Shouted at by a Barman to leave the pub!

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Hi Folks,

I went out last night with my wife and a few friends to a nearby pub and we were using our super cigarettes at the time. The Barman presumed we were smoking normal cigarettes from a distance, and shouted across the whole pub "PUT IT OUT" and when I said it's an electronic cigarette, he shouted "GET OUT". This was shocking to my wife who felt like an outlaw using it, but I just laughed and thought it was one of those great confrontational moments to remember. They even came up to us as I ignored the Barman's shouting, smiled at him and then used it again. He looked shocked, and so did the general public as I continued to vape smiling! lol. We didn't get chucked out, we stayed until we had finished our drinks and then moved on, as we planned to anyway :)

When we went to a club after, I used my mini and super, and after an hour 4 doormen came upto me and looked confused, so I showed them the e-cig and they borrowed one of mine to try outside and evaluate for themself. I explained the legal use of them, demonstrated how it worked, and they said that I could not use e-cigs in their venue. After talking for a while to these 4 doormen, they said they made their decision as the super looked like a normal cig and that real smokers would think it's ok to smoke in the club too. I said what about the black mini with blue LED? That is why they were designed, so they didn't look like a real .... They didn't have an argument for this, and I explained that it's not lit, contains no tobacco, no lung cancer or risk of 2nd hand smoke and is legal to use anywhere. They agreed to let me use it there in future, but they had to agree to meet with their manager to discuss this as they had never seen anything like this before.

Got some funny looks in another pub we frequented where some guys at the bar got the head door woman to watch me e-smoking, when she just shook her head and let me carry on without a chat!

So that's 3 venues we converted in one night last night! ha ha
I'm gonna use it in every pub in town eventually. Should be fun :)



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
Why is anyone surprised when e-smoking is rejected? And why do sellers continue the inaccurate "smoke anywhere" nonsense?

All of this just further hastens the day a big boot comes down on e-smoking. Find another way to get your nicotine in places where smoking is banned! This kind of confrontation does e-smoking no good. Always ask permission first, because you know the appearance of you smoking in a no-smoking place will invite ugliness. You know that, so why do it without permission.

You have no "right" to e-smoke. Remember that. You may do only what a property owner deems allowable. Push will come to a very ugly shove if this continues.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 13, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Now that I read this I realize I should have ordered at least one black mini for public use. All my kits are white, I just prefer the look. I think i'd still "hide" it if I use it out. Maybe cover the LED with opaque tape in a movie theatre, or use it in a bathroom stall at a restaurant. I don't really WANT to have to explain it to everyone, maybe only curious smokers. Take the cartridge end off a white DSE901 and it REALLY looks like a real smoke.

JUst for s***s and giggles I really wanna fire it up in the mall like that. Right in front of security. If they tell me to put it out I'll "put it out" right on my tongue. Now THAT will create a reaction!!


New Member
Sep 10, 2008
Why on earth are all you people not fighting for the smoking ban to amended to allow choice for pubs/clubs to have smoking or non smoking.
Once this law is amended then you will be able to vape along with the smokers that will then start to go back to the places.
You all now that there will be pressure from BIG PHARMA and the TOBACCO company's for e-cig usage to be stopped somehow. The government want to keep both organisations happy and will do all that is possible to prevent people from using e-cigs in public places by convincing the hospitality trade that it a danger to public health to have to breathe in other peoples vapours.
So wouldn't it make more sense to fight to get the ban amended.
freedom2choose group are working with politicians clubs and pubs etc. to this end. Show some support !!
I can't post a website address as I do not have permission, So just copy and paste freedom2choose.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 13, 2008
Chicago IL USA
I whipped out my pen-style and took a few puffs in the lobby of my office building yesterday, right in front of two security guards at the desk. As they saw me sucking on what looked like a ballpoint pen with no odor and the quick-disappearing "smoke," they just looked confused. I loved it.

I will be slowly, but surely, venturing out into the wilds of Chicago with my burgundy pen-style. Save yesterday's indiscretion, I will be asking permission when in bars/restaurants. But ask I certainly will. I've been smoking tobacco for thirty years, and I am positively, absolutely thrilled with this device.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 13, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Yeah I'm not a confrontational guy, I don't want to get in trouble. What I said about pretending to put it out on my tongue is a joke, I don't think I'd really do that. But DAMN I would love to see the reaction from someone who really thought it was a real smoke!

I got mine out of curiosity, and to help with my job search since I was recently laid off, and don't REALLY want to quit smoking, but also don't want to blow an interview if I didn't completely conceal my last cigarette. And after only 1 week, I prefer the e-cig to real ones, so that's a plus. Hopefully I find a nice new position that'll have a few smokers in the office, and a boss who'll accept it for workplace use.

I totally agree with Tropical Bob, Please everyone stop causing confrontation, it does no one any good and in my view is irresponsible. When we find places that accept e-cig's let's just use those places. The message will get around to the other places eventually.


Vaping Master
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ECF Veteran
Oct 16, 2008
Brown Edge, England
I totally agree with Tropical Bob, Please everyone stop causing confrontation, it does no one any good and in my view is irresponsible. When we find places that accept e-cig's let's just use those places. The message will get around to the other places eventually.

Places will only accept e-cigs when they know what they are. We have a duty to politely ask whether we can use our devices in establishments, otherwise "the message" will never "get around to other places eventually". We can't appear to be some species of junkie hermit - by behaving furtively we behave as if we have something to hide.


Forum Admin Supplier & Commercial Manager
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Nov 16, 2008
just started smoking these e-cigs 4 them & the last thing I need is to see them already banned! I'm a "private" smoker I guess and just want to do the transition seamlessly without getting's not about making a statement - gave up fighting the "system" and just appreciate there is a relaxing way to just keep on enjoying what I've been doing for years without getting crazed..


Vaping Master
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 16, 2008
Brown Edge, England
just started smoking these e-cigs 4 them & the last thing I need is to see them already banned! I'm a "private" smoker I guess and just want to do the transition seamlessly without getting's not about making a statement - gave up fighting the "system" and just appreciate there is a relaxing way to just keep on enjoying what I've been doing for years without getting crazed..

If you're smoking at home then that's great. If you're out in the wider world then trying to do some of the things that I've heard on this forum will probably be unhelpful. For example, wearing a lanyard and taking furtive puffs will make you look like a criminal drug addict. Similarly, blowing the smoke into your t-shirt/jumper. It is one thing not wanting to worry the sheep - it is quite another to present e-cigs publicly as something to be ashamed of. My secret fear is that there are those who are quite content to be bullied by the anti-smoking mob - even though vaping is not smoking. We can call it many things, but smoking it ain't. No tobacco, no combustion - what more do people want? I understand that in America things are very different and that simply ingesting nicotine (even for therapeutic purposes) can cost you your job. We are fortunate in England that this is not the case -yet - and to keep it that way we have to establish in a non-confrontational way (politely) that vaping is a socially acceptable act.
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