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Hi. I just read the WHOLE thread...ha ha didn't take too long. Anyways......I just placed my first order from TV yesterday. I ordered Atomic Cinnacide in 24mg, tobacco menthol in 24mg, and german chocolate cake in 12mg.

would love to hear how the tobacco Menthol works out for ya, I am still in search of a good Menthol.


Full Member
Jan 5, 2010
Oklahoma, USA
I like the german choc cake alright as an every once in awhile vape. I haven't tried the menthol tobacco, but I absolutely LOVE the regular tobacco!!! It's very very good and just gets better with a little age. I just ordered two doublers and two 48mg bottles so maybe I will have enough to let some of it set a couple weeks before I vape it all up!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 16, 2011
I will be posting reviews of the three Tasty Vapor samples (18mg, 20% VG from Mister-E-Liquid) I got today as I try them. Before now, I have never tried a TV juice.

First up is Banana Nut Bread. OK, let me start off my saying that this is soooo much better than a "Banana Bread" flavor I got from another vendor a couple of weeks ago. That one tasted just like those nasty banana candies that really lame people give out on Halloween and didn't taste like banana bread at all. The TV juice does indeed taste like banana bread. I can taste the bananas, I can taste the bread, I can taste the nuts. However, the banana flavor is more of a banana extract flavor than a natural banana flavor so it tastes more like those pre-packaged banana nut muffins (Otis Spunkmeyer, for example) or mini-loaves you might find in a convenience store than like homemade banana bread made with mashed up ripe bananas. So it isn't perfect but it is still pretty impressive. TH and vapor are about what you would expect from an 80/20 blend.


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ECF Veteran
Jan 16, 2011
Peach Cobbler. In two words, "not good." It tastes nothing like peach cobbler and very little like peach. It is much more floral, with traces of rose petals, than fruity. This one is going into my growing "give it to someone else" pile.

Pecan Pie. Also not a winner, especially in terms of how much it tastes like the real thing. It has a good finish with some elements of pie crust, some pie dough and traces of a toasty caramel that is vaguely reminiscent of pecan pie filling, but on the inhale, when it is most powerful, it really isn't much like pecan pie at all. It isn't bad and I will probably finish it but I don't see it being a re-order for me.

All three were dripped on a 306 atty on a Riva.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 14, 2011
Got a bunch of TV samples from (he sells some of the TV flavors that he makes from the TV doublers so you can try them out w/o spending lots of $ on full sizes...awesome). So far, i've tasted TV's biscotti, banana nut bread, pecan pie, coconut cream pie and rasberry cheesecake . The winner by far is the banana nut good, and it gets even better over time. Its awesome to refill V4L's bananas foster cartos too! It really does taste like banana nut bread (the packaged kind) and doesn't dissapoint. It's sweet, flavorful and vapes really well. I don't taste the cinnamon though, like some posters do, but it may just be my tastebuds.

Second fav is the biscotti...true biscotti flavor, and is a great base to mix with other juices like coffee, fruits, and other dessert/pastry flavors. I wasn't a huge fan at first, but it grew on me and its on my daily juice rotation.

Least favs are pecan pie and peach cobbler...they're not bad, just don't taste like the real deal, and for some reason, the peach cobbler gives me a sore throat..ick.

The rest...meh.

I know this is a TV thread, but have to share that mister-e-liquid's french toast is THE BEST and mixed 1 to 1 w/ TV's banana nut bread is vaping heaven!:p


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ECF Veteran
Nov 1, 2010
Fallbrook, CA
I just ordered the tobacco flavor. Haven't tried anything from him thus far but from the description of it tasting like actual good old tobacco and not 'nutty' like like all the other flavors out there that I have tried, can you share your experience with this flavor? Much appreciated!

I would let it steep for at least a week. The difference is night and day, I kid you not!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2010
That doesn't sound like Geoff at all nawcho ... I'm sure he'd correct any of his errors.

Sounds like him to me. I ordered Pina Colada a while back, loved it, so ordered a doubler and 3 more bottles to mix it with and some cheesecake flavors. All the new stuff had almost no taste at all. I contacted Geoff about it and he said something to the effect of, "Yeah, one of my mixers was not putting enough flavor in but I have it sorted out now". That's nice, but he made no offer at all to fix the $120 worth of "fog juice" I was sent.


Full Member
Dec 31, 2010
Semmes, AL
I had the same thing happen to me when placing the order. I am wondering if there is not a glitch at times on the site, because I too KNOW i put in 3 flavors and only one showed up on the invoice. I tried to email them and got no response over the holiday week but that was understandable and no one answered the chat thing either. They probably took a couple days off like I did. :)

But I got on the chat thing again and told them what was going on and they are sending out a replacement for what I wanted.

I'm not having any problem with the quality of the liquid.

I ordered Coconut cream pie in doubler and juice, it's really great, tastes more like piecrust than coconut to me, but wow, I'm loving this one. And the caramel is really good, too. I'm using these in my Copper Mod and they're 30percent VG, tons of vapor. I'm happy now.

And will order from them again. I want to try more flavors but with the doublers, I'm going to be vaping for eons on just a few of these things. They really are economical.

Try them again, I am sure they'll fix you up same as they did me.

What are doublers?


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Jan 16, 2010
Winnipeg, Canada
Peach Cobbler. In two words, "not good." It tastes nothing like peach cobbler and very little like peach. It is much more floral, with traces of rose petals, than fruity. This one is going into my growing "give it to someone else" pile.

This just go's to show ya, taste is so very subjective. I received TV Peach Cobbler 10 days ago and am totally thrilled with it. Very peachy with a few other notes that make it interesting. I absolutely love it. Btw, vaped at 5V with a carto.


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Sep 17, 2010
Other Places
What are doublers?

Doublers are used for mixing and don't contain nicotin.

For an example: If you buy banana nut bread at 48mg, you can cut it down to the nicotine content you want with banana nut bread doubler. You don't lose flavor this way.

If you find a flavor that you love from them, it's cheaper to buy it in 48mg and cut it down with it's doubler.
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