Ordered samples, tastes bland

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Sep 1, 2013
I wanted to branch out and taste some e-juice from different suppliers, even though I have been very happy with my current. A lot of people rave about Vermillion River, so I decided to order some samples, all fruity flavors. They taste very bland and they smell like chemicals. Did I get a bad batch or do I need to steep? Shipping was slow (almost a week), so I thought they'd be good to go by the time they got here.


Vaping Master
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Apr 26, 2013
South Texas
I wanted to branch out and taste some e-juice from different suppliers, even though I have been very happy with my current. A lot of people rave about Vermillion River, so I decided to order some samples, all fruity flavors. They taste very bland and they smell like chemicals. Did I get a bad batch or do I need to steep? Shipping was slow (almost a week), so I thought they'd be good to go by the time they got here.

I've not tried any of VR juices, but most vendors that I have tried have needed to be steeped. Try taking the caps off for a day or two and leaving them in a cool dark place. Of course, as wbart said, it may just be that they are not for you.

Absolute best advice is to visit a local B&M that has a juice bar and try different juices there. That'll allow you to sample a lot of juices in a small amount of time. Maybe buy a couple of bottles from them while you continue your search online (unless they have good prices on juice) At the very least it might help you define the flavor profile that you prefer (fruit, candy, bakery, tobacco etc. etc)

Take a drink with you...


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Sep 1, 2013
Thanks, but I already know what I like. I like fruity flavors, as well as candy and bakery. The tobacco flavors are not for me, so I didn't order any. My favorite place is local and they have many samples out that I have tried many times. I generally only buy from them, but wanted to try flavors that the local place doesn't have, such as strawberry mango, grape, cherry, etc.

After letting them steep for a while, they still aren't flavorful and I've noticed they make me cough quite a bit, which is unusual for me. I have no sensitivities to PG or VG and my normal e-juice (65/35 PG/VG) does not make me cough at all. They all still have the same sort of "chemical" taste and smell to them. I originally thought surely that isn't normal, but maybe it is? I guess VR is not for me and that's fine, just wanted to make sure there wasn't a mistake/something horribly wrong with the e-juice I received.


Vaping Master
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May 5, 2013
Grayson, Georgia
Fruit flavors dont require steeping in most instances. If they are too perfumish, the flavors have been over mixed. A great tasting fruit flavor will turn into a perfumish fruit flavor with just a few extra drops of that particular fruit flavor..... from a DIYers point of view.

Tobaccos need a bit of steeping as do some "complex flavors" such as creams and chocolates etc..... but not fruit flavors. They are normally as good as it gets the day you mix them, although some will say a 3 day steep makes a "bit" of a differnce.....

Some people talk about taking the cap off.....they are doing this wheter they know it or not because some juices have alchohol in the mixture. The cap off allows it to evaporate the alchohol.

Before you give up on what you have already bought, pour the juice out in a beaker or .....a glass measuring cup ( a larger area for the alchohol to evaporate). Let it sit out for 24 hours. pour it back in the bottle and see if the bad taste you were getting is caused from alchohol in the mix.

If its still has that taste, it was over mixed with a certain fruit flavor.
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