
I find your lack of faith disturbing...
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 22, 2017
Charlottesville, Virginia
Want that new gear, but have 1000 other mods you haven't used yet?

Looks great on paper but just not sure.

So, well let's talk about it.
We can talk you out of it, or into it if that's you're need. We can save money or spend yours.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
This is so useful. I want the Ares atomizer but I really need to hear why I don't need it (I already know, I just set up successfully a Berserker and a Siren V2 and I love them both.) If I spend all my money now, I will have no money for Christmas, so I need some haters on the Ares, please, LOL.

I'm loving this thread already... :)



I find your lack of faith disturbing...
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 22, 2017
Charlottesville, Virginia
I hear it's marketed to kids with a penchant towards Greek gods, specifically war mongering Greek gods. Buying it will enrage the government whom only appreciates peaceful Greek gods.

Unless we're at war.

So ask yourself this:
Will this enhance my vaping experience or will it be used once and then gather dust? Will I eventually use it regularly?

Will I eventually use it as a center piece for an altar to Ares and commit animal scarafices with whatever animals are routinely found in Arizona? (Don't use cats, that will lead to cat memes...a bad thing in it's own right).

Coastal Cowboy

This aggression will not stand, man!
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 13, 2013
Alabama Gulf Coast
Y'know what? I actually don't covet anything right now. I'll need some more DIY stuff soon. Maybe some different wire gauges.

But the obsession for possession has left me for a while.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
  • Feb 15, 2011
    You guys need some of my dna, lol. I go yrs watching y'all buy stuff and still not buy anything. Watching you guys is like watching an Infomercial.

    It's not willpower I don't think. Maybe contentment.

    If you're having fun tho, Have at! Small price to pay for skipping cigs. I do miss some people that had to leave here because they became spendthrifts.

    We literally get pounded here with newer and better....


    Moved On
    ECF Veteran
    May 30, 2017
    Contentment, that is a nice thought. I am perfectly content with how my vaping is progressing, and I don't NEED anything else, that's for sure. I think it's partially all the new postings that happen with people reviewing or selling new stuff at great prices, I don't look at those threads any longer and might do well to avoid the classifieds, :lol::lol:, especially given I know what I like, I have plenty of setups and backups of my favorites. I think I'm going to focus on being contented, so @r77r7r, thank you for posting, seriously :)


    Obi Wan Vapori

    Super Member
    ECF Veteran
    Sep 4, 2013
    Enablers! Enablers!


    I find your lack of faith disturbing...
    ECF Veteran
    Verified Member
    Aug 22, 2017
    Charlottesville, Virginia
    So my job gave us $200 gift card for working all through last weekend. This was on top of OT.

    Bought some Xmas presents then was given the go ahead to get some vape stuff.

    I looked, added to carts, looked, deleted carts. Ended up only ordering some 20700 and panels for the Pulse, and a John Beam drip tip. Until yesterday.

    A Dead Rabbit I don't need. I have one. But it has Vader on it. It's $25 more than a regular DR.

    That was shinyitis.

    I think I'm close to being content now.

    I have been looking at other mech sqonks...


    Moved On
    ECF Veteran
    May 30, 2017
    I'd like an end to arrival of things by mail... If only there were a way to make them materialize in my vape closet :) But, you can do it Obi Wan, the force is with you. Delay at least... delay.

    We need a Fearless Leader, as yes, we're all also enablers here, LOL :)

    I am clueless who to nominate, though? :D


    Obi Wan Vapori

    Super Member
    ECF Veteran
    Sep 4, 2013
    Really, delay is a good idea. As fast as things change in the vape world if you can delay 6 months a whole new set of vape gear comes out and everything shifts again. I am waiting for the Mod that uses ultrasonics to produce vapor to be invented. No more VG, no more PG. Just mix your nic level with some flavoring in regular water and vape.

    After further thought... No more coils. No more wicks. No more exploding Mods. No more checking ohms.
    Last edited:


    Vaping Master
    Supporting Member
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    Sep 25, 2014
    Naptown, Indiana
    Earlier this year I decided to stop buying stuff. Not for the first time. I went through the plastic tubs and counted everything and updated my inventory file.

    To encourage me to stick to it I put my stop buying date in red at the top of my vaping diary file right underneath my quit smoking date. That way I see it every time I open the file.

    It sort of worked. I haven't bought any new hardware. I can't resist getting new tank parts. I just ordered a few Nautilus cage tanks since I stripped the threads in one. Then I got some new bases to go with the tanks. Since a base and a cage tank makes a complete tank I guess I cheated there. But my wife started using a Nautilus so that's OK. I had to replace the 510 pin in one of them so I got a bunch of replacement pins. Then I dropped a Safe Stop fuse for mechs and stood on it, so I got a bag of fuses.

    Other than that I've been good. But I saw people talking about the Jac mod and now I want one. And I want a Dragon Ball tank. Even if I never use it I would put it on a spare mod and leave it sitting on the rack.

    I finally paid my credit card down to zero after a couple of expensive trips, and I've done a lot of overtime lately, so tell me I deserve a treat. As many people as possible should tell me that.


    Citrus Junkie
    Supporting Member
    ECF Veteran
    Apr 2, 2017
    West Frankfort, IL
    JC, you WIN :lol::lol::lol::lol:. No animal sacrifices in my household, so no ares I guess, LOL.

    Letitia, I want those two mods desperately as well they are my top pics at the moment. Betcha I can hold out longer than you?? (!!)

    I'll bet you a mod, but I refuse to specify which one :)

    You win. Minikin 2 Raw is enroute as I type.:rolleyes:


    Ultra Member
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    Verified Member
    Jul 18, 2011
    I think I need to stay off the internet after 10:00 pm or so. I get weak late at night and hit the "submit order" button too easily. Last night I preordered the new Jac Sandstorm late at night. In my defense, they tempted me with a 20% off coupon. I need help! Must not order anything the rest of this year!

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