The lady who caught on fire

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The Philosopher Who Rides
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Jun 13, 2012
Richmond, Va
There are various reasons for this. I for one went the mech mod route for form factor and replaceable batteries I'm able to know the make and thus quality of. I found very quickly that I enjoyed the Vamo more than I did any eGo battery, but it's just too huge. And, once I had a mech mod, I saw no reason not to go for a fairly safe .8ohm coil. As long as my batteries don't get warm, I feel I'm on the safe side. (Safe as in if you've done your research)

On the other hand, I'm perfectly happy with this setup and have no desire to experiment with microcoils, multicoils or the path of least resistance. I simply don't see any point in exhaling any more vapor than I currently do.

The one thing I really like about my current setup, and something I haven't been able to achieve otherwise, is the instant and short 2-4 second draws that very much resemble how I used to smoke a ciggy.

Just giving another side of the story. I'm an advocate of "whatever floats your boat". :)

Well everyone knows you Norwegians are crazy. No, wait, I only kid.

The only Norwegians I know of are the Hansens of "Deadliest Catch" and I am not even positive about them (but Sig is crazy!). But I do believe you guys are the descendants of Vikings. Since even the Lion treads lightly near the Viking, and I beg forgiveness for my joke if it offends. Happy vaping if it works for you and you are safe doing so.

I got into vaping to improve my health and reduce risk, so I do not see why I should do that which increases the danger in my book. But I get your well-made point about the 2-4 second puff. I know some smart people who do low ohm Mechanicals, when I know what they do it may suit me as well. I have a bit more to learn.


Vaping Master
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Jul 14, 2012
New Zealand
Then again, maybe she used it correctly and maybe they didn't leave it to get hot in their car. Things do happen. In that case, yea, the manufacturer needs to know about it. I've heard of egos failing while charging so its possible. Unfortunately, these rare occurrences can happen, but I still choose vaping as a far safer alternative to smoking.

Hiya - not sure if you know but two different incidents have got confused on this thread.
The OP is talking about an incident where a couple were driving to the airport, the ecig was charging, and it exploded. The lady has 2nd degree burns. They did not leave the ecig unattended in the car.

The second incident came up because some-one mistakenly posted a link thinking it was the incident Rocketpunk meant in the OP - in that incident an ecig was left charging in a car unattended. I think everyone agrees that's not a wise thing to do.

This thread was started about the first one - the lady who ended up with burns.
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