Questions about the Greencig G300

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Full Member
Jan 9, 2011
Hi Everyone - I am new to vaping and new to the forum as well.

I started vaping about 2 weeks ago and almost immediately dropped from 20 to 5 -7 analogs per day. :)

I did not do enough research originally and ended up with a green smoke kit. This is now at a friends house to see if he want to make the switch.

Yesterday I received my G300 kit with the PPC. I love it already, but plan to try a few more types (Black cherry, 510 and one of the KRs) before I decide to stick with something.

I do have a few questions that I hope someone here can help answer.

1. I've read that the GC PPC has a funky light. Well the instructions said to charge it for more then 6 hours when I first charge it. And that the green light will turn off when its charged. I charged it for about 10 hours and the light is still green. I've already charged both of the batteries with out any issues. Does anyone know what the story is? I don't want to over-charge it.

2. The kit came (from nhaler) with 4 high-strength western tobacco carts (dated 09/20/10) and these have tons of flavor and produce a serious TH and not a lot of vapor. I also purchased 1 pack of high green tea (dated 06/30/10) and 1 pack high western tobacco (dated 12/31/10) both from lecig, and these taste different, produce almost no TH and have a ton of vapor (more then green smoke). I much prefer the carts that came with the kit. Does anyone know why this difference? And where I can can get the carts that came with the kit?

3. What type of battery is the G300? Are there non-greencig carts that I can try with these batteries?

4. I would like to get in to refilling and plan to get some empty gc carts. Any liquid recommendations for a beginner?

5. What should be the next kit I try?

Sorry for the super long post... but I've reading and watching youtube reviews and feel like my head is spinning :)

Either way I am drastically cutting down on regular cigarettes and hope to be done with them in another week or so.

Thanks for any help!



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Aug 24, 2010
Nether Iceland of NWPA
I'm sorry that you haven't received a reply to your message yet. I really can't give you any advice on anything Greensmoke related, though I almost did buy the kit before I stumbled on ECF. Posts get buried pretty quickly, so I hope someone replies with an answer to your greensmoke questions.

I would recommend either a ego/riva kit from Liberty Flights Electronic Cigarette - Starter Kits - Riva 510 but you do sound as though vaping would work for you, so you could jump up to a mod. I recommend the ego/riva because it is a good, stable, inexpensive kit for someone that is just beginning to vape. You can also buy empty carts to fill up with a juice that you like.

Recommending juice is tricky because everyone's taste buds are different. I suggest you look at some of the juice reviews. There is tons of information on the forum, perhaps start with the stickies at the top of the New Members Forum.
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