Whole Tobacco Alkaloid (WTA) A users experience and insight.

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Charlie C

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For those that are unfamiliar with WTA you can read about it at the Aroma e juice web site.
Aroma Ejuice Whole Tobacco Alkaloid Eliquid FAQ

Although I posted a short review before I felt that after 2 months of use an update was in order.

Any product that ventures outside the realm of normality will attract discussion and debate.
Aroma's WTA has certainly been subjected to both.
There are those that have had positive things to share and those that remain apprehensive.
Others have even made inappropriate statements suggesting this is a marketing gimmick; quite frankly I find this to be counterproductive and moreover detrimental to vapers who either struggle with the transition or find vaping less satisfying than their experience with tobacco.

4 years ago I purchased my first ecig but due to my inability to find the right balance of e liquid and delivery system I returned to the comfort and simplicity of cigarette smoking. I would still periodically vape but I was unable to fight the grasp that tobacco had on me.
4 or 5 months ago I returned; determined to make this go around stick.

It was yet again a struggle and although I was still smoking I had managed to cut down from 2 PAD to 1.
Vaping was in essence a supplement and whilst a 100% reduction was my goal I realized that being hard on myself was too a counterproductive mentality. A 50% reduction was a good result.

I first purchased the unflavored or RAW version of WTA 2 months ago.
Although empirical research or raw data on the subject was limited, I knew that the only way I could satisfy my curiosity was to try it. However, I decided to place a call to Aroma in hopes of getting a few questions answered and gain some affirmation if you will and was pleasantly surprised that the owner answered and was so open to my inquisitiveness; not to mention his curiosity about my vaping journey.

The first day was memorable because I could count on one hand how many cigarettes I had smoked.
I'm pretty sure it was only four. Four, down from 20 was a satisfying result to say the least.

The first week went by and although I was still smoking my 4 per day I began to realize that for the first time in 35 years the actual taste and desire for a cigarette was wavering.

I have since tried a few flavors that are infused with WTA and whilst they are not as potent to me as the unflavored version they do have sufficient traces of alkaloid to offer that calming, relaxed feeling that is so often attributed to WTA.

Two months down the road smoking is a thing of the past. I still get occasional cravings but I'm able to keep them under control. I've even gone days without using WTA and my tobacco intake still remains zero. Whilst it's not something that I feel I need on a regular basis, it's nice to have around when you have those tough days.
I am not saying that WTA alone was paramount to this important lifestyle change. One's determination and discipline plays into this also.
My belief is that vaping in general becomes more natural over time; however I doubt my transition period would have had this result had I not discovered WTA.

I can understand those who have tried it still experiencing the desire to supplement vaping with additional tobacco use. Our biological and genetic makeups are not the same.
What is good for the Goose may not be good for the Gander.
However the fact remains that for many, WTA can provide an additional solution to get over the hurdle or even to add an extra dimension to the vaping experience.

For those that suffer during transition from cigarettes to vaping or perhaps simply wish to add that familiar level of satisfaction one gets from tobacco use I can say that this is a must try and I cannot understate the importance that this e liquid represents.


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Aug 30, 2012
Tripple digits half way to home
Agree with the WTA. As soon as I get settled into a new job I'm hopefully going to get some PG based. I've only tried it once and unfortunatly I can't handle the VG it contained. I did notice the difference in the effect it had on my cravings though. So yes I agree that if you still struggle it's worth a try.

Charlie C

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Agree with the WTA. As soon as I get settled into a new job I'm hopefully going to get some PG based. I've only tried it once and unfortunatly I can't handle the VG it contained. I did notice the difference in the effect it had on my cravings though. So yes I agree that if you still struggle it's worth a try.

Hey there tnt nice to see ya!

Funny, I'm the complete opposite in that I really like VG BUT I had a few toots tonight of the Beatle juice which is PG and feelin' pretty calm and relaxed right now :D
I love the fact that I'm not stinking up the house with tobacco too!

Thanks for your comments, take care


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  • Jul 13, 2009
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    Charlie that was a really good and honest review. Thanks for sharing your experience with us. I've been an advocate of wta since before it was sold to the public. I believe that it can truly help people who need it. For those that don't, good for them. It would have been nice to be able to transition with only vaping but unfortunately regular liquids didn't do the trick for me.


    Ultra Member
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    May 12, 2012
    +1 on this post. Well written, and so true. I don't think I could've done it without WTA either. I ordered the non-WTA in hopes that it's as good as (taste-wise) the others that I liked from Aroma. I haven't used WTA in a few months, but I've passed some on to friends to try, and I'm going to order a bottle or two of the P-38, which among the ones I've tried is the best menthol EVER!
    Another +1 on the owner. He's an awesome dude. If I were anywhere near his lab, I would definitely go to visit. He has an open door policy.


    Free at last
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    Jul 28, 2011
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    WTA juices are much more expensive and include many more chemicals than regular e juice. No insult intended, but if I can get by with cheaper and less chemicals, I feel fortunate. If you're looking for something in there to be offended by, that's your choice, there was no knock on WTA in my comment.


    Vaping Master
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    Aug 30, 2012
    Tripple digits half way to home
    For those that need it, WTA is apparently a Godsend, fortunately, most don't need it.

    I really don't think anything was meant by it. It's just a statement. I know a lot of people who were able to stop the analogs from the first vape. I also know a lot who are still in a daily struggle, such as myself. I envied these who had no problems with the transition. I'm just not one of them. Unfortunately my job situation has me watching my cash flow really close. As soon as possible ill be making a phone call to Alusions to find out a about my PG choices. I must admit that snus has helped a lot. IMHO.


    Ultra Member
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    May 12, 2012
    I really don't think anything was meant by it. It's just a statement. I know a lot of people who were able to stop the analogs from the first vape. I also know a lot who are still in a daily struggle, such as myself. I envied these who had no problems with the transition. I'm just not one of them. Unfortunately my job situation has me watching my cash flow really close. As soon as possible ill be making a phone call to Alusions to find out a about my PG choices. I must admit that snus has helped a lot. IMHO.
    Agree with tnt56 here. It's great if you can just quit with everyday e-juice, but many of us can't. For us, the extra money and chemicals are worth it, at least in the beginning. I never read anything offending in your post, gthompson - there are the downsides you just mentioned, but your avatar DOES look a little like it's a know-it-all... :)


    Free at last
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    Jul 28, 2011
    Tennessee, USA
    Agree with tnt56 here. It's great if you can just quit with everyday e-juice, but many of us can't. For us, the extra money and chemicals are worth it, at least in the beginning.

    Which is why I said it's a Godsend for those who need it, and there's no shame in needing it.


    Ultra Member
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    May 12, 2012
    Which is why I said it's a Godsend for those who need it, and there's no shame in needing it.

    Yes it is - if it weren't for that, I'd probably still be smoking... I'm in the hole, but I'm about to get out. Even if I weren't though, I'd have gladly paid what I'm behind for quitting the cigs so easily.


    ECF Guru
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  • Jul 13, 2009
    Somewhere between here and there
    WTA juices are much more expensive and include many more chemicals than regular e juice. No insult intended, but if I can get by with cheaper and less chemicals, I feel fortunate. If you're looking for something in there to be offended by, that's your choice, there was no knock on WTA in my comment.

    I don't find anything about your post offensive. This is a place for everyone to give their opinion and thoughts. I too consider you and anyone else that can stay off the smokes with regular liquids to be fortunate. For those of us that can't then I think it's good that there are other reduced risk alternatives such as wta liquid and snus.


    Ultra Member
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    Sep 7, 2012
    Sweet Home, Oregon USA
    I could stay of smokes for 10 years chewing Nicorette gum everyday. When I first started vaping instead I tried some of several venders out there and WTA was one of them. It sat in its bag about 6 week while I vaped some others and finally I got around toit. Mainly I was vaping 36 mgs and focusing more on equipment at the time since I had plenty of juice. When I started in on the WTA I was nt expecting anything because I hadn't been on ecf yet. Just wondered what this whole Tobacco Alkaloid thing might be like plus the idea of it intrigued me. Maybe I wanted to like it because of that but the fact was I did like it and I couldn't put my finger on why. Over the months of using it most the time, not all the time, I figured it out. For me, I tend to get flighty and kind of wired on just nicotine juice....the 24mg too since a lot of the better juices to me top of at that strength. I'm already a little wired a lot of the time and I used to smoke cigarettes to calm myself, focus better and cure some anxiety plus of course I was addicted and so NOT smoking caused the anxiety....you know the addiction cycle thing. Initially I started smoking to be all grown up. Anyway. I have gotten WTA in good size batches ever since. Both from Vapeliscious ( NOT VapeAliscious ) smaller supply and Aroma Juice bigger supply. Why would I care about price when I haven't smoked for most of my 60 years and used Nicorette for ten of those? The way I see it I get to buy whatever whenever I want and chose to buy WTA because it doesn't make me feel as jittery and I have never gotten the occasional nausea I have experienced with plain nicotine. I don't care what other people do. That's all the more WTA for me since Vapeliscious runs out on a regular basis. But this is a WTA thread and the original poster hit it right on but I wonder if he knows why it worked better? Not the science, just the why?
    Vapeliscious has not quit. In fact he said he's planning on reopen in the web site in a couple weeks. If he's been saying that all along I don't know. Something about his grandfather passed away and when he got back from the funeral. No matter really. His juice is the best tasting juice I've experienced to date. I've tried from over 15 venders. I would buy non WTA in a heartbeat from him if WTA got regulated out of the picture. Aromas a Pomogranite, Pinapple, Mahalo and Creme Brûlée are the same story for me. unfortunately a some of those are Red Tail line all VG and I prefer PG blend. I'm also settling in on 24 mg due to the consistent use of WTA. Both venders top out at 24 mg. the combination wouldnt work like it should if they went higher than that. Why? Well, I think it's because the nicotine would negate the pleasant effects of the WTA and also taste. I was having trouble finding high nic (36 mg) juices that tasted good. Still on a quest though because sometimes I don't have time to vape a lot and so I need a quick fix. Call it down and dirty! But if could taste really good why not?
    Peace, Courage and Strength for you all
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