What Made You Make The Final Leap To Vape?

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 13, 2010
My hubby "tried" to introduce me to electronic cigs about two years ago by voice, leaving pamphlets around and having me watch videos. However, ciggies were my love hate enigma. Nothing about it tickled my fancy. At a dinner party a person nagged me just to try it. I did and still wasn't impressed. The feel was hard, draw was very tight, and it felt like inhaleing air with very little smoke. All kinds of excuses for why it wasn't performing were given and I just smiles softly.

I met another person at the YMCA and she invited me to join her for dinner at a supper club. During the cocktail portion of the night, she asked me if I smoked. Yes, sheepishly I replied. Great, came an enthusiastic response as she pulled out her e-cig. I was impressed with the sleek black design with a blue glowing tip and mounds of vapor.

As she started to tell me all about her new found freedom, I was offered to try one for myself. After a few gin and tonics a cig really sounded good. She put one together for me with Blk Cherry liquid mixed with Winston @ 24 mg. Nice was my first thought after inhaling once. Try it again she said, this time inhale a little longer like drinking out of a straw. Man ... was that the BOMB!!!

We must have sat @ that table for 4 hours., vaping the night away and learning about the brand new world of mine. So for me it was having the right beautifully designed, working equipment and nice liquid that was strong enough for a 2 pk a day smoker.

What was your final factor making the leap from cigs, to e-cigs?


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Jan 7, 2011
Cape Coral, FL USA
So for me it was having the right beautifully designed, working equipment and nice liquid that was strong enough for a 2 pk a day smoker.

What was your final factor making the leap from cigs, to e-cigs?

Couldn't have stated it better than that if I tried...:)

My first blog describes my situation, if you care to read...but my story is definitely similar: introduced to e-cigs in 2009, not good enough to switch; and then introduced to one by a good friend as an alternative to the sub 20-degree F weather. It was an eGo...I was sold.


Full Member
Feb 22, 2011
My hacking/coughing-Health
Trying to keep it a secret from my kids (not to successful at that, but never let them see me smoke)
Stinking all the time
Getting ashes on my clothes, in the car
Burning clothes/car
Freezing my .... off smoking outside or in the garage
Paying too much for a habit I hated
My Wife always telling me that I stink, go use some mouthwash
Worried health insurance coverage from my employer will go up for smokers


Reviewer / Blogger
ECF Veteran
I had wanted to quit smoking for years. I first saw the e-cig on TV, there was some celebrity on a late show that pulled one out and showed the host (I think it was Leno)...

I thought about it, never went any further. Then, I saw a kiosk in the mall. They were letting people try it out. I took a few puffs, thought "Hmmm, not bad, not quite like a cigarette, but satisfying nonetheless". I was broke, so I didn't buy one (and thankfully so)

Then a few months later, I see one in 7-11... The Njoy Npro. $20. Cheaper than that one at the mall. Why Not.

It was great, I stopped smoking that night, and haven't looked back. After about a week or two with the NJoy, I moved on to a better PV, the eGo-T, and have been using that one since.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 27, 2010
Van Nuys, CA
Couldn't have stated it better than that if I tried...:)

My first blog describes my situation, if you care to read...but my story is definitely similar: introduced to e-cigs in 2009, not good enough to switch; and then introduced to one by a good friend as an alternative to the sub 20-degree F weather. It was an eGo...I was sold.

Great blog post, Porkchop. I love threads like this...it's really neat to hear others' experiences. Me...it was just a fluke. I never thought I could quit smoking, so never really considered an e-cig. Got a cheap "mall-kiosk-model" as a stocking stuffer and was intrigued. Spent a few days researching, looking for something with more "oomph"...eventually decided on a Vapor King from V4L. Got my kit on new year's eve, and I haven't smoked an analog since!


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Feb 20, 2011
I was outside with a girl on a date smoking and had a coughing fit that launched a wad of tar the size of a hairball that stuck to my chin and dripped onto my shirt. lets just say she never called. I spent the next 2 days of free time, about 6 hours researching and went with the sidesho. smoked half an analog the night after It came in the mail and haven't looked back.


Ultra Member
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Feb 9, 2011
♥ Minnesota ♥
January 14th, 2011, I went to the doctor for a sinus infection. She checked my lungs, then checked my pulse oxygen levels. She ordered Oxygen Therapy 24/7 due to worsening COPD .. and told me to quit smoking or I would be dead within a month. I was a 3 pack a day smoker for 37 years. I loved to smoke. I swore I would be smoking on my deathbed ... but in reality, I decided 47 was too young to die.

I came home, hooked up my oxygen tank, ordered a Blu ... it arrived Jan 24th, and I smoked my last cigarette that day. Been smoke free since. Have since switched to a 510, but I still use my Blu too.

Hope to get my lungs healed enough to get off the oxygen, trying a few new medications now that I've given up cigarettes for good, but it may be too late. She (my doctor) is nonetheless very impressed that I've quit and I sent her to ECF to research e-cigs for her other patients.

I've been nagging all the smokers I know, even offering to buy them starter kits ... hoping they will stop before they get to the point I had to get to before giving it up. Some of them are actually listening.



ECF Guru
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Aug 11, 2010
Left Side of Florida
Met a person at a wedding reception using one and it aroused my curiosity. Came home and went online and started researching, and well, ended up here....lol. Did quite a bit of reading.
Between feeling lousy, the increasing cost, and the "stigma" of smoking lately, I decided to make the change. I'll still have an analog just to see if I made the right decision once in a while and every time I find I .... the analog out quickly.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 2, 2011
Surfside Beach SC
I had my first experience with an e-cig on a trip to a wedding. My family and my mom were going to my uncle's wedding, I was driving my moms car. She smokes like I did, smokes in her house, but refuses to smoke in her car. Smoking goes with driving, like it did with everything else. My wife had been talked into buying an e-cig about a month before by her yoga teacher, so we remembered that, and brought it with us for the car ride (it was a Joye 510) well on the way up there I went till I was really jonsing bad for a smoke, and finally asked my wife if I could have a drag, she pulled it out, she took a drag, felt better then gave it to me. I started smoking it the way I smoked cigarettes, meaning taking like 3-4 drags in a row (taking a drag, inhaling, exhaling through my nose while taking another drag at the same time) I smoked like that for years. Usually 3-6 drags in a row, and to my complete shock, it felt like a smoke, it satisfied me like a smoke, nd I wanted to keep on trying it out on the trip up there, thinking this actually might work as a way for me to actually quit. Well it was my wife's toy, and she told me that I was using it wrong. I was only supposed to take one drag, pass it back to her and she would put it up for a few hours till we absolutely couldn't stand it anymore, then we could take another drag.........which we did for the entire 5 hour trip. It went ALOT better then it would have gone without it, but ith that I forgot all about it. My wife never used it, it just sat in her bedside table. Well about 7months later I decided I needed to quit again (I've been trying so hard since 1994, the best I ever did was about a month or two, and half of that time was spent in the hospital with pneumonia) I went one day, and was ready to kill someone, when I remembered that little pink fake smoke my wife had. I started using it, like it was a smoke, and it worked, well everything worked except for the battery. Sometimes I could only get 15 minutes out of one of them, so I knew I had to buy another one with a bigger battery, and bigger carts, so I figured out what I was vaping on, and did a google search for "Joye 510", and the first website I found was esmokeronline.com (luckily for me it was legit) all I was looking for was something with a longer battery life, and the ability to hold more juice, and I was loving what I had going now, except for those complaints so I bought (once again without researching) a Joye 510Mega, with car charger, and PCC, and lots of cigarette flavored juice. One kit for me, and one for the wife. This was just under $200, after I received that I found this forum, and saw the error of my ways and ordered a Joye Ego clone T-Rex, then I bought a tank atty/carts, and fell in love all over again, and bought my wife and I yet another kit, this should be the last for a while (I hope) an actual Joye ego-T kit from iVape, I am in love with vaping. It has saved my life. I have severe respiratory problems, I'm not on oxygen yet myself, but was very quickly heading that way (if I lived that long) I had to use my handheld inhaler at least every 3 hours a day, and I had a nebulizer next to my bed that I used 2-3 times a day, all of that just so I could breathe. Some nights I could only sleep on one side, if I tried the other I would cough so much I couldn't sleep, oh hell it wasn't some nights, that was actually for a number of years. I'm still amazed that something as simple, and relatively inexpensive as this has solved all of those problems.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Jan 7, 2011
Cape Coral, FL USA
That's alright, lol...I'm not much of a blogger - my attention span is way too short :oops:

What you wrote was just great...nice blogs! I left some comments for you; big recommendation for the "Beast that is Boba" for your tobacco woes...lol. You can find it at Alien Visions. Great customer service, FAST delivery, and wonderful juices.



Full Member
Feb 4, 2011
Central Jersey
I had been curious about them for a while, as I've tried to quit analogs numerous times in the past with very limited success. I had heard varying things about them just through word of mouth, the average consensus being that it satisfies your nicotine cravings and eases withdrawal, but the feeling of inhalation, flavor, and the buzz just aren't the same. I even got a chance to try one on two separate occasions at parties, one was a disposable, the other was a cheap "free trial" e-cig. Needless to say I was horribly disappointed by them both and lost interest. Just very little vapor compared to the smoke from a cig, and it felt like a step above inhaling air. I figured why should I waste my time and money with something I'm not going to stick with and will just leave me bumming smokes to satisfy my cravings anyway? So I forgot about them and went back to polluting my lungs as normal, until one night several weeks ago, I was sitting around dealing with a sore throat and a smokers cough, sick of having to go out in the cold to smoke, and contemplating the drain on my wallet, and decided "that's it, I need to quit for real this time." I decided right there to buy an e-cig just to help cut down on how many real cigs I smoked. I knew from my past experience that I wouldn't be able to replace my habit with it (or so I thought), but every less analog I smoked I figured would help. So, I went on ebay without doing any research and just bought one on a whim. I was surprised there were only a couple available, as I later found out ebay was restricting the sale of them, in fact the listing for the one I bought disappeared completely a couple days after I purchased it. The one I purchased with almost no prior knowledge of PV's was a new in box xpower 900, which came with 2 3.7v batteries, a usb and wall charger, an atomizer, a pack of carts, and a bottle of high nic juice for about $50 shipped. When I recieved my package I immediately set it up to test it out, and was expecting the same disappointing vapor hits I previously had experienced, but too my surprise I actually felt like I was smoking a cigarette! the draw and flavor took some getting use to, but overall it really felt like I was inhaling smoke and watched in amazement as I exhaled thick swirling white clouds of vapor, and I actually felt satisfied from it. I sat their at my computer chain vaping the whole night and didn't even think about a real cig! After a couple days of not needing a cig and being completely content puffin on my PV, I realized this was actually gonna stick, I had found my way out. I chain vaped so much the first week, and not knowing about proper atty care burned the damn thing out, I mean I knew I'd have to get replacements eventually, but not this soon. That's when I stumbled across this site and found all the info I needed. I realized how lucky I was with my purchase, but wished I had done more research since my PV had threads that didn't match up to most parts. luckily I found a site through here that made an adapter for 601 to 510 and ordered a bunch of 510 attys and cartos as well as various new juices to try, and my journey into vaping began. Now I'm trying my hand at building a simple juice box mod from a tutorial found on this site. I've found not only a way to give up tobacco, but a new hobby as well.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 28, 2010
the galaxy
I was becoming so riddled with health anxiety from smoking it turned into spending endless hours googling and self diagnosing myself with every illness, syndrome, and cancer on a daily basis. It got so out of control my doctor put me on zoloft and told me to seek therapy. Once the wheezing from smoking kicked it I was paralyzed with fear and decided it was time to make a change. I got my first pv, haven't smoked since and the days of scouring web md like a mad woman have been replaced with calmness, serenity and peace.


Ultra Member
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Nov 6, 2010
I'm a bit of a geek. OK, that's an understatement. I went on a girls' night out with some friends. The topic of e-cigs came up and I was totally mortified that I had never heard of them. A genuine gizmo that can be attached to a computer?!!? And I had never heard of them?!? So I went home and started my research. I decided to give them a try. The price of cigarettes nowadays is outrageous! I figured if I could cut my smoking in half, I'd be able to use this device to save a little money. I was totally shocked when I only smoked 3 cigarettes that first day after receiving my e-cig. I realized that I would be able to not only cut my smoking in half, but I could actually quit smoking completely with this thing. As a 2 pad smoker for 40 years, this was totally amazing!
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