Not Happy!!!

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 23, 2010
Oh, hardly!

Have you forgotten Steel? Or the JLA TV pilot? The 80's (IIRC) Captain America? What about the Indian Superman?

I could go on and on and on and on...

The 80's captain america crossed over from being bad to being so bad its actually funny territory....daredevil was just bad.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 9, 2010
I forgot about baldeagle! (I just checked, he never even registered, much less got active).

I hate to say this, because it is pure speculation, but does anybody know anything about the owners? I'm wondering if they really care? I've run my own business since my 3rd job ever, and I know you other business owners think owners have to care, but many successful business owners actually don't, and good enough is more than good enough. Especially folks with several businesses, and partners etc. Got some money, cool. Some folks ain't happy? Placate them if we can, but really, so what, got some more money. Sure it's not tenable, but they often aren't personally invested in their businesses other than monetarily which is pretty easy to make back, so if one folds they buy a bar, mini-storage, or car wash and move on. Hell, two friends of mine had to buy our favorite bar because the owner absolutely didn't care one bit. The bar's business is up a lot under new management, but the old owner was fine with making anything, especially since he only showed up once a month or so. And not that I see causation, but the old bar owner's name was Mike!

So do we have any idea that the owners actually care, or were they just thinking they'd cash in on this ecig thing when they stumbled across Leaford (and red!) and happened to end up with a banging product without leadership to match? I hope I'm way off base here, I too want bloog to succeed. (honestly I don't want to ever change my avatar!)

Thats true. The nr 1 most often comment i get is: Wow were just not used to one who cares....( Im very involved in what i do.) Farriers make tons and tons, without stopping and looking at what they are doing. Many dont better themselves, just set their mind on autopilot when they go out to customers, and cash that check.

THink i remember them saying 3 owners. So whos the last one? Maybe just an investor.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 19, 2011
Was it something I said?
Yeah, I'd guess an angel. Seems like Mike was referred to as the active one, implying the 3rd isn't active. And until this thread I didn't realize NYC was an owner. If she is still dealing with family and health problems, I'd hate her to think I'm kicking her when she's down. So NYC, if you're reading this, I really am rooting for you!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 16, 2010
THink i remember them saying 3 owners. So whos the last one? Maybe just an investor.

From what I can gather from Toni's posts, Bloog's owners/partners are:

Antoinette (forum name nycsublimegirl) -- goes by Toni

I hope Toni’s posts below are helpful:

From 1/29/11:
…….my partners … handle all the CS and shipping.... I work more with marketing and branding....

From 2/28/11:
...please see this thread for a little bloog background:
leaford was an ecig user turned reviewer...... we were lucky enough to get him to work with us!

My other partners are Mike and Warren, Mike is the one in the offices day to day, and warren is always traveling to china and trade shows etc...
Note: ashley is no longer handling cs for bloog...we just hired someone new who started last monday his name is chris...and once he is up to speed will probably be posting here as well....


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 16, 2010
That Chris guy never did, did he?

Nope, nor Mike....

posted 03-14-2011
Chris (head of CS) is now up to speed enough to begin to try and post in the forum as well.

Mike is also throwing his hat in the ring and will be posting as "thebaldeagle".

Their presence here will be great as I have stated i am unfortunately not in the Bloog offices day to day.

This is turning into my RB issue. :)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 1, 2011
But. Leaford, Daredevil was personal to me. A dark hero, literally for him, toughing it out in the streets of Hell's Kitchen. And they give us Ben Afleck as Daredevil and that chick with the goofy ears, who is less Greek than me, to play Elektra. Ugghhh.

I will, however, concede that Superman 4 and Batman Forever were VERY bad movies. Captain America doesn't count. It wasn't a movie. So HA!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
May 1, 2008
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Here's who you could call:

I am going to suggest a Bloog calling campaign to get the attention of Bloog’s owners, so hopefully they will begin to address the many issues we have been discussing on this sub-forum. I'm not sure how aware the owners are of these issues, because they aren’t active on this sub-forum, which is a problem in itself.

Mike Coughlin is the most active owner/partner of Bloog. As you can see in the post quoted above, nycsublimegirl provided Mike’s cell phone number – 732-492-1122.

I hope you will join me in calling Mike to express your concerns. It’s like calling your congressperson or senator about an issue you feel strongly about. I’m calling because I want Bloog to be successful, and I also want the company to do justice to, and live up to, the quality products Leaford is producing. It is a shame to see a business with such good products being managed, and treating customers, in such an abysmal way.

Below is the list of things I want to discuss with Mike. You may not agree with all the items, so only discuss with him the areas that are of concern to you. Also, feel free to add to the list, as I know I haven't included all the issues, and I would appreciate being reminded of the other concerns I could discuss with Mike.

1) How they are currently handling it when people order out-of-stock items is really NOT working. They either need to find a way to not allow out-of-stock items to be ordered, or they need to have someone from CS call the very next business day after the order is placed to inform the customer of the out-of stock situation, and to ask the customer what they want Bloog to do about the rest of the order.

2) They need to send order confirmations the very next business day after an order is placed.

3) Shipping should occur within a clearly defined period of time after an order is placed, and shipping confirmation e-mails should be sent the same day order is shipped.

4) The new website must have these features: The system needs to send an automatic order confirmation e-mail instantaneously. And the system should not allow out-of-stock items to be ordered (this will also cut down on the work the CS staff has to do).

5) Why is it taking so long to get the new website up and running? What can they do to speed it up.? If they are trying to do it on the cheap, don't. Do what needs to be done to get the new site completed and operational within the next 2 weeks.

6) Bloog must have someone live to answer the CS phone lines during business hours, and enough CS staff to answer all calls and e-mails within 24 hours of receipt.

7) Get more staff on the sub-forum. There really needs to be a consistent owner presence on the sub-forum. Red and Leaford cannot do it all.

8) Get current errors corrected on website ASAP (green battery picture needs to replace current blue batt picture; pass-thru battery needs to be added to the site as a separate item. (there are probably other things I haven’t noticed.)

9) Kit prices needs to be adjusted so that kit prices are lower than if you purchase the individual items separately. And this needs to be done without raising the current prices of the individual items.

Well, that's my suggestion. I hope many of you will join me, and call Mike to discuss the issues you are most concerned about. Thank you.

Hey everyone, good news! I just talked to Mike about all of these issues, and he wanted me to pass on his thoughts.

First off, of course, he wants to apologize to everyone, and wants me to reaffirm our commitment to not only have the best product, but to provide the best service as well. Obviously he is alll too aware that we are failing in the second commitment at present, but we promise to fix that.

Secondly, he did and still does intend to start posting here, as will Chris. But right now they are still absolutely totally consumed by the day to day business, which right now mostly means handling all the CS problems noted above. A LOT of it simply rises from our stock situation. An out of stock order actually takes MORE time to deal with than one we can ship, because of trying to call or e-mail to notify the customer, doing extra order processing if the customer wants to change their order, answering the complaints from the customers we didn't contact in time, etc etc. So they just haven't had the time to come here and post. Yet.

But all of that IS getting better. We are getting more and more stock in, and should be fully restocked by next week. That alone will ease our daily CS workload considerably, as well of course as preventing new CS problems due to low stock. What's more, although Red has already been of a TREMENDOUS help right from his first day, he is still getting trained, so his contribution will only help more and more as we go on.

The whole NJ staff will be having a sit down today, including Red, to go over these problems and see what we can do immediatly to start turning it around. ANd as preperation, I've already sent links to everyone for this thread, and Slim's post in particular, to help them prepare for the meeting. And I'll also forward any other threads or specific posts you want me to.

We also discussed the website, and Mike agrees that we need to move up the timetable on that, and that will also be part of the meeting.

Now, Slim, I also talked to him about your suggested telephone campaign. He welcomes it. He encourages any and all of you to call him directly on his cell phone (732-492-1122) to dicuss any or all of these issues, or any other that are important to you. He wants to talk to you directly since he still can't come here, to assure you all as concretely as possible that we are absolutely 100% committed to fixing all of our mistakes, and that we will do whatever it takes to make it up to you all.

And, towards that end, he also gave me permission to announce that we are going to have a 20% off Customer Appreciation sale as soon as we are fully restocked and have cleared our back orders. Which we expect to be by the middle of April. We will announce the sale by e-mail blast, so be sure to check your user account (or sign up for one) to make sure you are subscribed to our mailing list. ONLY customer account holders will receive the Customer Appreciation coupon code, so don't forget to make sure you are on our list.

Guys, I know the only really acceptable answer for you will be when we can finally announce, "There! It's all fixed!" And that's as it should be. But that day really is coming; we have a time table, we have a plan, the new website will get there, maybe even in time for the sale (but sorry, I still can't promise that though), and hopefully today's meeting will produce some more immediate results as well.

Please stick with us just a little bit longer. We won't be able to do it without you. We can't do ANYTHING without you.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
May 1, 2008
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
But. Leaford, Daredevil was personal to me. A dark hero, literally for him, toughing it out in the streets of Hell's Kitchen. And they give us Ben Afleck as Daredevil and that chick with the goofy ears, who is less Greek than me, to play Elektra. Ugghhh.

I will, however, concede that Superman 4 and Batman Forever were VERY bad movies. Captain America doesn't count. It wasn't a movie. So HA!

Direct to video is still a movie. ;)

Besides, Elektra. You can't possibly say Daredevil was bad without acknowledging that it's demented offspring was even worse. ;)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
May 1, 2008
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Direct to video is still a movie. ;)

Besides, Elektra. You can't possibly say Daredevil was bad without acknowledging that it's demented offspring was even worse. ;)

Oh, and for the killshot, the Roger Corman Fantastic Four. NOTHING in the history of cinema was worse than THAT! :lol:


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 5, 2011
Central Indiana
Hey Leaford,
Thanks for the update.

I know that some will say this should have happened long ago, but I think that it DID happen will show Bloog's commitment to it's customers. Sometimes you just have to shake the tree a little.

I can appreciate the delays and hard time Bloog has been going thru creating the BEST vaping product on the market.

I know I am looking forward to a long, happy relationship with Bloog and my new Bloog friends.:laugh::toast:

Keep on Vaping...:vapor:

Please stick with us just a little bit longer. We won't be able to do it without you. We can't do ANYTHING without you.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
May 1, 2008
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Point taken.

Ok. Due to peer pressure, and a reminder of many bad super hero movies I had previously managed to purge from my memory (thanks Leaford!), I will revise my statement.

Daredevil is, to me, the most disappointing super hero movie of all time.

Victory! :headbang:

(Hey, I'll take what victories I can get! :lol:)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 21, 2011
Just an update. I did finally get my batteries.....and.....some cartos. Though not the ones I wanted. I specifically emailed Bloog back almost immediately after they emailed me, saying they were out, that I did not want other cartos, I specifically wanted the blue ones and I would wait. As you can imagine, this just infuriated me more. So I did try to call Mike. I got his voicemail. I left a fairly detailed message. I also mentioned in the message that I STILL want what I ordered. And NO I will not be returning these. Unless they want to drive over here to my home and get them, I am not wasting any more time on this. I am not packaging this back up, labeling it, driving 10 miles to the post office, paying to ship it back, waiting to get a shipping refund, etc etc.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 14, 2010
Hey everyone, good news! I just talked to Mike about all of these issues, and he wanted me to pass on his thoughts.

First off, of course, he wants to apologize to everyone, and wants me to reaffirm our commitment to not only have the best product, but to provide the best service as well. Obviously he is alll too aware that we are failing in the second commitment at present, but we promise to fix that.

Secondly, he did and still does intend to start posting here, as will Chris. But right now they are still absolutely totally consumed by the day to day business, which right now mostly means handling all the CS problems noted above. A LOT of it simply rises from our stock situation. An out of stock order actually takes MORE time to deal with than one we can ship, because of trying to call or e-mail to notify the customer, doing extra order processing if the customer wants to change their order, answering the complaints from the customers we didn't contact in time, etc etc. So they just haven't had the time to come here and post. Yet.

But all of that IS getting better. We are getting more and more stock in, and should be fully restocked by next week. That alone will ease our daily CS workload considerably, as well of course as preventing new CS problems due to low stock. What's more, although Red has already been of a TREMENDOUS help right from his first day, he is still getting trained, so his contribution will only help more and more as we go on.

The whole NJ staff will be having a sit down today, including Red, to go over these problems and see what we can do immediatly to start turning it around. ANd as preperation, I've already sent links to everyone for this thread, and Slim's post in particular, to help them prepare for the meeting. And I'll also forward any other threads or specific posts you want me to.

We also discussed the website, and Mike agrees that we need to move up the timetable on that, and that will also be part of the meeting.

Now, Slim, I also talked to him about your suggested telephone campaign. He welcomes it. He encourages any and all of you to call him directly on his cell phone (732-492-1122) to dicuss any or all of these issues, or any other that are important to you. He wants to talk to you directly since he still can't come here, to assure you all as concretely as possible that we are absolutely 100% committed to fixing all of our mistakes, and that we will do whatever it takes to make it up to you all.

And, towards that end, he also gave me permission to announce that we are going to have a 20% off Customer Appreciation sale as soon as we are fully restocked and have cleared our back orders. Which we expect to be by the middle of April. We will announce the sale by e-mail blast, so be sure to check your user account (or sign up for one) to make sure you are subscribed to our mailing list. ONLY customer account holders will receive the Customer Appreciation coupon code, so don't forget to make sure you are on our list.

Guys, I know the only really acceptable answer for you will be when we can finally announce, "There! It's all fixed!" And that's as it should be. But that day really is coming; we have a time table, we have a plan, the new website will get there, maybe even in time for the sale (but sorry, I still can't promise that though), and hopefully today's meeting will produce some more immediate results as well.

Please stick with us just a little bit longer. We won't be able to do it without you. We can't do ANYTHING without you.

will the 20% off be automattically applied to the back orders? would be nice.....


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 16, 2010
Hey everyone, good news! I just talked to Mike about all of these issues, and he wanted me to pass on his thoughts.

Guys, I know the only really acceptable answer for you will be when we can finally announce, "There! It's all fixed!" And that's as it should be. But that day really is coming; we have a time table, we have a plan, the new website will get there, maybe even in time for the sale (but sorry, I still can't promise that though), and hopefully today's meeting will produce some more immediate results as well.

Please stick with us just a little bit longer. We won't be able to do it without you. We can't do ANYTHING without you.

Leaford, you have made me very happy! :banana: See, I'm doing my happy dance!

I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you following-up with Mike about "the list", and for your lengthy post explaining all that is happening with the company at this point. I don't expect results tomorrow, I mainly wanted to know the owners were truly aware of the problems, and more communication about their commitment to resolving them.

I am rooting for Bloog, and hope to be a long-term customer, mainly because you are producing wonderful, quality products. Thank you for reassuring us that Bloog is committed to it's customers, and to making things better. I was also very happy to see Mike's post today. Thank you again for all your efforts on our behalf. :thumbs:
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