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Jul 2, 2010
Near Atlanta, Georgia, US of A
I'm confused...if you where a smoker before and vaped for 4 months........dont have any of the basic Nic over dose signs........ what in the world is making you think its Nicotine?

I agree 100% This thread makes less and less sense every time he posts, lol. Not trying to be mean OP, but this doesn't seem ANYTHING like nicotine poisoning. In fact, if you were vaping for 4 months before with no problem, and you are only at 12mg/mL, I can guarantee you, it ISNT nicotine poisoning.

Your body is an extremely delicate and complex vehicle. There are tens of thousands of biological processes going on every second, and just as many things that can go wrong, on the microscopic level.

Nicotine poisoning, as far as I know, its a syndrome, or "condition". If you have had these issues for a month now, it isn't nicotine poisoning. It would be like any other drug over don't have have a drug overdose that lasts a just doesn't work like that.

Just cut back on the vaping, see how you feel man. =) Get yourself to a doctor too.


Senior Member
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Apr 24, 2013
South Florida
Lol I didn't think everyone who joined the convo would bash me for thinking it is nicotine poisoning. It was just a question damn. I'm sorry I have no knowledge on nicotine poisoning. I thought that since everyone's body varies that it could be possible that my body could no longer handle the daily feed of nicotine. Apparently that was a stupid assumption


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Aug 5, 2013
what I take from it is he talked to guy that had issue's which his doctor put down to his new e cig use that it might be nic poisoning or what ever. hes searched it up and it seemed maybe it is as hes got the symptoms so made this thread for reassurance its not, which is a GOOD idea and many arnt so used to them and like anything new it can scare people. as I stated on my first post this is a reason why its not good to self diagnose.

ok try these first:

1. stop useing your e cig for a day to see if it stops, if not then its more then likely something else.
2. if it stops cheek your new e liquid and compare to the old one that didnt effect you, ie pg/vg ratio etc. even better just post them now to compare as 100% pg makes me sick but 70% is fine.
3. have you started new exercise work outs, new food, new meds for other issness of any kind even over the counter meds.

people take it bad as you made ecigs look bad but I understand your reasoning as im only new too, no one wants people put off these for stupid questions but in all honesly its not a dumb question. just you heard from someone thats doctor put it down to nic poisoning when it might of juat been pg didnt agree with him. a doctor wouldnt know this.

ps: most might of felt better if you just asked is the nic makeing me sick as I talked to a guy whos doctor said he got nic poisoning from e cigs, then they would bash the doctor for misinforming people without looking into it. it wouldnt be 12mg nic anyway as i use 24mg and 36mg and im not dead lol, dont worry about it just some people take it to heart lol :):):):):):)
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ECF Guru
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Apr 23, 2011
Boston MA
The intent isn't to beat up on you. It is not uncommon for some reason for new vaper's to come here thinking anything and everything going on is somehow vaping related. Some times it becomes absurd and potentially dangerous. A 30 year smoker will pop in, report chest pain, and want to know if it's somehow vaping related. Someone actually posted they had blood in their stool, and wanted to know if it was somehow vaping related. These are the kinds of symptoms you get checked out medically, and as soon as possible. You don't screw around self diagnosing potentially serious medical conditions. We ain't doctors, we can't see you, and there is no crystal ball going on here. If there is ever any reason to be seriously concerned about a symptom you get your .... to a health care professional, not a message board. That's all.

Coastal Cowboy

This aggression will not stand, man!
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Jun 13, 2013
Alabama Gulf Coast
Not bashing.

This is a forum full of hobbyists and amateurs. You want advice on the right battery, atomizer or liquid? You're in the right place.

We're not really keen on answering questions of a medical nature.

Ain't no one here got time for that.


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Jan 20, 2012
Hi OP. Ok, I obviously can't tell you what it IS since I'm not a doctor. But I can say with pretty good certainty that it isn't nicotine poisoning. I've had experiences where I got too much nicotine & you can really tell when that's what the problem is. If you don't have nausea & other common nicotine OD symptoms then this isn't the cause.

About being allergic, you said that you got some new flavors more recently. Have your symptoms started since you started using those favors or before them?

Also, you can develop allergic reactions to things you have never had a reaction to before. I wasn't allergic to bee stings when I was a child (well I never had to go to the hospital or have a shot or anything) but when I was an adult I got stung by a bee once & had a large amount of swelling. The second time I got stung by a bee the swelling was much worse & there were other side affects. So I am now allergic to bee stings when I wasn't before. So it could be the that you have developed an allergic reaction to the PG. That is a possibility.

Also, people have had bad experiences with VG too. I've not heard of allergic reactions per se but myself I can't vape high VG juices. They make my throat start hurting within hours if I do & if I continue it gets so bad that I pretty much can't vape or drink anything & it's hard to eat.

But really, I WOULD go see a doctor about your symptoms especially because of the numbing in the face issue. That's really something I wouldn't ignore or hope it goes away. But I would also consider see if the new juices are the problem. They might have something in them that isn't present in the ones you were using before.


Senior Member
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Apr 24, 2013
South Florida
Hi OP. Ok, I obviously can't tell you what it IS since I'm not a doctor. But I can say with pretty good certainty that it isn't nicotine poisoning. I've had experiences where I got too much nicotine & you can really tell when that's what the problem is. If you don't have nausea & other common nicotine OD symptoms then this isn't the cause.

^ This was the perfect response I was looking for. Thank you.

Also, I don't think I made e-cigs look bad because I ASKED if it was nicotine poisoning but let's just put that to rest.

Btw, the numbness/relaxation subsided after about an hour or two.

I was vaping Tribeca from Halo exclusively. They don't give you the option of changing the PG/VG ratio and I couldn't find what the standard is for their juices. The new flavor I've recently been using is Krankberry from FuzionVapor. I didn't see an option to change the ratios here either and have no clue what they are.


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Aug 5, 2013
thats the probelm with some suppliers that it isnt clear of what the ratios are, most have it on the bottle but ive came across some that dont and cant even find it on there websites which results in my emailing them for a answer. ive came that if its not clear anymore I wont buy it as pg makes me gag a bit and hurts my throat too much to enjoy the vape. its not as much makeing them look bad par say but that it gives antz ammo that people are claiming nic poisoning and even doctors which is totally incorrect but they wont care to look into it, nor will many new vapours who will look at it as bad and even scarey.:):):):):)


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Jan 20, 2012
Also, I don't think I made e-cigs look bad because I ASKED if it was nicotine poisoning but let's just put that to rest.

I don't think you made ecigs look bad either. And there have been others who have asked about nicotine poisoning so you're not the first. It' a valid concern since the way nicotine is delivered with ecigs puts quite a bit of responsibility on the user. Order ejuice with too high a nicotine level for you & then chain vape & it CAN happen. That's how it's happened to me the couple times I've experienced it. So I think it was sensible of you to ask here just to see if anyone has experienced this and find out if other users have experienced it so you can compare.


Senior Member
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Aug 26, 2013
I don't think you made ecigs look bad either. And there have been others who have asked about nicotine poisoning so you're not the first. It' a valid concern since the way nicotine is delivered with ecigs puts quite a bit of responsibility on the user. Order ejuice with too high a nicotine level for you & then chain vape & it CAN happen. That's how it's happened to me the couple times I've experienced it. So I think it was sensible of you to ask here just to see if anyone has experienced this and find out if other users have experienced it so you can compare.

Me too. I found with the higher nicotine levels its not good to chain vape. I usually go like 25 or 30 mg. I found I can chain vape about 20mg without getting sick. Lol.

To the OP. If you have a brick and mortar tobacco shop, maybe go buy some unflavored e-juice, or see if they can mix the PG\VG to different ratios for you. I know with me too much VG makes my throat hurt. When I first started vaping I got pretty phlegmy, but it passed in a few days.


ECF Guru
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  • Aug 13, 2011
    Being as I have had Bell's palsy I can assure you that it's nothing to fool with. 20 years later I still have difficulty swallowing. Everything that is controlled by the seventh cranial nerve *can* be effected. The first symptom that I noticed was a sudden increase in volume in my left ear. The sound of a passing car going in the other direction about blew my head off! Then I began to notice that my left eye felt irritated and dry (wasn't blinking)

    Just like with Shingles, if you have had Chicken Pox, the Bell's palsy virus (a form of Herpes) is inside you.

    Don't fool with this ....... the results *can* become permanent, especially if not treated. It's treated with steroids, so it's no big deal.
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    Shane Bappe

    Ultra Member
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    Sep 11, 2013
    Cozad, Nebraska, United States
    Being as I have had Bell's palsy I can assure you that it's nothing to fool with. 20 years later I still have difficulty swallowing. Everything that is controlled by the seventh cranial nerve *can* be effected. The first symptom that I noticed was a sudden increase in volume in my left ear. The sound of a passing car going in the other direction about blew my head off! Then I began to notice that my left eye felt irritated and dry (wasn't blinking)

    Just like with Shingles, if you have had Chicken Pox, the Bell's palsy virus (a form of Herpes) is inside you.

    Don't fool with this ....... the results *can* become permanent, especially if not treated. It's treated with steroids, so it's no big deal.

    I would get checked out in case it is Bell's Palsy. Also, I wanted to note that people use all different flavors and flavor ingredients when making the liquid. Have you tried going back and vaping Halo juices again? Did it still make you sick? I would try some of those "organic" juices or whatever they call them that have more natural ingredients for flavoring. I ordered some from Mountain Oak Vapors and they are really tasty too. If it is some allergy, I would try one of those or some other brand who makes a more, for lack of a better term, "pure" juice. I wouldn't imagine it being nicotine poisoning. I get juices all over my hands and was chain vaping 24mg like crazy when I first started and never had an issue but everyone's body is different and I do seem to have higher than normal tolerances to even rx drugs.
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