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Sep 25, 2011
Lehigh Acres, FL
I'm just sitting here enjoying a cup of coffee and vaping my morning P-38 and feeling pretty content. It just occurred to me that I've actually gotten to the point where I enjoy my morning vape a whole lot more than I ever did a smoke...the addiction appreciated being fed, but the sensations and associations were so...dirty, for lack of a better word. Not then of course! I "loved" the noxious smoke, the ash, the stink, the disgusting ashtray, burning nose and eyes, the roughness on the throat and lungs, the subtle (or not so) ache in the chest after smoking 45+ years, discolored fingers, not to mention what was going on inside my body that was really the worst of it. Plus that ever present realization that you were paying dearly to kill yourself...inhale deeply; exhale. Ah, smoking! LOL. Funny how your perspective can change so dramatically!

Even though I enjoyed vaping, for me, there was still that big something missing. No matter how I tried to rationalize and convince myself otherwise, it persisted, insisted, resisted! I knew I was in the minority, but some people seemed to need more too, WTAs. Did some reading and lo and behold, my hero hittman hooked me up with some snus so I could test out the theory for myself. I gotta say, the snus themselves took some getting used to, but the WTA they provided was definitely the key! I took a lot of razzing about having 3 addictions when I started with one, but I knew where I was headed and tuned them out. Thanks to Jerry at Aroma I was finally able to put 3+2 together to = 1! LOL . There are still occasions when I can't vape or would choose to use only snus, but it's nice to have options, and I am thankful for that. Some people even consider a few cigarettes a day as an option, and if it works for them I don't see any great harm. Personally, I couldn't do that because the cigarettes, no matter how disgusting, always seemed to win.

So now I can sit here and enjoy my coffee and my awesome menthol P-38 billowing clouds of sweet, clean, vapor, without any of those negative attributes interfering with my indulgence. If it weren't for WTA, I can say with confidence, I wouldn't be happily vaping right now. I just want you to know Jerry, how much of an impact you have on people's daily lives, and how important what you do for us really is. After 45 years of smoking I don't expect miracles, but a few more years with the grandkids is pretty damn close! Love ya dude!
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Apr 17, 2011
Charlie Girl, it seems to me that you've already received your miracle. 45 years is a long time to be a captive. When they let people out of prison who have been in a long time then they are no less blessed and perhaps even more so. My Dad smoked longer than that, from about 14 until his 70's, and he lived to 93. Your body does recover and while it does take longer to fully recover than if you didn't smoke for as long the healing does take place over time.

For many of us though it's not so much adding to life expectancy as it is the enjoyment of it. If I was ever going to break free of this addiction I was only interested in a true break from it, not stopping it but still wanting to do it. That's a lot to ask it seemed but you're still a slave if you give up something but it still has a hold on you. I talked to many people over the years who have quit and none seemed to have achieved what I was looking for, and even demanded, which was to feel more satiated after quitting.

So vaping seemed to provide this potential but it didn't really achieve it for me, at least with the regular juice. I'm not so sure that we are in that much of the minority as if you talk to vapers a lot of them still wear a ball and chain of various sizes. Any time you wish you were smoking that tells us without a doubt that they have truly given up something of value to them. I've never really been interested in that, and did enjoy smoking a lot, and if I ever were to quit I'd need something at least as satisfying and preferably more so. I'd have to feel better than I did straight up and not rely on the pats on the back so to speak, at a price.

Some may say we have simply found a new master but there's nothing wrong with requiring certain things to maintain ourselves, although we should definitely avoid those things which come at too high of a price health wise. At least, if we can substitute something clearly detrimental to us with something that is relatively harmless but can provide as much or more of a benefit so to speak then that's a change that is clearly a very wise one.

So we remain addicted to that certain feeling that using tobacco related products provide us, but have found a much better way for us to achieve it. Once we have made the transition, then the past doesn't matter anymore, as it really never does, and a new day dawns upon our life where we are now enjoying it more and the health benefits are an additional plus. Let others who have simply quit smoking grind their teeth and look upon smokers with a mix of jealousy and disdain, we haven't quit at all, just switched to something a lot better and there's no need for contempt at all because we aren't acting out of dissonance as they are, it's all pure satisfaction, and more of it than ever.

So that's a very happy and fortunate place to be in and each day that goes by is another day of freedom and also one more day of healing and you can't put a price on that.
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  • Jul 13, 2009
    Somewhere between here and there
    Very well spoken. I can't tell you how many people that I've talked to that quit smoking that still crave a smoke and who love the smell of a cig burning. I knew that situation would never work for me and it doesn't have to. Even though I use snus, I still very much enjoy wta and it is a very valuable tool for me and others who need that something extra to keep them level instead of just straight nic.


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    Apr 17, 2011
    Well there are probably a lot of folks who need WTA from either snus or vaping but have defined need differently than we do. Need for us is more like feeling better as opposed to what you need to not go off the wagon and start smoking again. The more we spread the word though the more people may question their own motives and desires here and maybe start opening their minds.

    Of course those who are ruled by fear and may even fear regular juice to a certain extent are going to be less likely to try new things. Personally if I thought there was something else I could be doing which could make a real difference in my life like this I would want to at least try it, out of curiosity if nothing else.

    One of the elements though seem to be what we could call sensitivity, meaning that people are smoking but not really being able to notice anything unless they stop, and try out WTA and don't seem to be able to notice any real difference. I've seen videos of these people, they vape some WTA, and say they can't tell, so why pay more for this. So those people are fine already I guess, but at least they had the courage to try it.

    I remember reading about e-cigarettes a few years ago in an internet article, long before I tried it, and the way the article was written I thought people were crazy to even try this. In spite of being a long term smoker I am pretty conscious of the poisons we put into our bodies and try to avoid that as much as I can, and inhaling poison antifreeze didn't seem like a good idea. So lucky a friend helped educate me and then I saw how this was all propaganda to scare you off from the benefits of using this.

    So I think we face the same thing to a certain extent with WTA, and you would think that these people would know better but the main argument in favor of vaping, and the one that has us doing it pretty comfortably, is the relatively low risk profile of nicotine versus smoking. So it's nicotine versus nicotine plus a lot more things and those other things are the ones that have been proven to be harmful.

    Ironically though, it's the whole tobacco alkaloids that have been proven to be safe, though years of studying the use of snus, whereas just the nicotine alone hasn't really been studied as much. Of course there are other things in snus but it does have WTA and if there were any issues with that then it wouldn't have such a low risk profile.

    So there's no need for the paranoid set to be thinking that there's anything to be concerned about with WTA, either in snus or in juice. However, just like many of us were turned off to vaping back when we didn't have the facts, these people don't have the facts and aren't thinking clearly either.

    I may try snus one day, you can't buy it in the stores here and I will have to order it from Sweden, but it might come in handy at times, for instance when flying, as the airline makes you stow away your PV and while I can go longer without vaping than I could with smoking, there's still a limit to that for me, like 3 hours maybe. Just the fact that someone like yourself uses Aroma juice and snus and likes the snus as well is enough to at least pique my curiosity. Many people are far less curious though and it would serve them well to be at least more open minded.


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  • Jul 13, 2009
    Somewhere between here and there
    I do order from Sweden but am lucky that one of my favorites is now being sold locally in my area and at a good price. General is being carried at all the local Quiktrip stations here and I really like the general mint. Shipping is kind of steep since the pact act was passed but I usually place large orders to offset the shipping costs. Sorry, I think I just got off topic.


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    Apr 17, 2011
    I found out that the government allows you to import snus but slap you with some sick taxes and what not which has it costing nearly 10 bucks a can. So that sort of defeats one of the big things about vaping which is cost. How long does a can of snus last you by the way? I know I should be probably posting this in the snus section but some other people here might be interested in knowing that as well.


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    Apr 17, 2011
    Somewhere between here and there doesn't have the high tobacco taxes that they have up in Canada. You can't buy it in this province at all, I've seen an online shop in another province but the laws prohibit them from shipping to another province. From what I've been able to find out the mail order snus comes labelled as a tobacco product on the customs form and they won't label it in a more generic fashion like merchandise which would keep the tobacco gestapo from targeting it and slapping a huge duty and tax charge like $80 a roll on it.

    So then it becomes pretty expensive, especially when you are looking to get high strength at over $50 a roll, so it's now over $13 a can. Probably a better deal than the $13 for a pack of cigarettes I used to pay here but still way more expensive than vaping which only costs me a couple bucks a day in total. Still though I might order a roll at some point to see what all the fuss is about but I'm pretty confident that WTA vaping is the way to go.


    Vaping Master
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    May 30, 2011
    Just curious to see out if anyone is interested in our new line of eliquid.

    Its not WTA but its close to taste and feel. Its a tobacco extraction done in our lab.

    We are not going to call it NET since that term is used too often and sometimes out of context.
    How does it smell?


    Unregistered Supplier
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    Mar 11, 2009
    Phoenix, AZ
    Sign me up, let me know when you have enlightenment and ecstasy.

    In order for to reach enlightenment and Ecstasy you will need to do the following.

    1. Pull out your favorite vape from Aroma or Red Tail and load up your PV.
    2. Take 2 toots from your ecig or PV and close your eyes.
    3. Then place your hands on your computer speakers. (trust me..just do it)
    4. Within a minute you should feel the warmth of the vapor radiate from your speakers.

    Now you should be able to see the allusion of enlightenment and ecstasy radiate from your speakers.
    We call it compu-vape, and its blissful.

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