Bellus RTA thoughts

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Full Member
Nov 11, 2015
I was recently introduced to the Bellus RTA when asking about a new tank for my istick 60W TC. I love the idea of building my own coils. I am curious about whether or not I can build two coils while using the iStick 60w TC. I am very new at this and trying to determine if two coils will work with 60W TC, or if I should just go with one. I mainly vape VG heavy, so two coils would be nice. Any thoughts or help would be appreciated.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jun 19, 2014
Sure you can build two. 60W is plenty. The deck is really too small to do huge coils that would need more than 60W. I'm running 2mm 26/32 claptons though nicely at 50W.

Now if you're going for a tc build, just make sure the build you design has a high enough resistance for the mod to fire it. That's easy with titanium, but more difficult with nickel.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 14, 2015
Birmingham, England
....and make sure the coils are as near identical as you can make them!!
One way to do this is to wrap a parallel 2 strand coil, unscrew one from the other yielding two identical spaced coils and then all you need to do is make sure the legs are the same length when you are screwing them into the posts. I would definitely recommend Ti for the reason Roxynoodle stated, and spaced Ti coils rock!
let us know how you get on!!
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