The "VG Theory"

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Oct 25, 2013
Vaping, USA
  • Deleted by sonicdsl
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Dec 9, 2012
Woodburn, OR
Oy, Thrasher. I know the instinct is to go "wall of text, must be Good News!, *pause* hmm, pictures...I should comment."
I posted all those quotes. Now go back and actually read what the nice scientist lady posted about silica wicks.

That's why all the mods here defend me btw - they have been around long enough to see the scientific, dust-particle sized photo lab analysis of silica dust/crystals in our vapor, which was on very old post on ECF. It's almost unfindable now, but it revolutionized ECF at the time, and caused a stir, but it was proven by those same photos that the dust-particle size was too "big" to stay in our lungs, which is a GOOD thing. The mods don't like you guys calling me crazy because they have seen the stuff I have. It's all on ECF.

My theories are about how these particles related to throat texture and flavor. Big whup.
The mods are not defending you. They are enforcing the RULES regarding civil behavior between ECF members.
...Talk about an eGo trip. Sheesh.
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Oct 1, 2013
FL 510 (Over The Top Baby)
And thrasher, I meand 4.8V's, the cartomizer itself is reading out as 2.4, but isn't producing much vapor even at 4.8V's as a 2.4 atomizer should. We're all experienced around here enough to know that this is what I meant.

No, no we're not because you have been all over the board from .03 ohms to .3 ohms to .83 ohms to 3.5 ohms to....................... There's no way in **** that anyone can follow you because no matter what Ohm-Voltage-Wattage you are currently talking you throw out so many numbers that make no sense. Not even the person who invented vaping could possibly understand what your referring to.
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Oct 25, 2013
Vaping, USA
  • Deleted by sonicdsl
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Dec 9, 2012
Woodburn, OR
Did you read the thread? It goes into some detail...
I already posted the relevant quotes from that thread, and referred to it as well. It's a pretty long post, so people can be forgiven for thinking it was posted by Good News! (Thrasher, I'm looking at you).
For anyone reading too fast to read.
Yep. caught it the first time. Commented on it. It's still not true.


Moved On
Oct 25, 2013
Vaping, USA
Yes I read the thread, very clearly. It doesn't have any scientific information in it. No photos. No links. Not my kind of deal. Generally read YOUR post though, and it was very informative, all correct from what it looked like.

There were some photos on this form of free-range vapor (though I do not remember if it exhaled vapor, or vapor somehow measured some type of measuring machine), and the vapor had silica dust/particles/crystals/shards/fairies whatever you want to call it, in it.

The particles were measured to be too big to "stick" in our lungs (and not being the right type of silica to stick in our lungs anyway, as the OTHER silica topic thread points out). I'm not arguing that silica is some godly unhealthy thing. I'm talking about the physical and flavor effect that POSSIBLE coating on these particles can help "convey", or the type of mouth feel or throat feel that is GIVEN from them. There may be NO correlating effect, but not one person has said one thing that makes any scientific sense.

Yes, silica can be in our vapor. It doesn't have to be "filtered" through anything. It can break off with a strong draw or pressure from heat waves, or whatever. It's not difficult for anyone who knows jack crap about silica.


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Nov 15, 2013
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Yes I read the thread, very clearly. It doesn't have any scientific information in it. No photos. No links. Not my kind of deal.
Wut, wait, you need pictures to think it's "science"? Wow.

free-range vapor


It's not difficult for anyone who knows jack crap about silica.

So now your a silica vendor/scientist/work for the silica industry?

I honestly think you get your jollies by baiting the fine people here with your contradictory posts. The VG Theory? You can probably sum your experiences up to "you are roasting your juice". You can taste it better when there is more PG because PG is way better at carrying flavor than VG is.
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Vaping Master
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Sep 11, 2013
Sugar Hill, Georgia
So basically, sticking to the topic and the op's follow up points... Vaping Silica, Kanthal, NiChrome or anything other than Cisco's secret wire, will probably leave harmful particles in our lungs? Seems vaping has just become as deadly as smoking....and all this information is coming from the op's extensive SCIENTIFIC testing...who also happens to be a heavy smoker, I hasten to add. All this SCIENTIFIC testing that has been performed using complex physics/chemistry theories are being done by someone who either can't or doesn't have the equipment to boil a simple cotton ball. Why is it ok to post these scare tactics but not ok to out him for what he really is?

*** heading to the corner under my own power.
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ECF Guru
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Oct 28, 2012
Madeira beach, Fla
And thrasher, I meand 4.8V's, the cartomizer itself is reading out as 2.4, but isn't producing much vapor even at 4.8V's as a 2.4 atomizer should. We're all experienced around here enough to know that this is what I meant.

I know what you meant, and I am sure others do as well, my point being if your going to discuss things on a scientific level you need to make sure the information you post accurately reflects your the methods which you undertake, it is hard to take someone seriously when the posts are convoluted with odd statements, that's all/

in fact running a 2.4 ohm coil at 4.8v is not that high and pretty close to the middle range of heat.

the average middle range for a coil is usually understood as R+2 - so 2.4 ohms +2 = 4.4 volts, so 4.8 is really not too high and right on the edge of being too hot and nowhere near overpowered.


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Oct 1, 2013
FL 510 (Over The Top Baby)
Well on the subject of Silica (which BTW has absolutely nothing to do with "VG Theory"), I use Cotton and Stainless Mesh so I'm not worried about the silica fibers. But on the off chance I do happen to inhale some free silica I seriously doubt it's anywhere near as harmful as the chemicals I was exposed to when I used to inhale burning paper and leaf.
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