Initial Review: Greencig G300 2 piece e-cig

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
  • May 10, 2009
    Going to post this in General reviews as well, as it seems people look in different places. This is a *long* review, which in total (3 parts) shows the insides of the GreenCig carts, as well as what else the GC carts fit on, and with different batteries. (They do fit on KR808D-1 as well as E9s).

    General reviews thread is here:

    Stand by for the other parts, they're uploading, but..part 1 of 3. (Will *try* to do a quick 'to the point' single summary video if I have time later, for with it )

    Part 1: (video still showing as processing, so may be blurry until YT is done with it)
    YouTube - GreenCig G300 Initial Review Part 1 of 3

    Part 2:

    Part 3:
    Last edited:


    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
    May 21, 2008
    Nice review wegster, yeah the price is a real turn-off and the only reason I never landed me one of these. This is down Greencig World and their greedy business model. It's very expensive and difficult to buy their stock. They could have owned a large slice of the market had they operated differently - a little like Ruyan.

    Did you say you were going to bust open one of the carts? There was a reviewer on e-cigtest who did that and posted some pics but it seems that site has changed its format and I can no longer find the thread.


    Ultra Member
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  • May 10, 2009
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    Ultra Member
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  • May 10, 2009
    @Micbang - thanks for the feedback. Yeah, it's tough. I've got a 'condensed' version that I *barely* got in the YT 10:59, not sure if it will take it or not. You're probably right though, better to do a 'straight review' followed by one for any comparisons, or at lest if in depth, otherwise..30 minutes..gah!

    @dc2k08 - yes, it will burn if held to flame, tried it on a loose piece I pulled out of the coil, but doesn't seem to burn under normal operation to point of cart polyfill inside being quite dry, and haven't been able to burn it just activating the atty on the broken apart cart. Going to keep trying to, though, but I feel better using it over the others (from the pics in the thread I linked to) at this time.


    Ultra Member
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  • May 10, 2009
    MicBang- I might do that. I think everyone's just 'used to youtube,' I've obviously got all the original (non converted for YT footage), may do that in the future, put start to end, on vimeo (what's google video's time limit?) then cut it up for YT...dunno, don't mind spending an hour here and there, but not and will do one for the J118 when it shows up, but don't want to really do several different :D

    @dc - unsure right now, The carts have been 'all around,' onto the e9/u9, KR batteries, e9 and GC batteries, and the carts are going strong. Haven't yet sat down with 'ok, going to cycle through 3-4 batteries,' time it and check out the average..will probably do tomorrow, as I've got a bunch of coding to get through :)

    Will add once I get a feel for bat time, although I expect I'll be abusing them a bit, double puffing and frequently.


    Ultra Member
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    Feb 15, 2009
    Wegster....awesome review. Next time can you be more Man that is crazy regarding that burnt up kr808d cart material...after only 50 hits. You were getting good amount of vapor when using the KR808d battery. I like when you compare different ecigs to each other so if you do review vs 510 and the VK....that would be great.

    Regarding the short KR they suck ... when using them with the KR carts. They last a very short amount of time and they hiss very bad. I don;t know obviously how they would work with the Green carts...since I didn't get my carts yet...I will let you know how they work out once I get my carts.

    BTW....on the video a few times you mentioned....greensmoke as opposed to greencig....I might be wrong but I don't think they are the same model at all.

    Anyway....great review.


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    Mar 14, 2009
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    Ultra Member
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  • May 10, 2009
    Edo - thx for the comments.

    Yeah, I figure the shorty KR batteries won't last long, but I'll keep one assembled, plus the PCC, and see how it goes for the days in the office. And of course, how long the GC carts last, or can be refilled, then rip one back apart when I think it's finally dead.

    Yes, I suck on the Greencig vs Greensmoke thing, dunno why, I think I forgot the name, and convienced myself they were the same. Damnit! :D

    I also want to spend some time with the KR carts, doing as you suggested elsewhere, pre-fill/'fix' every one out of the box, and see if that improves things there..I'm just not feeling like it will make me 'comfortable' with the KR carts though, as they do seem to burn before you can taste or notice anything 'off.'


    Ultra Member
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    Feb 15, 2009
    Wegster...I wish you had posted in one thread. I figured out that the short batteries won;t work after RSL's comments. I gave you a solution though. Let me know if you want me to elaborate.

    I think my way of doing things with the KR808d is absolutely the safest and best way to handle them. But even if you do it my way... is it safe?...I don't know. As we saw in your video and in the pictures provided by you the carts will go bad fast if they are not filled correctly to begin with.


    Ultra Member
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  • May 10, 2009
    Edo - ya, I know..this got messy, and I shoulda known better.

    Let's leave the discussion in the other thread..just there are a LOT of forums in ECF, and I know it's tough for people to find things at times.

    Discussion thread if anyone has anything else on the G300 review, please if possible post in the 'main one' under cig reviews:
    (and next time will just put a link , vs the videos in both places, totally my bad.. )


    Ultra Member
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  • May 10, 2009
    tbpoles - sure, that's true in general, but even on the KR carts, I find the first drag taken is often 'weaker' by comparison to once it's had a few drags on it. You're right in that unless I vape the 510 dry or have just cleaned the atty, I never need a primer puff, but it doesn't hurt, either, just trying to make sure it's 'consistent as can realistically be' compared to the others. I do think regardless of switch, a warm atty performs more consistently versus 'first hit from cold e-cig,' and some level of wicking can still impact first drag, etc. I may of course, be entirely wrong, but that's what I'm going with for now at least :)
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