Talking to Vape Shop

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ECF Veteran
Mar 8, 2020
Incoming long story that happened to me yesterday.

Had like an hour to kill before i had to head out to pick up my pops from Dialysis so decided to visit my friend at his vape shop,2 minutes after i walked in a guy in a suit came in and told my friend Tony that he wanted to quit smoking.
For relevance of the story you could tell this guy had money,no off the rack suit,nice watch and i think it was his beamer parked up front,this will make sense later.

Anyway my friend is always happy to get someone in the store that wants to quit smoking,so he then proceeded to take his time and explain all the ins and outs,from pods,disposables,squonks,mechs,etc,etc.

My friend as usual (seen him do the same with other vaping newbies) told him that to start off it would easier for him and less stressful to just get one of those Veco type starter packages that uses drop in coils.

Client did ask about flavor so my friend Tony did mention he would get better flavor from an RDA or even an RTA.
Dude didn't seem that keen on constantly dripping on the RDA so he said he wanted to start with an RTA even if it were a bit more complicated than a Veco type starter kit.

Now my friend at the store has a couple of high end mods along with expensive attys,he could have easily steered him in that direction,but as usual he wasn't thinking in making more dough,just in having a happy customer.

Client looked over some of the ''cheaper'' mods and he liked the Aegis Max so he choose that one,he liked the durability it has.
After that he had to choose an atty,since i was there watching he asked me what i thought,now i was kinda unsure what to do since you know i didn't want to get into my friends bussiness but my friend knows me well so he just nodded so i knew it was cool to say something.

From the RTA models he had the easiest ones for a newbie were the WASP Nano and the Hellvape Destiny RTA (one of my favorites),Wasp was actually my 1st RTA and the Destiny was my second so go figure.

Anyway i told him that personally i preffered the Destiny and that it was pretty easy to wick so that is a huge plus for a newbie vaper.

Well in the end he got the Aegis Max,Destiny RTA,2 batteries,charger and some e-liquid.
My friend the owner of the vape shop made me proud,could have easily sold him 300 euros in product but he didn't,he just recommended what the client really needed.

Before leaving he asked me for my number,just in case the shop was closed and he had a vaping related question,said sure and gave him my number.

Later that night,about 10 pm my pops was up watching tv which is not normal because he usually goes to bed early but at that time he was watching some soccer,well i got a call from Pedro (newbie vaper) telling me he screwed up something that he was coughing and that the e-liquid tasted burnt.

Tried to help over the phone but with his limited vaping knowledge we werent getting anywhere so i told him that a block from my home they got this bar where i know the owner,half of the terrace is closed due to covid but we could use one of the tables in the closed area so i could try and see what went wrong.

I needed some fresh air and i knew that with the proper precautions i would be ok,gathered my tools,fresh mask and some rubber gloves.
We put 2 tables together me on one end and him at another just so we could keep our distance,I'm a bit paranoid in this sense but with my pop's current state i cannot take any chances.

Well we spent like an hour or so while i went thru all the basics again with him,at home he tried to rewick it himself (for practice) and did an awful job,i mean looked like an abstract painting.

Took the atty apart and rewicked it slowly while explaining what i was doing and why i was doing it.
Put some liquid in it and made him try it to see that it was working well (i wasnt going to try it,gotta be careful)
After that i told him now it's your turn,take it apart and rewick it,made him do it 3 times and he picked it up pretty quick.

Had like 5 or 6 beers while the whole process was going on and once we were done he put out a 50 euro dollar bill and handed it over...
I'm like dude,no need i am just happy we got another vaper on our side,just promise you will stick with it and not go back to cigs...and pay for my beers :lol::lol:

Well anyway sorry for the long story but it was a good night,i mean i got out (which i never do,been months since i actually went out to socialize and there is a limit on how much isolation you can take),helped someone with their vaping and hopefully never go back to cigarettes,so i call this a win win.

Just thought i would tell you guys this to kinda stand up a bit for the B&M vape shop owners,not all of them are bad and just looking to make money off a client,some of them do really care and really try to help out newbies that want to quit cigarettes.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 30, 2012
Tripple digits half way to home
That last shop had a Hellfire Rebirth marked down to $15 on clearance.
Not fond of 24 mm atomizers, but might have to try.
I bought 2 of the Rebirth Rda’s for my VT Inbox’s. I really like em. But then again their all I can find local.
I go into the shops here a few times a week and just keep asking for the same things over and over. They told me last time they finally ordered it for me. Might pay to be a bit pesky.
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