Should we "Educate" cigalike/disposable vapers we meet?

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Ultra Member
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Jan 20, 2012
Well I wouldn't be too motivated unless the person asked & cared. I actually liked the blu disposable when I used it so I can see other people liking it too. And the fact is that for some the blu costs as much as they were spending on their cigarettes anyway & they don't have to mess with it any more than they had to mess with their pack of smokes. so I can see them liking it for those reasons.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 6, 2013
Maryland USA
I really don't think it's my place to tell someone what to do. After all, we are all adults and entitled to make our own decisions. Being quite new myself, I understand and appreciate the simplicity of cigalikes. Now, if someone asks about vaping alternatives, I'm sure we'd all be glad to oblige...
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Super Member
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Jan 2, 2013
Mineola, NY
I talk to people all the time when I am at gas stations/7-11's, I ask them how they like it, tell them that I started off on disposables as well and moved up, because of the cost and quality.

I use an ego, either a mini spinner or a 650 standard with an EVOD, so it might not look as "menacing" to them.

If they are happy with what works, let them be happy, I say !!!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 22, 2012
Some people like 200 dollar mods. Other people enjoy 20 dollar clones. Some enjoy disposables. I like blue you may like red.

I enjoy the ease of disposables. If not chain vaping they are perfect. I didn't mind the taste of the Njoy I got for free. I did mind it only lasted 10 minutes. Not worrying about charging batteries, mixing liquid, dripping, re wicking coils and whatever else... to some is priceless.

If they have no interest.. they have no interest and you are just wasting their time. You may love vaping and the hobby aspect... other people in this world just want their nic fix and a healthier alternative. They may have kids and don't want nic supplies all over the house and the safety issues of charging batteries.

To each their own mate..:vapor:
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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Dec 8, 2009
Austin, TX
I really don't think it's my place to tell someone what to do. After all, we are all adults and entitled to make our own decisions. Being quite new myself, I understand and appreciate the simplicity of cigalikes. Now, if someone asks about vaping alternatives, I'm sure we'd all be glad to oblige...

I don't think that informing congratulating someone on their choice to switch from smoking to vaping, and then letting them know that there are better and less expensive alternatives quite equates to telling them what to do...

If they're not interested then let it end there... But a lot of disposable users aren't satisfied with their limited juice and battery life and would love to have something more...

At which point a simple and limited discourse educating them about some of the entry level devices that are available, the advantages of those devices, and where/how they can find out more is generally welcome information.

Done in that manner, I've NEVER had an unpleasant experience. I've had several people tell me thanks for congratulating them, but that they were fine with the disposables, and that was the end of it. I didn't push, and they were not annoyed.

I wish the options we have today were available when I started vaping, and that someone had taken the time to let me know.

Opening a door for someone is not the same thing as shoving them through it!

Apparently Necessary Disclaimer: The item(s), and/or vendor(s) mentioned above, were purchased/patronized for my personal use, and in no way sold by or affiliated with my business interests...

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