Non-smoker using e-cigarettes?

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 2, 2013
My best friend smokes but says she wants to quit. She has tried before but wasn't successful. So I gave her an ultimatum: either she stops smoking by my birthday (November 15) or I start smoking.

Ummmm...that is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. Sorry to be so blunt. You are in all reality probably very bright, and only trying to help a friend....But... I battled smoking for 33 years. My advice...If you don't smoke.....don't even put anything resembling a cigarette in your mouth. Nicotine or not.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2010
I think that model would be a little too complicated for her. She's more of a convenience person. She used a disposable e-cig previously so I was thinking of a type like Blu. No coils, no liquids, just charge the battery and screw in a flavor tip.

They are less complicated than you might think from the picture. The point of vaping is to be able to get your nicotine in a safer form, (same nicotine as patches or gum) and kill the cravings that have made all of us fail so many times. The Blu and other such mini's may work for someone who may smoke a pack a week or less. You didn't mention how much she smokes, or what kind of cigarettes, or if she smokes 'em down to the filter, etc... The particulars are important in what may or may not work for any smoker.

I was able to beat a 40+ year addiction, smoking 1 1/2 packs a day, full strength cigs, down to the filter, and as of now haven't had a smoke in 3 years 3 months. It is possible for this to work for her...:)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 14, 2013
I think that model would be a little too complicated for her.
As Stosh said, it's much less complicated in reality than it may seem looking at it here. Compared to disposables and kits that resemble cigarettes, it also has better battery life, power, and versatility, making it more satisfying to the user in the long term. And if you stick with it, it can be much cheaper than cigarettes, disposables, and kits that resemble cigarettes. (And for the environmentally-minded, something like an Evod or Mini Protank kit would also produce less trash.) :thumb:

As an added bonus, the aesthetics can be fun, too. Some ECF members love decorating their vaporizers. We have a very long thread on the forum, for example, called Show us your girly, pretty, decorated, pink! I'm not into pink and don't do much to decorate my vaporizers, but I follow the thread anyway just because I love to see other people's fun stuff. Everyone's got their own style. ria__x recently shared her Hello Kitty themed collection. Other people do school colors, holiday themes, or subcultures such as steampunk. :)
They are less complicated than you might think from the picture. The point of vaping is to be able to get your nicotine in a safer form, (same nicotine as patches or gum) and kill the cravings that have made all of us fail so many times. The Blu and other such mini's may work for someone who may smoke a pack a week or less. You didn't mention how much she smokes, or what kind of cigarettes, or if she smokes 'em down to the filter, etc... The particulars are important in what may or may not work for any smoker.

I was able to beat a 40+ year addiction, smoking 1 1/2 packs a day, full strength cigs, down to the filter, and as of now haven't had a smoke in 3 years 3 months. It is possible for this to work for her...:)

She's down to 5 cigarettes a day. She smokes Marlboro Menthol Lights and doesn't normally smoke to the filter. I watched a video tutorial for that type and it just has too much upkeep for her. She'll need something more handy. Her biggest breaking moments are when she's stressed and if she would have to fool with a head replacement or filling it back up I'm afraid she'd just opt for a cigarette.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 14, 2013
She'll need something more handy.
I have mine with me all the time. They're easy to carry in a pocket or purse. I usually use a cheap clamshell case for eyeglasses. :)

if she would have to fool with a head replacement or filling it back up
If she smokes as little as you say, these are not things that would have to be done terribly often-- refilling a tank once or twice a day at most, swapping out a coil head maybe once a week (and then only to soak it, the head itself would probably last a month). But even if she did have to do it in the moment, neither would take much more time than getting a cigarette, fishing out a lighter, and lighting it. I've done both. And if you do have the vape with you and don't have the cigarettes with you, even easier. :)


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
I think that model would be a little too complicated for her. She's more of a convenience person. She used a disposable e-cig previously so I was thinking of a type like Blu. No coils, no liquids, just charge the battery and screw in a flavor tip.
IMO, the disposables don't work well enough to completely stop smoking. I think you are over-estimating the difficulty and under-estimating that your friend can learn how to use the ego batteries.

Vaping is not smoking. It was never meant to be the same. Concessions must be made. Small batteries are not the answer.

We've all been there. Done that. I was only using the cigalike batteries for 3 weeks and had to make the jump to a mod (advanced personal vaporizer) to stay off of cigarettes. We are giving you advice based on all of our experiences.
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ECF Guru
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Feb 23, 2010
She's down to 5 cigarettes a day. She smokes Marlboro Menthol Lights and doesn't normally smoke to the filter. I watched a video tutorial for that type and it just has too much upkeep for her. She'll need something more handy. Her biggest breaking moments are when she's stressed and if she would have to fool with a head replacement or filling it back up I'm afraid she'd just opt for a cigarette.

Yeah. We all smoked when we were stressed, which happened roughly twenty times a day--in my case, anyway. ;)

She has to want to quit herself. That's the bottom line. Sorry to be blunt, but no amount of nagging, begging, urging, pleading or blackmailing will make her quit. Actually, it may just "stress" her more.

But I do wish you both good luck.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2010
She's down to 5 cigarettes a day. She smokes Marlboro Menthol Lights and doesn't normally smoke to the filter. I watched a video tutorial for that type and it just has too much upkeep for her. She'll need something more handy. Her biggest breaking moments are when she's stressed and if she would have to fool with a head replacement or filling it back up I'm afraid she'd just opt for a cigarette.

That's great!! She's making good progress!!

There is a setup that is similar to the Blu or disposables in appearance and ease of use, but much more reliable and satisfying for the user.
They are sold by Smokless Image, called a Volt...Smokeless Image | The Best Electronic Cigarette
I own one myself, picked it up to use going through airports and such. When discression is necessary. Had to pick up a second set for my own SO for her stressful times. :) I do have have a number of larger, weirder, more complicated for my normal use. But there is a good quality setup to please any vaper, in any situation.

And we're standing by to assist if she has any questions for getting the best results and enjoyment out of vaping...:)


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Mar 15, 2012
United States
Best of luck to you both. Starting out, I think she should go with something that is just "plug and play." If she takes to it well, then she can maybe look into something a little more complex as she gets comfortable with it. And she'll still have the "plug and play" one handy if she gets stressed while filling up liquid however, if she does get so stressed out that she needs a cigarette, I'd hate to hear how she feels about pouring a glass of milk :)

All jokes aside, she is lucky to have a friend like you who cares about her enough to take such an active role in getting her to quit but unfortunately I have to side with a few other posters in the thread that the method may be a tad bit over the top.


Senior Member
Nov 3, 2013
You might have very good intentions, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you're going about this the wrong way, as many here have attempted to tell you.

I have kicked analogs after 30+ years of using them. I tried everything from patches to gums to hypnosis to acupuncture and everything else in between. Nothing worked until I tried a tank-based system; like the EVOD kit that was linked by another member. I had tried cartos (the simple Blu like ecigs) about two years ago and they did not work for me. I went back to analogs. My parents gave me a similar ultimatum as you gave your girlfriend. That did not work either. I would hide the habit from them and that got to be very stressful for me, causing me to smoke more when the opportunity presented itself.

The tank-based systems, IMO, has the best taste and that is what got me to quit analogs. Different devices work best for different people. Being that she has tried the carto based cig like devices, I would encourage her to try the EVOD kit. It just might do the trick. And, it really is not complicated at all to use. Get her a sample e-liquid pack from Halocigs. I love their juices. I've tried may others and I keep going back to Halo juices.

Most of all, I will tell you to love her as she is, with all her failings. Be supportive of her, if and when she decides to quit. For her to succeed, she will need to make the decision to quit all by herself. Nobody else can do that for her; not you, not her friends and not her parents.

Wishing you both well. I don't recommend that you start vaping and I hope that she manages to quit analogs, even if that means that she switches to vaping. Tell her join ECF and we will all guide her through this.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
First off; to answer your question directly yes there are non-nicotine juices for vaping but regardless of nicotine if you don't smoke its a bad idea to suddenly begin vaping. Your lungs are always better off without any inhalation product. Secondly, as others have said though your heart is in the right place this is not the way to go about helping your friend to quit smoking.


Full Member
Nov 2, 2013
Los Angeles
I picked up a disposable e hookah also just to try it. I have never been a smoker, I think cigarettes are disgusting and just being around them gave me a headache. I picked up a disposable Fantasia e hookah which has 0 nic, PG/VG and citric acid and it was sooooo yummy.

Your lungs will feel heavy after a few hours and that scared me a bit. I was chain vaping it all night though. It gave me a wicked headache, I'm pretty sure it was the PG so I stopped inahling it, I just let it sit in my mouth and played around with the Vapor until it died on me.

If you're worried about the effect on your lungs just inhale every few hits or so or don't inhale it at all, it's still fun :)


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Aug 29, 2013
Illinois, US


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 6, 2013
Ummmm...that is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. Sorry to be so blunt. You are in all reality probably very bright, and only trying to help a friend....But... I battled smoking for 33 years. My advice...If you don't smoke.....don't even put anything resembling a cigarette in your mouth. Nicotine or not.

This is by far not anywhere close to the dumbest thing ever put on this forum. The OP never asked for approval on their method, and I will bluntly put that a method like this can work. Just because you had a certain struggle doesn't mean the next person will too. When faced with an ultimatum, or a very motivating cause, a person can make the change. I have a very dear friend I told that I could no longer be around them due to the amount that person was smoking, I would stay friends, but not be in their presence. A couple months later, that person kicked the habit. Made me feel good that my friendship was worth much more than cigarettes.

To the OP. About vaping, there are studies that show there are no short term negative affects that is very harmful, but again, there are no long term studies on what can or may happen due to vaping. Do not let anyone tell you what you should or should not do. You are an adult and if you feel you want to vape 0 nic, do not let anyone tell you that you should not. You are over 18 and can make decisions on your own, do not let strangers on a forum tell you you should not vape. It's just dumb to suggest since they probably tell everyone that vaping is safe anyways.... So safe that only smokers should vape huh?
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