Do you consider Philip morris IQOS smoking or vaping?

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Jan 18, 2019
Johor Bahru
Bit like that with rollies. They would go out as soon as you stopped sucking on them. Take a couple of drags then stick it behind your ear or leave it dangling from your lip.

I vaped non-stop when I first started. Now I often don't pick up a vape if I'm doing something interesting. With the IQOS it seems you are locked into cigarette style usage. Fire it up and hit it until it's finished.

With both smoking and vaping the body seems to have a natural ability to self regulate. People don't tend to OD on nicotine in normal circumstances. I guess that's true with IQOS too, you would fire it up when you needed more nic. But the ability to take one hit on a vape must make that self regulation easier, especially when you've been vaping for a while and your need for nicotine isn't so urgent.
I do enjoy the vape more,I am different as in the nicotine in the vape hits me more then IQOS,which is why I am happily vaping.I dropped my dosage and makes me wonder should I quit vaping because nicotine does help me stay alert


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Feb 18, 2017
I do enjoy the vape more,I am different as in the nicotine in the vape hits me more then IQOS,which is why I am happily vaping.I dropped my dosage and makes me wonder should I quit vaping because nicotine does help me stay alert
To adults who don't have cardiovascular disease, vaping a normal dose of nicotine might actually be less harmful than eating canned beans and be about equally as addictive as drinking coffee. The big difference is they don't invest millions of dollars worth in anti canned beans or anti coffee campaigns as smoking tobacco is the real cash cow that they're trying to protect through mass manipulation aka the war on vaping complete with anti vaping ads being broadcast on TV like every other minute, and, the scariest part is there's boatloads of people who actually believe all the medieval scaremongering propaganda aimed not just against vaping, but also aimed against human decency as a whole and towards damaging society, damaging its moral principles. Because the dehumanization of vapers is a visible fact.


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Sep 25, 2014
Naptown, Indiana
Firstly, I would like to briefly say what is IQOS and Vape are:

IQOS: A technological innovation that works without producing a lot of smoke or steam. It uses tobacco sticks that do not burn or smolder, but heat up to 300-350 degrees. An aerosol is released, which is almost odorless and does not affect others.


VAPE: Its main task is to develop thick clubs of fragrant steam. In the vape, a cotton wick is heated with a liquid that evaporates. The advantage of this type of smoking is that the consumer can choose any taste from a wide variety.


Smoking in public areas

The device does not affect air quality, and the smell disappears after a couple of minutes. There are specialized points where you can smoke. There are also institutions that allow its use on its territory. Passive smoking with such a device is excluded.

Many people like its smell, as it is flavored with various additives and does not affect the health of others. But there are such establishments that do not allow vaping within their walls, since the vapor settles on ventilation systems, which have to be cleaned more often.

Based on these provisions, I chose vaping, and to be precise, I took myself oil vape pen, mark SkyBlue Essential.



I believe that it is much more portable than a normal vape, and it looks very stylish. By the way, it also produces a lot of smoke, and refueling requires a little less.
As for the duration of smoking, here I did not feel the difference.

It seems like you left out an important detail. The gear you linked to is marketed and designed for consuming THC, not nicotine. The IQOS uses tobacco.

If you want to promote THC vaping equipment this really isn't the place to do it.


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ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
Count me in as another snus lover here. I discovered it right before returning to work and it saved my bacon. I vastly prefer vaping, personally, but I can go 12 hours without vaping and have, using snus. The alkaloids make up for the hand to mouth which I am too busy for at work anyway. I did not have ANY desire to try and be a stealth vaper, I don't want my work knowing I vape, and Suns WORKS.

I am now using the G4 (which is the only actual TOBACCO containing white snus) and it works FANTASTIC. (Was always having to make sure I did not have a brown patch in the corner of my mouth before the all white snus.)

The other brands "Say" snus, but are often just nicotine pouches. G4 is the real thing. It's fantastic. Really all white.

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