ...but, if they don't, they won't.

The second great truth is, "some people can't be fixed".

It would be sad to see her go back to smoking cigarettes ...but, ultimately, that's HER choice. Human nature is a strange beast, and not always in a good way. It is possible she wants to fail at this so that she can go back to cigarettes, but still say she "tried" - it's not really HER fault that these e-cigs where so "hard" to use (and, let's face, there's no e-cig made that is more convenient than pulling out a cigarette and putting fire to it).
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
  • Aug 13, 2011
    To many different products without learning how to use any one of them properly. The KISS method is the only thing that will ever work for her. If it was me, I'd confiscate all of her clearos and give her a box of cartos.

    All of the products you mentioned are capable of producing an OK vape, but none of them will if she is unwilling to learn how.
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