UD Bellus or Aromamizer by Steam Crave?

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ECF Veteran
Feb 14, 2015
So, I've decided to give vaping another chance. Sort of fell off the wagon over the last few months. I've still got my eleaf iStick 50w and have been using my EHPro Flash v2-clone.

I really want a new atomizer, Preferably an RTA. So I've been watching some reviews on youtube, and the two that grabbed my attention are the UD Bellus and the Aromamizer by Steam Crave, and I was wondering, is one of them significantly better than the other?

Any major draw backs to either of them?

I mainly want to get something new because rebuilding on the EHPro Flash is a pain in the ... for me. I can never get the leads wrapped around the posts without screwing up the coil. Although I did manage to do my first twisted coil tonight, which I like.


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Feb 14, 2015
Hey trik! I just ordered the bellus not even 5 minutes ago. It has a few things I like better but it comes at a cost. The wicking lol. The aromamizer is alot easier to build on because of the velocity deck and it's alot easier to wick
What's so difficult about wicking the Bellus? Just out of curiosity. I've got a Kanger Subtank and it was a pain to wick, the Bellus looks like a breeze by comparison.

I just want something that isn't as annoying to put a coil on as this EHPro Flash. Trying to tighten the screws on it 3/5ths of the time causes the wire to pop out. I'd rather have something where the screw "crushes" the lead that's sticking through a hole.

Also I want to try some of them fancy-pants looking coils like clapton coils. I already like this twisted coil better than a standard coil. Currently I'm using this tool to wrap my coils, using the 3.5 mm bit of the tool.


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ECF Veteran
Feb 14, 2015
The bellus you have to worry about leaking and dry hits but not for the aromamizer. But once when you get the wicking right, some people say that they like the bellus better. Its all subjective
I'll look more closely at that. Neither of them can leak more than my damned Kanger Sub Tank. Not to mention the glass breaking issue.


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Sep 14, 2015
In terms of vaping performance the two are similar enough that you're gonna be dealing almost solely with personal preference and opinion, but in terms of ease and dependability of building the Aromamizer is the winner hands down. So if irritation with finicky builds is what kicked you off the wagon the last time, you should definitely pick up the Aromamizer, and make sure it's from a vendor who's packaging it with the Velocity deck, or otherwise buy that deck separately. The original three post deck is fine, but the Velocity is lightyears easier to build on.
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Feb 14, 2015
If you plan to use it on the istick 50W, I would go with the Bellus. The Aromamizer seems to excel over 50W.
As in, "it does better above 50w"?

I don't really ever approach that kind of power. With normal coils I was down around 10w (long time chain smoker, my lungs need to do some serious healing.) Right now I'm using my first twisted coil ( .6 ohms) at 20w, and enjoying it. Mainly though, it's the pain of trying to install a coil in this dripper that's getting on my nerves. Probably be quite a while before I'm vaping at 50w.

An image of my current coil.



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  • Nov 22, 2012
    No you can't
    I have two UD Belles - I find it very forgiven though other people seem to have leaking problems where I don't. My learning curve was very fast minute. As far as wicking I've stuffed the wells with cotton as well as using 1.5 mm coils just enough of cotton to reach in the well still no leaking. I like it so much that I'm going to order two more one a clone from fastech. Never had a dry hit yet OH it has a single coil adapter and an extra glass.

    I love my Bellus and have put all other tanks in my desk draw.
    I use 70% pg and clouds huge flavor outstanding.
    It is a juice hog in dual coil setup but not in single coil setup.


    Senior Member
    ECF Veteran
    Feb 14, 2015
    I do agree check out the obs crius. Its a joke to build on and the wicking is quite easy. The aromamizer and the bellus I like better due to the airflow going directly to the coils at the side
    Well, I kind of like a tight draw, as it feels similar to a cigarette, however I feel like I don't get the same "hit" as I do with a cig. I like a dense hit.
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