Serious weight gain/depression

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Full Member
Feb 19, 2009
I smoked my last 'analog' on the 1st of july 2010. I havent smoked an analogue since. I weighed myself today (as i started to notice that some of jeans etc were becoming really tight) and I have put on a whole stone since I stopped the analogues.

I have been vaping eco pure 30mg nicotine..

I'm actually getting quite worried and depressed, since I use to be obese... I lost all the weight, and have actually maintained it ever since (its been over ten years since I lost the weight).

I use to weight 20stone.. once I lost it, I weighed 10 stone 7lbs.. So i near enough lost 10 stones..

Putting this one stone on has really stressed me and depressed me. Im a man.. but i suffer from low self confidence, and am really feeling ugly and unnattractive.

I love the benefits of vaping, iv saved money, i feel better, my skin does look younger etc, but at what cost? I really dread the idea of putting the weight back on, its like a nightmare.. Im actually contemplating going back to smoking analogues.. i seriously dont know what else to do.


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Aug 4, 2010
Columbia, Tn
I think some of the weight gain has to do with losing the appetite suppression the analogs contributed to. I know I've been a hungry a lot more since I stated vaping. You may want to try an appetite suppressant or just watch your calorie intake a bit closer. I've put on a few pounds too, and I just started having to do this a bit more. Before when I was hungry I would just smoke a cigarette, and I don't want to go back to analogs. So I just eat a bit healthier now to combat the hunger increase from vaping.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 28, 2010
Have you been drinking more water since you started vaping? I need to drink a LOT more now and tend to experience hunger pains before thirst. In other words, my body thinks it's hungry but really just needs more water. I try to keep a full glass with me at all times now and find that sipping on it keeps the hunger (and need to snack) out of the way.
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