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Long time vaper.
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  • Oct 1, 2010
    New Hampshire
    It sounds like the regulator has gone bye bye, so you are getting the raw stacked battery voltage.

    Personally, I would retire it. Pcb aren't available for the original Infinity last I knew. A very good pv, but eventually any unit needs a vacation.

    If that was happening wouldn't it be burning my juice? It vapes just like all my others that are set around 4.0. I put it up for safety's sake.


    Divine Bovine
    ECF Veteran
    Jul 17, 2010
    South Carolina
    I've had 2 go bad Fran. My original Buzz was reading 8.xx and was burning cartos. Fortunately it went out before all of the original Buzz PCBs were gone. The other one was one of my BPs and it's regulator had my meter reading 3.1.

    I double checked with Mike and we don't have any parts for the original Infinity left, nor the original Buzz :(


    Ultra Member
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    Aug 1, 2010
    Hiya Bov! (and all!) and anybody else that can help me... I'm now down to only 2 sets of batts for my BP and that makes me nervous.

    Another battery question. I've had some trouble with a couple of sets of trustfires that were less than 6 months old. One of each set blew the protection (or something?) I don't know, but now I'm looking at getting the best, long lasting.

    Are the Powerizers the best way to go? Or I read about some AW ICRs (?) ????


    Question 2, .... reading through some of the other batt threads I saw some say that it is NOT good to use the batts until they are drained. Is this correct and could have caused the premature death of the trustfires? (I generally don't do this. I usually change the them in the morning before work and then when I get home and they never completely drain. But, on weekends I sometimes let them run til they die. Is this bad?)



    Divine Bovine
    ECF Veteran
    Jul 17, 2010
    South Carolina
    Hey Pizza, the powerizers are great for the BP, but they have a different type of protection so DO NOT use them in any other mod! Look up PTC protected li ions.

    I doubt that you hurt your batts by over draining them, I like the TF flame jackets but I don't think they last as long (as many charging cycles) but that's just my personal experience.

    As long as you make sure you are using the 3.6 or 3.7v 123s, you should be good :)


    Ultra Member
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    Aug 1, 2010
    It's not bad to run them all the way down. I've been doing that for 3yrs. and have batts almost that old. What's bad for Li-ion batteries is storing them in an uncharged state as they deteriorate faster in an uncharged state.

    Great info 5C! I always charge them before I store them but I didn't know I was doing it right! :)

    El Dee

    Ultra Member
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    Apr 1, 2010
    I just did some reading yesterday on lithium ion batteries...The experts say that they can be damaged by running them lower than 10% life left..I've run mine countless times until the Buzz Pro shuts off and have encountered no problems...

    Trustfire flame jacketed batteries are all I run in my Buzz Pros.. I've some still in rotation that were actually in the original Buzz model...They are old and still very reliable..When I recently removed one of my BPs from storage it was stuck at 3.3 volts...Thinking it was a wonky carto I killed two sets of Trustfires..I was getting the flashing red from the charger indicating a problemo with the battery...

    I've another mod that runs the AW IMR 18650...I'd lost the same brand of mod over a year back but still had two 18650s...Though I ordered a pair of fresh batteries the originals are the ones in rotation..No sign of weakness from either...I did charge the new ones before storing them. I also just trickle charged my boat batteries for the winter...When storing any battery always do so on a full charge..
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