Question about Nicotine Stength?

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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
And by the way, if you want to group "us" together, please know that me and wv2win rarely see eye-to-eye.
I am not on "his team" nor is he on "my team" in the general sense.

We've had our battles.

EDIT: But his heart is in the right place
EDIT: At least I'm pretty sure it is
EDIT: :lol:

Yes, DC, my heart is in the right place as I am sure your's is, also. Nice to be on the same side of a discussion. You answered his "ramblings" quite well. My biggest concern is that whether he realizes it or not (I suspect he does) he is leading new people down the path of INCORRECTLY thinking that if they vape more than 1ml a day of 24mg strength eliquid, bad things might happen.

Your advice, my advice and many others in this thread was basically: vape whatever strength and amount of eliquid you need to stay away from smoking and you will do fine and find what is best for you over time. Any time someone trys to equate amount of vaping to amount of smoking, it never leads to a good result.


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Apr 18, 2011
For example, you say absorption is only a fraction of tobacco. how much is a fraction? a fraction is typically referred to in amounts less than 25% IMO( I think it is safe to say wv2win agrees). So being generous i'll give you 25%. That would that would mean Noobs would have to vape 4mls at 24mg or 96mg liquid. which is more likely in reality? I think we both know the answer to that.

[stalker] So, what you're saying is that it's unreasonable for a n00b to vape 4 ml in a day? And if said n00b did do such a thing, what's the problem?

Your math is correct, but what's the issue with vaping that much nicotine. As you've stated in your argument, they would have absorbed 25% or 24mg (which was the rough equivalent to a pack). Which is what you were suggesting no?

OK, now I'm confused. I think I will step back and leave this thread. The math and "invisible math" just confused the h e "double hockey sticks" out of me.[/stalker]


Vaping Master
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Aug 7, 2009
jp(APO)Camp Z us

Everything seems to be covered to help the OP out along with the link Roly provided, which I feel it has helped.

No need for anyone to rehash their point, everything has been said, and repeating it to change ones view over the others may be concidered futile.

The OP discussion may of course continue, but this back and forth should stop, especially clouding up a thread in the "New Member's" area.

Thanks for everyones contributions and understanding the point I am trying to make

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