Thinking of trying thr E-Cigar for more hit?

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New Year quitter

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 2, 2009
I'm currently using the DS901 which I'm pretty happy with but as I have now given up using real cigarettes completely I would like something with more of a hit. From what I've read on this great forum the e-cigar has more of a throat hit (just what I'm looking for) but I would like to know a few things.
Firstly what is the lifespan of the e-cigar, in terms of the battery and atomizer, which unlike e-cigs cannot be replaced as it's all one unit? Also can you use e-liquid to recharge the cartridges? Lastly, does the e-cigar need cleaning like the e-cig does to get the brown gunk out?


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
Yes, yes and yes. The e-cigar is fine, but throat hit and nic hit are very different things. If you want to cough every time you inhale, order a bottle of Janty's Heavy Shag. It used to be called Cigar. It will provide the throat hit I never want. If you want nic hit, good luck. Just get the highest level and keep vaping non-stop.

New Year quitter

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 2, 2009
I'd have a go at the Intellicig Evolution. Good long battery life and great vapour. If you go down the cigar route then the Golden Shimmer is imho great.:)

The Evo sounds good, only my Ds901 supplier gives me a great bulk deal on atomizers - 5 for 20 quid, plus free P&P, I'd be paying close to 40 quid for 5 Evo atomizers. I'll stick with the 901 for now and see how long these 5 atomizers last.
The golden shimmer looks good too, thanks for the info.


Moved On
Jun 26, 2008

New Year quitter

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 2, 2009
The ecigar atomisers are no different to other devices, add a good battery to an efficient atomiser and you get good vapour whatever the size.

Janty classic atomisers are very efficient in my opinion.

These might be of interest to you -

Great info, thanks.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 8, 2008
Essex, England
Seams to me the lifespan of a 901 atomiser is temporamentle at best. My first atomiser lasted over two months, my friends first atomiser barely lasted two weeks. He was desperate so I passed om my second atomiser while I am currently using my third atomiser. In some way I think it's how you treat them. I'm not sure what is the right or wrong way but my atomisers do seem to last longer but none so far have worked as well as my first atomiser so I can now see why people want to try other devices.
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