Please help - LiteCigUSA said the eRoll is to be discontinued

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 5, 2014
Well this sucks. Even though the eroll has such a tight draw I still don't see myself not using it. I've been using this since I started vaping over 1.5 years now. I definitely have enough other vape gear when the day finally comes.
I do have plenty tanks and atties to last a while, looks like I'll have to stock up at some point with both eroll and eroll-c batteries.


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Nov 13, 2008
Washington, D.C.
This truly makes NO SENSE and for the first time in years I am completely outraged. I have been a vaper since day one; and I have been a reader (not much of a poster) of this forum since its inception. This industry is upside-down. When "e-cigs" first arrived on American soil, the manufacturers and marketers tried to go the cig-a-like route. That did not work; technology was not up to par and could not support it. The market then shifted. It started with larger batteries, then mods, variable voltage, etc. etc. . . You know what? I have literally and VERY honestly spoken to AT THE VERY LEAST one hundred smokers about the e-cig/PV market. All but one was for these huge devices. Smoking is an addiction that is mostly mental. The physical withdrawal part of it is not even that bad; and this is very well known. And so, when I cigarette smoker wants to live, they want a light, small, effective device -- a device pretty much exactly like the eRoll. I want to hold the ecig between my teeth or lips for minutes or longer; I want to put it behind my ear like I do a regular cigarette; I want to drive with it hanging out of my mouth. I may not be a market analyst, but I do presume to think this may be in part at least a problem of a very vocal minority directing the state of affairs. In other words, the momentum I have seen on this forum has driven the industry to places where it otherwise may not have gone.

These "large" imposing PV's do not accommodate any of these needs I mentioned above. The ONLY thing large PV devices deliver is nicotine to the lungs, and flavor.

I am absolutely livid. I also just spent 1000k on eRoll parts, hoping that will last me until something better comes along.


Vaping Master
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Apr 19, 2011
The Motor City
I understand your frustration. The drive for profits has created a scenario where many of the very effective devices got relegated into "starter", "beginner" or "obsolete" status, and are getting discontinued. Manufacturers are constantly competing to the point of cannibalizing their own products to come out with another version seemingly month after month, leaving many happy vapers scrambling.

Most everything that is physically appropriate for a new vaper, or anyone looking for a cigarette-like experience, gets lambasted regularly and is called crappy by many. Unlike the earlier days in vaping, where not smoking was the point and celebrated, I have read recent posts putting down simpler vapers as "only vaping not to smoke" as if that was somehow a lesser vaper. It would be hard to begin vaping and enjoy it with so much pressure to upgrade, versus the support this community gave me when I started.

Almost everything I use is considered obsolete at this point, even though it works extremely well for me. Keep hunting down clearances and you can keep your vape stash in good shape for years to come.


Vaping Master
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Jul 1, 2012
Mallorca, Spain
This truly makes NO SENSE and for the first time in years I am completely outraged. I have been a vaper since day one; and I have been a reader (not much of a poster) of this forum since its inception. This industry is upside-down. When "e-cigs" first arrived on American soil, the manufacturers and marketers tried to go the cig-a-like route. That did not work; technology was not up to par and could not support it. The market then shifted. It started with larger batteries, then mods, variable voltage, etc. etc. . . You know what? I have literally and VERY honestly spoken to AT THE VERY LEAST one hundred smokers about the e-cig/PV market. All but one was for these huge devices. Smoking is an addiction that is mostly mental. The physical withdrawal part of it is not even that bad; and this is very well known. And so, when I cigarette smoker wants to live, they want a light, small, effective device -- a device pretty much exactly like the eRoll. I want to hold the ecig between my teeth or lips for minutes or longer; I want to put it behind my ear like I do a regular cigarette; I want to drive with it hanging out of my mouth. I may not be a market analyst, but I do presume to think this may be in part at least a problem of a very vocal minority directing the state of affairs. In other words, the momentum I have seen on this forum has driven the industry to places where it otherwise may not have gone.

These "large" imposing PV's do not accommodate any of these needs I mentioned above. The ONLY thing large PV devices deliver is nicotine to the lungs, and flavor.

I am absolutely livid. I also just spent 1000k on eRoll parts, hoping that will last me until something better comes along.

Rough morning huh,

Hope your day gets better!



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Super Member
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Apr 26, 2014
I suspect what's happening is that USA sales of the Eroll are falling fast due to all the newer stuff on the market, which is why all the distributors are discontinuing them, but Joyetech is a worldwide company and there's still plenty of markets where they sell Erolls. So they aren't going to stop manufacturing for a long while yet. Moral - buy direct from Joyetech.
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Senior Member
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Nov 13, 2008
Washington, D.C.
I just spoke with customer service for Joyetech in the U.S. - they said they are continuing the manufacturing of the eRoll. Would someone else like to confirm, or disconfirm?

Really? Would you be so kind as to share the phone number you used to contact them? This is potentially great news.

You know, my day job deals heavily with information technology, mixed in with quintessential business strategy. Even though I do not know, nor have I studied, the market(s) for cig-a-likes, I do know that the technology has ripened and matured over the years. It makes very little sense that a company with great brand recognition and such a good grip in the market would abandon this product line, yes? Let us hope you are correct. Technology in most areas grows at an exponential rate; and e-cigs are no exception. Yes, the industry is changing from fragmented to consolidated; yet even still, it does not make any logical sense to abandon a product line that has proven successful. Even if they broke even or took a small loss, it would still make sense to hold on to that market share and see where it takes them. Cig-a-likes are not going anywhere, and as time goes by they will become almost indistinguishable from the real thing --analogs. Take for example, the overpriced and often ridiculed NJoy King. The battery life is horrid and it is ridiculously overpriced, but it still stands to prove that the underlying tech has matured to a point where true cig-a-likes are a plausible. It's just a matter of time before the tech further matures and we get what we truly want. For Joyetech to abandon this market share makes very little sense to me. this is why I am inclined to believe what you heard from their customer service representative.

-sent from a mobile device; please excuse minor typos


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ECF Guru
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Jul 12, 2012
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Yeah, I worry about all the new "big stuff" taking over, which I no longer have any desire to own. Hopefully the industry won't shoot itself in the foot. I mainly use evods, eRolls and I love my little Ecabs (with single replaceable batteries) which is just like using an eRoll except you can put 1ml of juice in the tank and 1 battery lasts me about 2 hours, I carry 2 extra batteries to pop in when I'm out for the day. They are smaller than AA alkalines and very portable.

If they could make the eRoll a "tad" bigger, with a 1ml tank instead of 0.5, that would be my preference.

I actually had a vendor try to talk me out of eroll/ecab a while back LOL Said they were discontinuing.....well, fine. I just stopped buying from them. LOL
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