Nicotine THAT bad? Or just a coincidence?

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ECF Veteran
Nov 13, 2008
Thank you for the advice, even though I think I am a bit different in this aspect. I do not miss the act of smoking, or snusing. I really miss the drug in my system. So I do not need to imitate either cigs or snus: if starting again, I want the real thing, but I am afraid to try it even in small doses because of what is said of addiction: that even a small dose will bring back the withdrawal suffering in full force. I think I will just stay clean. That is what I meant being off wagon. I keep my fingers crossed for you e-cig people, even watch some of the novelties in the field, but no nic for me. At least for some time.

The cutting down works for some, but when I stopped (after considerably decreasing my nic income for let´s say two years - first going down to 10 cigs a day from 20+, then to a couple mg nic in other forms) I still suffered heavy withdrawal. So if I were to do it again, I would only cut to what I am comfortable with. No real need to go below the comfortable limit, because the "pain" will still be there after going to zero. At least in my experience.


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ECF Veteran
Apr 7, 2009
For some reason about 2 years ago my BP and heart rate decided to gang up on me. Without meds, my BP will go 240/110 and heart rate will run 190, that's not a typo, it will run 190. On meds, and smoking, bp would be 150's/90's and heart rate would be 110 or higher. Since starting the ecig, bp is well within normal ranges and heart rate dropped to around 70. My cardiologist and PCP are loving it! I use 36mg cut in half with vg.

Frankie, I hope yours stays in control and doesnt go back up like it used to. I know how bad it canmake you feel.


Full Member
May 12, 2009
Sad to read that your BP has gone back up again, Frankie.:(

All I can suggest is to try to do all the recommended things, though you're probably doing all that as far as you can my case I think it's psychological stress that affects mine more than physical factors, and unfortunately I have a wacky reaction to psych stress - the smallest threat to my well-being often sets it off, yet I often barely react to big problems - there's usually no predicting how I'll handle a particular challenge, so the old adage "cut down on stress" is even harder for me than for the average Joe.

Good luck with sorting it out though - one thing I can say is that it's usually better when you know you're doing things to deal with it.....and if you die, well at least you'll die "with your boots on," as I intend to.
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