Vivid dreams

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New Member
May 30, 2018
Hi to all vapours

I find that when I vape especially before sleeping I tend to have a lot of vivid dreams now usually I don't dream I know my sound strange but when I do vape especially when I use the high nicotine juice I do tend to have strange dreams I found that when I used the nicotine patches in the past this caused extreme vivid dreams so I cut the pads in half to lower the dosage of nicotine now I like the vaping because it helps me not to smoke and I feel a lot better when I do vape rather than having roll-ups as it makes my chest feel a lot better rather than feeling all clogged up and coughing up lots of brown mucus my question is really is there anyone else that has the same issue with the vivid dreams again thank you in advance for any responses
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Vaping Master
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Jan 14, 2010
Fla Panhandle, USA
I don't know. I tend to remember my dreams more, and apparently have more vivid dreams when I nap without need, i.e., not bedtime and not especially sleepy. And with a BAL of 0.00.

Maybe if you're really overloading on nicotine, it's keeping you from deep sleep?

But, Barda1, I seriously think you should forward your original post to Guinness for possible inclusion in their next edition, as the record breaking run-on sentence.


Super Member
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Oct 22, 2014
Jenks, OK, USA
I don't so much anymore. When I first started using snus though, I would occasionally fall asleep with one in, and the dreams would be crazy. I don't know if they were any weirder than my normal dreams, maybe as @bombastinator said it made me remember them better.

I've had friends who had similar experiences with nicotine patches. And I've heard the drug Chantix will also do it (Chantix works by partially activating the same receptors as nicotine).

So yeah, there's definitely a connection between nicotine and vivid dreams.


Vaping Master
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Jan 20, 2013
Concoction Creating Cave
Like was said above we dream almost every night it’s the remembering part that doesn’t often happen.
As far as the vivid dreams, when people stop using any addictive substance they tend to dream more. It’s the brains way of dealing with the lack of whatever substance we have stopped using.
Now you haven’t stopped taking nicotine but if you recently stopped smoking that may cause it. Because although you’re still getting nicotine, cigarettes have many different substances in them beside the nicotine so your body can be reacting to the lack of these things.
I rather enjoy my dreams especially when they are extremely vivid. Maybe you’ll get lucky and start lucid dreaming. That’s where you realize you’re dreaming in the middle of the dream. It’s happened to me once I can remember and it was amazing. Unfortunately it didn’t last long so I never got to fly or slip the surly bonds of earth to touch the face of God. Anyway maybe next time.


Ultra Member
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Feb 28, 2015
Athens, GA, USA
Honestly, I think it's due to nicotinic receptors in the brain being stimulated by nicotine during sleep and how it affects sleep cycles and dreams.

Nicotine patch dreams rock. At one point, I joked I was addicted to the patches due to the dreams. SO VIVID, it was almost like being awake in your dreams. Pretty much lucid dreams and you could control a lot of it.

I think the patches cause it more than other forms of nicotine replacement becuase they provide a constant level of nicotine to the receptors. During sleep, it affects your sleep center and dreams. I've never gotten lucid dreams like this from vaping though, and the last thing I do before retiring each night is get a nice nic fix. I also vape if I get up for any reason, but I don't get dreams like I did with the patches.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 1, 2009
Old story, many references to Nicotine Dreams in literature and with nicotine products. I seem to remember a chapter titled that in My Lady Nicotine (but the website I had for it is down). Nicotine Dreams is a thing.

I've been smoking and then vaping for so many years so the way I dream is the same as it has been for many many years. Would probably have horrible nightmares if I did not have any nic in my system...:)

That's also a thing.


Full Member
May 5, 2018
I considered posting something like this, as I've also been remembering more of my dreams since I switched from smoking to vaping.

But specifically, the thing I'm remembering from my dreams is that I smoke in them. I don't vape -I smoke, and I wake up remembering all kinds of tiny details about smoking. I rip open packages, inspect the visible filters, smell the tobacco...then at least once it's devolved into one of those weird maze things where I'm frantically trying to find something...I think I was concerned I'd left a burning cigarette somewhere and was trying to reach it?

Anyway, yeah, in my dreams I still smoke. I guess it will remain a part of my self-image for a while, despite having completely switched two months ago.
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My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
Hi to all vapours

I find that when I vape especially before sleeping I tend to have a lot of vivid dreams now usually I don't dream I know my sound strange but when I do vape especially when I use the high nicotine juice I do tend to have strange dreams I found that when I used the nicotine patches in the past this caused extreme vivid dreams so I cut the pads in half to lower the dosage of nicotine now I like the vaping because it helps me not to smoke and I feel a lot better when I do vape rather than having roll-ups as it makes my chest feel a lot better rather than feeling all clogged up and coughing up lots of brown mucus my question is really is there anyone else that has the same issue with the vivid dreams again thank you in advance for any responses

Hi Barda1. Welcome to the ECF.

You might try getting some 0mg e-Liquid in a Flavor you already like and then vaping that in your Back-Up Mod/Atomizer after Dinner.

I tend to Sleep Better if I use 0mg after the Sun goes Down.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
I got vivid, horrible dreams on the patch, I couldn't wear it at night. Have noticed little difference between switching from smoking to vaping, and I vape all the way up until bedtime, although to be fair, I smoked all the way up until bedtime.

I haven't had a smoking dream (yet) maybe when my mom comes to visit. LOL.



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Dec 24, 2014
Hi to all vapours
I find that when I vape especially before sleeping I tend to have a lot of vivid dreams now usually I don't dream I know my sound strange but when I do vape especially when I use the high nicotine juice I do tend to have strange dreams I found that when I used the nicotine patches in the past this caused extreme vivid dreams so I cut the pads in half to lower the dosage of nicotine now I like the vaping because it helps me not to smoke and I feel a lot better when I do vape rather than having roll-ups as it makes my chest feel a lot better rather than feeling all clogged up and coughing up lots of brown mucus my question is really is there anyone else that has the same issue with the vivid dreams again thank you in advance for any responses
Sounds like you might benefit from reading "Section 8: Assorted notes".
re: A list of symptoms when quitting tobacco and changing to an ecigarette
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Ultra Member
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Apr 10, 2016
Ottawa area, Canada
Quite normal.

It's a response to the crap that your body is healing from, and the addiction to all the poisons will play such tricks on your mind for a while.

It can be a reaction to a "cleaner" nicotine too, also part of all this.

I know some people that had such vivid dreams for months after quitting smoking.
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