Question on SB center post

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Super Member
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May 20, 2012
Bozeman, MT
I've read many a threads stating that using an adapter can push the center post down in mods. Well, since I've been using a drip shield on my SB (with 510-510 sealed adapter) I've had the same issue. I don't tighten things as tight as I can, but the adapter still pushes the post down.

It's an adapter from empiremods that is basically free floating, as in it doesn't have the ability to screw the adapter post up or down. I usually put the adapter on the SB first, and then the atomizer. Question is, should I just gently pull the center pin down on the atomizer, or on the Silver Bullet? I'd hate to damage the silicone inside the SB.

I actually like using the adapter even without a drip shield, and being sealed it doesn't allow juice to leak into the battery connection on my mods, but if I'm doing damage using on, I'll just have to quit.

So is it a big deal to gently move the SB center pin up when need be? Or pull down the post on the atty/carto?

Thanks all!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2010
Podunk, FLA
It's generally preferred to move the center post on the atty/carto first. But you can overdo it and ruin your carto. You won't hurt the SB by lifting the post slightly, especially if it's been pushed down already. If you're getting a good connection with the adapter, then just leave it on. The post on the SB is free floating as well and as long as it's not pushed so far down you can't get it back up, it won't hurt anything. just keep an eye out on the post of the atty so that it isn't too long. Flush it with the connector if it protrudes out so far that it will cause the adapters post to jam the SB post down too far.

I'd also think about another adapter with a screw adjustment. The SB is sealed pretty well against leakage via the connector, so that's not really an issue with that mod. Use your sealed adapter on a lesser device.
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