New vaping: a journey through hell

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Jun 23, 2012
Omaha, Nebr
The journey started out alright, well damned good actually. But within a week, vaping ignorance shot me straight to hell.

To start off I got a good kit and juice that made me say, "Damn that's good." KGO and some banana pudding juice. Immediately, I was a non-smoker and a new vaper who was going to save a ton of money. Go ahead and laugh with me on that. Save money hahahaha.

First thing that happens is I run out of juice, and I was already low on cash. I assumed I could buy some locally, and I did... but it was over $1.00 per ml. Emergency averted but now I'm poorer then ever. Ten bucks for 10ml, which gives me roughly three days to get something in the mail.

Online, I order the cheapest "American made" that I can find, 30ml of a single note banana juice (impossible to F-up a one flavor juice, I assumed.) I need this to last me a while. Three days later it arrives. I'm stoked for some good banana vaping. Nope. It had no flavor ... at all. And I'm almost certain it had much much less nicotine than the 24mg I ordered. (When I got an 18mg nic juice later and I vaped it, it gave me a pretty good buzz. That makes me think I had zero nicotine in my system from vaping the "24mg" juice.)

Now my cartomizers are wearing out. I only had the initial five. But hey, not a problem. I'll just boil them like I've seen on youtube. :unsure: I won't go into the gritty but exciting details of boiling cartos. Just know not all things go as planned. So what to do. Analogs? or do I keep vaping a carto that was cashed a couple days ago?

I don't want to smoke! So I keep vaping this worn out carto and I make a new order. Clearomizer 1.8 ohms, five replacement heads, five LR cartos, and some more juice. Now vaping the worn out carto was pretty bad but survivable -- if I didn't drag too deep I could avoid most of the burnt taste. I was, however, very happy when the new stuff arrived.

Here I get a little respite on the journey through hell. (Thank you carolina vapes.) The clearo was and remains good. The cartos are good. The Ry4 I got was nice and flavorful. That gave me a whole week where I didn't need to vape the "flavorless no-nicotine banana 24mg nic juice."

That wasn't going to be the end though. Got my first canker sore, aka oral ulcer. It went away pretty fast - two days tops. Then bam, three more canker sores, two of them on my tongue. Amazing pain. I'm waking up in the middle of the night with the driest throat I've ever had and ...... every five minutes from drinkin what seems like an ocean of water. How can I drink so much and be so dry?

Those cankers go away, but the hell journey isn't finished with me. I've got two more coming.

(The story is going way too long, wrap it homie). I order some more juice. I order more of the stuff that made me say, "Damn that's good." I get two samplers so I've got five new juices to try.

They all taste like crap, even the one I used to like. Why? I dunno... I think I need standard resistance cartos for this juice. I need one of everything! And a VV battery! And one hundred juices.

What's the point? Vaping is not easy like I thought on day one. What's easy is going to the corner store and getting a pack of camels. It took me one month to figure out I'm clueless and hopefully in another month maybe, I'll be vaping easy.

(and If anyone has a SR carto, throw it towards Nebraska!)


Edit: I really didn't mean to write a book. Thanks for reading it.
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Jun 21, 2012
Cedar Park, TX
I'm sorry for you early struggles. All I can say is hang in there, because when you figure it out it is glorious. I have well over 50 bottles of juice and I've only been doing this for a month. It's definitely a process to find that one juice that will be become your all day vape. As far as the canker sores, you may be allergic to PG. I know there a quite a few that are, but I don't know the symptoms. You may want to look into that and think about getting 100% VG juices. Anyways, good luck with you journey and vape on!


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Jun 13, 2012
What's the point? Vaping is not easy like I thought on day one. What's easy is going to the corner store and getting a pack of camels.

Sad, but true. It really takes planning to vape in the beginning. I could very well have been in your shoes on equipment had I not had my impulsive purchasing habits.

It gets better, keep it up.


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Mar 25, 2012
I can see all of that. I also thought it would be cheaper initially. But also had to overcome that part where you need a backup device or four and a months worth of supplies.

One of the best things I've done was buy cartos a few dozen at a time. And I quit buying cheap juice. Everyone has misconceptions when they start. How juice flavors will taste is one of them.


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Apr 4, 2011
Tennessee, USA
my first kit was a standard ol' 510. It didn't take long for me to switch to the cartomizers. I do prefer them, but I've kept the original atomizers. They're handy for trying new flavors without having to fill a whole cartomizer, and in the event I get a bad batch, or an order that ships slow, I can drip on that if I run out.
They're not too expensive now, for the 510 one, and you may even like the flavor of the flavor-less banana if you drip it

Sorry you've had so many troubles starting out, but don't give up! It's worth it!


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Jun 23, 2012
Omaha, Nebr
Hope things get better for you!!! Great story though and so much of it rings true.
If it makes you feel better, I just received my order of Boge cartos, and they are the "funky" one's everyone is complaining about. I'm about to throw them your way if ya really want.........

No no no, don't need any bad boges
Throw some good vibes instead :)

I did learn my lesson about having extra cartos around. Now I just need a VV bat and a variety resistances maybe.


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Jun 23, 2012
Omaha, Nebr
my first kit was a standard ol' 510. It didn't take long for me to switch to the cartomizers. I do prefer them, but I've kept the original atomizers. They're handy for trying new flavors without having to fill a whole cartomizer, and in the event I get a bad batch, or an order that ships slow, I can drip on that if I run out.
They're not too expensive now, for the 510 one, and you may even like the flavor of the flavor-less banana if you drip it

Sorry you've had so many troubles starting out, but don't give up! It's worth it!

Good idea about the atomizers. I'm definitely going to pick up a couple.
I did manage to convert a horizontal coil carto to no-filler atomizer and tried it out. Decent


Super Member
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Dec 2, 2011
If you were here I would give you a high five for perseverance and for staying off of the stinkies!!!! :)

With your sense of humor and tenacity I predict that you will forge ahead with vaping and remain cigarette free in spite of the frustrations you've encountered.

And I agree with HappyTimeHarry that you may want to try a mostly VG juice if the canker sores come back. Keep drinking LOTS of water.

Hoping that things smooth out for you in the future!


Senior Member
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Jun 23, 2012
Omaha, Nebr
If you were here I would give you a high five for perseverance and for staying off of the stinkies!!!! :)

With your sense of humor and tenacity I predict that you will forge ahead with vaping and remain cigarette free in spite of the frustrations you've encountered.

And I agree with HappyTimeHarry that you may want to try a mostly VG juice if the canker sores come back. Keep drinking LOTS of water.

Hoping that things smooth out for you in the future!

:toast: High five with a beer in hand lol

I'm definitely going to switch to VG. I wouldn't be surprised if 100% VG became standard industry wide.


Senior Member
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Apr 5, 2011
Boothville Louisiana
I started vaping a year and a half ago. Although my job I have now allows me to keep the juices flowing so to speak, I still have issues with juices and no flavor. I got hooked on bobas first. Its been my favorite ever since. The 100% VG is my favorite. PG makes me a bit ill but I still keep a variety and try to mix them with VG. My only problem with VG is tank usuage and liquid feeding through the cartos. IMO the only way to fully enjoy it is dripping. VV is the way to go. I love my LT and hear the twist is nice as well. Although my tank makes me frustrated it works after some tinkering. I been there man. I was vaping straight usp VG once cause I had no juices. Lol. Not much satisfaction there but seeing tons of vapor. Keep on vaping on.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2010
A couple simple recommendations, get some menthol drops or menthol crystals, a few drops can fix almost any juice and you can always taste it...:) Also with beat up, used up cartos, take a dental pick or very small tweezers and carefully remove the filler just leaving the coil. They can be used as a dripping only "atty" in a pinch if the coil will still fire...(will leak like a sieve if over dripped, no filler to soak it up..:))
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