Vaping upgrade?

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I currently own a V3tronix Flip and Aspire Atlantis, but my Flip broke and I'm looking into mini boxes. The sigelei Mini 30 Watt has the highest ratings by far, and for $40 I can afford it, but I cannot find anywhere RELIABLE to buy one! I really don't want to spend more than $60, but if I must, I must :( Only shops near me carry mechanical mods or $150+ boxes I cannot imagine buying. Online, anyone?


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Mar 12, 2014
Mpls/St.Paul, MN
Hello and welcome to the forum Anarozaline. Glad to have you here!:)

MVS has them in stock for $40. They are a well respected vendor. I have purchased from them many times.

However, you may also want to consider a higher wattage devise. I vape my Atlantis at 40 watts on a iStick 50watt. It has an internal 4400 mah battery and lasts a long time between charges.


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The KBox has wattage "settings" in steps, so it is more limited compared to other 40w devices out there that can be adjusted in 1 watt increments.

The iStick 50 watt is the current favorite in that range, and would be a good choice. You can find them between $45 and $55 dollars usually. Built in battery though, so when it's dead, it's a paperweight.

I believe the Sigelei 30 watt can also be used in "mech mode" so that is a nice feature, and it also has a replaceable battery I think (not included, you have to supply your own 18650), which is another bonus.

All three are probably fine choices though, with the iStick being the current popular favorite.


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I would also suggest if you're on facebook, check out local vape groups, here in st. louis there are a number of groups and a lot of members seems to have a revolving door policy with mods lol, can often score a good deal if you don't mind buying used. otherwise, i would agree with the others, it seems like the segeli boxes have a lot of buzz about them, as well as the isticks, my mother and brother in law both started vaping a few weeks ago with isticks and they are happy with them so far, and man are they small


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Edinburg, TX
The Sigelei 30w is a great choice. 101 and MVS are great vendors.

If you want a 50w, I own the Sigelei 50w v2 and it pretty much kicks ... You can catch it for $70 from a trusted vendor on ebay.

I prefer the Sigeleis because the build quality is top notch and feature a yihi chip but also consider the ipv mini 30w and the ipv mini v2 70w which also feature yihi chips.
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