Review of Lemon Meringue Pie from

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Oct 31, 2012
First off, I love it!

So I started vaping about 3 weeks ago. Friend of mine sent me an email with a bunch of vape sites hyperlinked. I stumbled onto I googled reviews on their juices and came across the one in the title. I have enjoyed a lemon meringue pie a time or two in my life and this woman did a great job of convincing me that this juice tasted like the real thing. So, I bought one of their sample packs and that was included. I did order it with one flavor shot.

I got it and tried and danged if that lady wasn't right! It tastes exactly like a lemon meringue pie! You can even taste the pie crust! This juice started off as a novelty but over the last week I have craved it more and more. I vape it every day - not as an all day vape but often.

It's got a slight throat hit but I only use 6mg of nic so perhaps those that want a better throat hit might want a higher nic level.

This is a great juice! I recommend it for anyone that even slightly likes lemon meringue pie. I don't know how they did it but it is spot on.

Oh yeah, it's got nice thick vapor at 50/50 mix.
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