That craving for a cigarette

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Vaping Master
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Mar 7, 2013
Southeast Michigan
Hi, @Rupples! Welcome aboard. I was a 42 year smoker and worked my way up to nearly 4 packs a day. I tried vaping 3 separate times before it finally took, and even then I was a dual user for 4 months. I started on 24mg nicotine for the cravings (now down to 6mg) and a VW mod for the power. I found I could vape at home no problem, but at work around other smokers I had to smoke. I finally was able to quit by using a cigalike when I felt I just had to have a cigarette. Having something that felt like a cigarette in those situations enabled me to give up the smokes altogether. It's now been over 2 years since I've had one and the cravings are long gone. Keep working on it and it will eventually come together for you. Good luck!
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Oct 12, 2014
My cigs went from 25 to 5 the day I started vaping. I was a dual user for 6 weeks intentionally to get used to the vaping routine. Then one day I noticed I was about to run out of cigs and just let it happen. I thought fondly of having a smoke for perhaps the first month but the feeling steadily diminished. A month ago I was with a brother who is a dual user since last Christmas. I smoked one of his and tossed it aside to prove I didn't just quit, I've lost interest. Eventually ECs are a superior experience in every respect. Cigs are obsolete.


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Nov 30, 2009
Richmond, Va...Right in Altria's back yard.
Thank you. Encouraging to know that just because I want a real smoke, to know that will get better with time.

Word of advice:

Stop calling cigarettes "real smokes"

That implies they are better than vaping and will set you up for failure at some point in the future.

You'll see a lot of old timers refer to cigarettes as cancer sticks or stinkies for this very reason.

It helped me to think of vaping as a much more evolved and better way of getting my nicotine.


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Feb 23, 2010
Hello everyone. I have never signed up on a forum before so this is as new to me as is vaping. I have 55 years of smoking cigarettes behind me. (less about 5 of trying to quit off & on) I am hoping that this is the way that will actually work for me. The site was recommend to me by my brother & sister in law as a way to learn more about what I am doing. I was very lucky to have been given a start up kit by a very kind lady, and am now on my 6th day of trying it out. When I find a flavor I like, it seems to help, but so far am still smoking a few cigs a day. Hoping that strong craving for a real cigarette will go away in time, and was wondering how long it takes for most of you to be able to put the cigarettes away for good.

Hello, Rupples, and welcome. Look on the bright side!

New study: Even dual use leads to significant health benefits | E-Cigarette Forum

Every cigarette not smoked is a win! Don't count the ones you smoked--count the ones you avoided. Go at your own pace. It's all good. If you feel that you absolutely have to have a cig, by all means, have one. Good luck!


Full Member
Sep 15, 2015
It took me 12 days. Part of that was adjusting to the vape and part was the nicotine level. A couple things I tried which worked for me:

When I was trying to quit I used a cheap clearomizer/tank with the next higher nic in it. When the "itch" got to where the regular vape wasn't scratching it I would hit the higher nicotine tank once and go back to the regular nic vape. It usually took from 3 days to a week to get adjusted to the lower nicotine level. I said usually because I used this same technique to reduce my nicotine content in steps from the high level down to the under 3mg I now enjoy.

I kept one flavor of juice just for the mornings. Instead of reaching for the cig in the mornings I knew I had the one flavor juice I enjoyed waiting on me (a blueberry muffin type). After the morning vape I would not use this flavor for the rest of the day. What this did was to give me something to look forward to every morning instead of the cig.

You'll get to where you won't want the cigs anymore, you just have to keep searching for your balance. Nicotine level is crucial, a juice flavor you like as well, and the then as you progress in vape better gear to make vape more enjoyable really helps too.

Don't panic, it's a learning experience. Keep the desire to quit in your mind and you'll succeed. Good luck in your journey.
AWESOME idea !!


Full Member
Sep 5, 2015
New Hampshire
Welcome , it's been exactly 2 weeks for me. This forum is the only thing that kept me from going back to butts. I got 18mg nic. juice and got on here vaping my brains out till I couldn't possibly smoke a ..... The support I got was amazing. You can do it bro, that empty feeling WILL go away. Just don't give up. Look into where you can go next, this is an awesome hobby, not just a quit smoking method. So embrace it as that and run with it. And keep us informed, I can't wait to pay it forward when someone needs it.

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Feb 22, 2012
Manila, Philippines
Hello everyone. I have never signed up on a forum before so this is as new to me as is vaping. I have 55 years of smoking cigarettes behind me. (less about 5 of trying to quit off & on) I am hoping that this is the way that will actually work for me. The site was recommend to me by my brother & sister in law as a way to learn more about what I am doing. I was very lucky to have been given a start up kit by a very kind lady, and am now on my 6th day of trying it out. When I find a flavor I like, it seems to help, but so far am still smoking a few cigs a day. Hoping that strong craving for a real cigarette will go away in time, and was wondering how long it takes for most of you to be able to put the cigarettes away for good.
Damned great man! Keep it up! Congrats and welcome to ecf!
:toast: Cheers bruh!
Just get off the cigarettes and enjoy vaping! Vaping is a HELL OF A LOT more delicious!


Ultra Member
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Dec 28, 2011
SW France
Thanks, I have to get off right now and go to the store, but will try to spend a few minutes a day on here. Everyone is so helpful!!
Welcome to the forum @Rupples - if you're anything like me (and probably most of us) those few minutes can easily turn into a few hours :D

I dual used for about 4 weeks but once I'd found a set-up that I knew could work (iTaste VV3), and once I'd finished my packet of cigarettes vowed not to buy any more. I did have cravings first thing in the morning for the first month or so but they did eventually go and after smoking for 40 years, I haven't had a cigarette for 21 months :)

Half Stack

Full Member
Sep 20, 2015
Hello everyone. I have never signed up on a forum before so this is as new to me as is vaping. I have 55 years of smoking cigarettes behind me. (less about 5 of trying to quit off & on) I am hoping that this is the way that will actually work for me. The site was recommend to me by my brother & sister in law as a way to learn more about what I am doing. I was very lucky to have been given a start up kit by a very kind lady, and am now on my 6th day of trying it out. When I find a flavor I like, it seems to help, but so far am still smoking a few cigs a day. Hoping that strong craving for a real cigarette will go away in time, and was wondering how long it takes for most of you to be able to put the cigarettes away for good.
Congrats on making the transition! I quit cigs the day I started vaping. I think it's important to start on a device that gives you enough vapor to satisfy that need for smoke. Everyone's different tho. Some people need to feel that cig in their hand. Some people need the hand to mouth thing. I'm on day 4 and don't miss the cigs. I do find myself going outside to vape because I'm so used to going outside to smoke. I'm using the I Just 2 from Eleaf. My first juices were clove at 12mg nic and I got a pseudo tobacco that is 18mg. If I mix a little of both it tastes just like those Djarum clove cigarettes. Hope you keep on vaping!


Unresolved Status
Aug 22, 2015
Hello everyone. I have never signed up on a forum before so this is as new to me as is vaping. I have 55 years of smoking cigarettes behind me. (less about 5 of trying to quit off & on) I am hoping that this is the way that will actually work for me. The site was recommend to me by my brother & sister in law as a way to learn more about what I am doing. I was very lucky to have been given a start up kit by a very kind lady, and am now on my 6th day of trying it out. When I find a flavor I like, it seems to help, but so far am still smoking a few cigs a day. Hoping that strong craving for a real cigarette will go away in time, and was wondering how long it takes for most of you to be able to put the cigarettes away for good.

Been vaping close to two years give or take. The first day i took in my Subox Mini was the day i stopped smoking my Mevius Charcoal Filter...


Senior Member
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Sep 20, 2015
Hi @Rupples
welcome on ECF, I have been a dual user for a month or so... after that I decided to use a trick.

Cigarettes are an habit, and it is widely said that if you do something for 21 days in a row it will become an habits :) so I bet with my Girlfriend and said to everybody I knew/ was in touch with that I would not smoke a cigarette for a month, instead I would vape :)

And it works for me... my ego keep me on track and, already after the 2 week in the morning I started to look for the e-liquid to bring with me during my working day, if the batteries were enough and so on and stop thinking to the cigarettes.

Maybe it will work for you too, give it a try!

I wish you quit smoking soon, a new vaping world is ahead of you!


Full Member
Sep 2, 2015
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Welcome to the forum and good luck. I was (if I can use that term) a heavy cigarette smoker. 44 years, and a very heavy smoker. I made the committment on 9/1 to go to vaping 100%. the first 10 days, I wanted a cigarette more than a hit on my e cig, but so far, I've managed to prevail. Now, I am enthusiastic about vaping and very happy I didn't smoke a cigarette in the period. I vape unflavored, neutral, guess I want the nicotine in my system and today I am going to attempt my first batch of diy liquid.
My best in your attempt.
Hello everyone. ...Hoping that strong craving for a real cigarette will go away in time, and was wondering how long it takes for most of you to be able to put the cigarettes away for good.

I'd been smoking for 35 years - more than a pack a day. I've been vaping about 2 weeks now. I started off with 18 mg juices but quickly noticed that I found the throat hit very harsh, especially with certain juices, and began replacing them with 12 mg juices.

I play a bit of a trick on myself. I have a pack of ciggies two floors up, and my vape next to me. It forces me to reach for the vape first. If the craving gets really bad, I'll climb the 2 flights of stairs to get to it, but being naturally a little lazy, I noticed I quickly came down to resorting to a ciggie in the morning and one before bed. I took what other people on the forum said to heart: it's not the ones you smoke; it's the ones you don't.

I think the trick is not to get anxious about it. Be patient. A lifetime of smoking is not something you can just let go of. Be kind to yourself. Buy lots of yummy flavours. Don't stint on the amount you vape. And, finally, experiment until you find the equipment that you like best. We can do it!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 30, 2015
ON. Canada
Hello everyone. I have never signed up on a forum before so this is as new to me as is vaping. I have 55 years of smoking cigarettes behind me. (less about 5 of trying to quit off & on) I am hoping that this is the way that will actually work for me. The site was recommend to me by my brother & sister in law as a way to learn more about what I am doing. I was very lucky to have been given a start up kit by a very kind lady, and am now on my 6th day of trying it out. When I find a flavor I like, it seems to help, but so far am still smoking a few cigs a day. Hoping that strong craving for a real cigarette will go away in time, and was wondering how long it takes for most of you to be able to put the cigarettes away for good.

I smoked and vaped for the first 2 weeks and cut down on my smoking down by two/three smokes a day, then I quit altogether! The first two days without a smoke were the worst, after that its was super easy for me :)

Edit* I smoked 2 packs a day for about 22 years :S
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