Tried an IQOS

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Full Member
Aug 23, 2018
As per the title, I went halves on an IQOS heet system with my partner, as she wanted to try it as an alternative to ciggies, to cut the long story short she doesn't like it and I'm not that keen, although it's strange, I feel satisfied after one heet stick, just wished it tasted better and smelt better, so what do I do, as I prefer my vape for flavour, but like heets for the nic hit, would like the best of both worlds.
My partner wants to go back to vaping, maybe I should give nic salts a try in the infinix.


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Verified Member
Aug 21, 2011
In short you've got a few options.
High Nicotine
Whole Tobacco Alkaloid(WTA) liquid
Nic Salts
Swedish Snus
'Herbal' Vaporizer
Nasal Snuff
Other oral tobaccos.
All of these can be used as a supplement to your normal vaping routine

Some users report higher levels of satisfaction with these methods than with straight nic juice . However , most folks seem to get on fine with 'normal' juices. If you ve been vaping a while and something still feels 'missing' , then you might benefit from exploring these other avenues .
Am I allowed to write about my (positive) IQOS experience? . Check this thread for more detail .

I'm mad keen to try IQOS myself ...not too fussed on the hardware at the moment but if I can get a unit at the right price I'll be joining you on the HEETS trail :) .


Full Member
Aug 23, 2018
I haven't given up on the IQOS, in fact I've learned that the way I puff it affects flavour and vapor production, if I hit it too hard, it irritates my throat and is really harsh, so smaller puffs works well, also cleaning it after every third stick stops it tasting rank.
Still going to try nic salts and use the IQOS when I crave a proper ciggie.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
The IQOS is going to be infinitely better than smoking a cigarette.

If you wind up hating it though, WTA in your vape can be a surprisingly effective solution I don't think I could have quit without it and still use it sometimes. It is expensive, (Aroma really is the way to go for quitting) but so is the IQOS.
Good luck,



Full Member
Aug 23, 2018
I'm still using the IQOS in addition to vaping, I'm not using so much of either now, usually start the day with one heet stick, that satisfies me for most of the day, if I need more, I hit the vape until the evening, I have another heet and finish the day with vape.
So two heets a day, supplemented by vape, job done. :)

Like the vape, I regularly clean the IQOS and I found not inserting the stick all the way to the band stops it melting the filter, I leave about 3mm between the top of the holder and the band.
I confirmed it by dissecting a used heet stick and examined the filter.
The flavour is much improved, no harshness.
My partner still doesn't like the smell lol.
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