Search results

  1. Lightgeoduck

    Most Luxurious Personal Vaporizer

    OK.. there is a lot of garbage to clean up here,, so lets remain on topic.. No more insults, evading the forum censor program, and offensive statements, I really don't want to lock this thread and hand anything out. And "Freedom of Speech" is more than welcome, but following the guidelines of...
  2. Lightgeoduck

    Are you coming up on either 2 or 3 years at ECF? POST HERE:)

    I am not a lady, but I agree with your statement :) Nice to see you pop in again PTJD.. still flying sipping on wine and vaping I assume? LGD
  3. Lightgeoduck

    Are you coming up on either 2 or 3 years at ECF? POST HERE:)

    Hi CES Me either,, I think I changed the annotations on that video for something else... My favorite part of the contest was that I posted the video before I even mentioned the contest.. So some people watched the first go around for nothing :D LGD
  4. Lightgeoduck

    Are you coming up on either 2 or 3 years at ECF? POST HERE:)

    The video was a decoy :D.. I just like people staring at me :D my first avatar was something... and I will give no more hints :D
  5. Lightgeoduck

    Are you coming up on either 2 or 3 years at ECF? POST HERE:)

    LOL, yes and I know you worked hard on many of them :).. I will try to get it out ASAP, hopefully if it doesn't make it there in time, you will have another one the month after LGD
  6. Lightgeoduck

    Are you coming up on either 2 or 3 years at ECF? POST HERE:)

    Yeah that's what I meant, and that's who that is a picture of :P Close enough for me, and no finding it is not necessary if you can describe in specific detail PM me your address if you really want that lanyard :) I think there was a post about my first avatar/w image here, but not sure...
  7. Lightgeoduck

    Are you coming up on either 2 or 3 years at ECF? POST HERE:)

    Nope, sorry :D... not even close ,,, Damulta had the daffy theme there is a chance to find one of them, but my first would be really hard :D
  8. Lightgeoduck

    Are you coming up on either 2 or 3 years at ECF? POST HERE:)

    I have had only 3 avatars.. The first one to find the one previous to my current and long standing one wins a leaford lanyard The first one to find my first one wins one of my JantyStickV1 (the opened one :D ) Edit it may or may not work when you put it back together :D you can watch this...
  9. Lightgeoduck

    Are you coming up on either 2 or 3 years at ECF? POST HERE:)

    Wow, I almost forgot :P Thought to stop by and officially say Hey in this thread.. See some great people here, and this journey has been interesting 2yrs ago I wouldn't believe that I would say I am using zero nic, and vaping only on the occation. This forum of great people new...
  10. Lightgeoduck

    Lets Pictures Brighten Your Day! (just for relax)

    As funny as it may be,, lets keep it clean please Thanks LGD
  11. Lightgeoduck

    Question about Nicotine Stength?

    Everything seems to be covered to help the OP out along with the link Roly provided, which I feel it has helped. No need for anyone to rehash their point, everything has been said, and repeating it to change ones view over the others may be concidered futile. The OP discussion may of...
  12. Lightgeoduck

    Last person to post in this thread Wins!!!

    Shoot, I already have to clean her pool.. I never get a break LGD
  13. Lightgeoduck

    Last person to post in this thread Wins!!!

    GREAT I am a shoe in to win.. Good thing I am not a mod ;) .. I will wait to find out the prize before I seal the deal :) LGD
  14. Lightgeoduck

    Is advanced search broken?

    This has been passed on to the techies, but for the time being try using the google search box right above the standard one(top right of the page). It searches within ECF and does a fine job if I do say so myself. LGD
  15. Lightgeoduck

    Juicy Vapor opinions

    Here you go Zapp ;)
  16. Lightgeoduck

    a little some thing to ease the pain.....

    Look again,, and you will be thrown back on :) LGD
  17. Lightgeoduck

    a little some thing to ease the pain.....

    Or an Admin could do it,,, ;) LGD
  18. Lightgeoduck

    [Closed] Unregistered Supplier.. Thread invalid

    It seems like everything is under control, It is wonderful that people are pulling together. With that being said, I will have to close this thread, since it isn't a supplier sales thread any more, and the OP is no longer registered here to have a thread. Don't worry I have PMed the...
  19. Lightgeoduck

    Here's some feedback for ya...

    You are a regular Hallmark card OS. Dutch, thanks for the great words, I just want to add that you are a valued member on ECF as well and it's much appreciated that you made ECF your home LGD
  20. Lightgeoduck

    NEW RoyalSmokers C-E2 R4 Review, Tips, Info, Help, Video

    Turbo created this thread, I am not sure if stock has changed (it tends to in the fast world of vaping), but at least is will give you more suppliers to look at. LGD