Newcomer, atomizer problems :(

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Senior Member
Dec 6, 2011
Buffalo, NY
Hi all, I've been using a REO mini for about a month or so with some 306 1.5 ohm cisco atomizers and have been very happy with it. I bought some new cisco 306 atomizers from the same vendor, some 1.8 and some 1.5 and *none* of them will fit on my mini. The threads seem too big and they won't screw down far enough to be able to fire them. Is anyone else having similar issues? Is there anything I can do?

Rhapsodies Fire

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 18, 2010
Bow, WA, USA
Hi Deluxe :)
Yes there are two things you can do. You can contact Rob and ask him to re-tap the threads on your mod. This will stop this from happening again. It may make other atties a bit looser than you are used to, but your Ciscos should always fit. The other thing you can do is contact Cisco and see if you can get them swapped out. Personally...if it were me, I would have Rob re-tap the threads on my mod.
The tolerances on these little buggers are really tight between the manufacturers of the atties and the atty connectors. It doesn't take much to throw the threading off a hair.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Feb 6, 2010
Silicon Valley, California
If memory serves this was a problem at one time and Cisco & Rob got together and the issue was resolved. Why its happening again is very strange.
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